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6th July, 2009 at 10:16:12 -

I am still using Game Factory 1 on windows vista.
After finishing my first level which worked fine.
I began a new level.

I have noticed now the first level is unplayable.
many of conditions have been deleted and the playable character falls through all solid platforms.
Is there anyway to fix backup seems to be the same.

or am i screwed




VIP Member
6th July, 2009 at 12:18:12 -

That sounds odd. I blame Vista ... where did you get your copy of TGF1 at?, maybe it's a bugged version?, or maybe you are using 16 bit TGF instead of 32 bit TGF? .. I hear the 16 bit version has quite a bit more glitches than the 32 bit one.

Perhaps you could try restoring your computer to an earlier time? .. you may just be screwed though, .. at least you've only made one level. .. it could be some other file interfering with TGF, try deleting any useless temporary files. ...
Also make sure that you don't have any viruses or anything that could be corrupting data on your computer.

If none of that helps, do you remember the code used and have backups of the graphics? .. you may have to just re-do it from scratch.
Sometimes restarting can be a good thing, you'll notice things you didn't before and end up coding in a better way, so don't let it get you down. What kind of game was it?

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8th July, 2009 at 02:10:52 -

hey thanks, I got a free copy from the website as abandoned ware. Then upgraded it to 32bit.
I still have all the graphics in the library so looks like I am going to have to start again.

It was a kind of platform/puzzle game called Midnight Raider.
There are pics on my project page.



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
8th July, 2009 at 02:39:17 -

Vista can't do selective damage like this. I experienced something that I thought was similar to this, though I'm still not sure I just didn't forget to code it right in the first place... Once I fixed what was wrong and saved it was fine. You may be stuck reprogramming it, as MBK said. Copy the frames to a new file and save it separately if you do.

Also.. *Ahem* I'll ignore the part about your illegal TGF1 copy... >_>

Edited by OMC




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360 OwnerVIP MemberLOL SignSnow
8th July, 2009 at 02:49:18 -

I used to have this problem often. You can't do anything about it, the files are corrupted forever. It used to happen on my old Windows 98 so I doubt it's vista.

It sometimes corrupts graphics or sometimes it wipes the whole level. If it wipes the whole level, stop programming straight away and reload it, that should make it go back to normal.

I usually always re-save files in 3 different locations just incase it happens because sadly you can't do anything once it's corrupted.




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MushroomVIP MemberARGH Sign
8th July, 2009 at 03:46:16 -

It's not Vista, it's just TGF glitching out. Frequent occurance, happened to me all the time when I used TGF exclusively.




VIP Member
8th July, 2009 at 03:55:20 -

lol, yea, it's probably not Vista, but I blame it just for kicks ... .. It could be some sort of coding conflict too .. strange things can sometimes happen .. you should save often no matter what. I have loads of copies of different versions of my code even.

Things can get messy at times, but can always go back and clean up what you don't need later on.

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What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
8th July, 2009 at 04:47:17 -

It's never really been a problem for me... then again I was so used to TGF's quirks that I learned what to avoid.





I am an April Fool
8th July, 2009 at 16:03:33 -

Heres a tip for you.

Avoid copying and pasting in TGF by ALL means. I know for a fact that copying and pasting events can cause them to become corrupt.I know this too well from several experiences.

Don't know about the objects in the level editor, but corrupted events are not fun. I'd try to keep my copy+pasting to a minimum in any of the editors (minus picture editor).



Has some jaffa cakes in his coat pocket 3


360 OwnerVIP MemberLOL SignSnow
8th July, 2009 at 17:01:20 -

Yeah, what Gamester said, AVOID. Never copy actives in the level editor, it always glitches for me.





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8th July, 2009 at 17:23:27 -

I would just upgrade to MMF 2 before you get too used to the way things work in tgf 1. It's got way less glitches, and also it took me a little while to get used to the new interface before I actually started getting productive.




I am an April Fool
9th July, 2009 at 22:51:44 -

How could it take long to get used to mmf2s interface? It is essentially the same as TGFs. Switching over should be no problem. The only differences (that aren't new additions) are the controls in the event editor (editing expressions take a little bit longer than they do in tgf because you have to click more).

Getting used to MMF1.5s interface is a WHOLE different story. Coding took twice as long. Everything required more clicks etc. I used TGF over mmf1.5 until mmf2 came out./relevance

And I agree. Upgrading is well worth it. TGF is way too glitchy without reason.

Even if you only upgrade to TGF 2 it is well worth it. You can code many things easily, without extensions.

Edited by GamesterXIII



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
9th July, 2009 at 22:56:01 -

No, don't. Skip TGF2 and go for MMF2, that's a must.





I am an April Fool
10th July, 2009 at 00:01:04 -

I use mmf2 personally, but I do pretty much everything without extensions just fyi. It really depends on the persons budget.

Isn't that the main difference between tgf 2 and mmf2?



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
10th July, 2009 at 01:33:12 -

Well extensions are definitely a plus but I absolutely hated the huge interface icons in TGF2 and the splash screen. Perhaps you can change the icon sizes but it was a big pain in the buttkastrudel with my small resolution screen. I didn't have the money for MMF2 with my budget as you call it, but it was well worth the jump from MMF2.

Little niggles, so you could get by with TGF2. But if you can skip it and go for MMF2, by all means do so.

Edited by OMC





I am an April Fool
10th July, 2009 at 01:34:48 -

oo I was under the impression that TGF was pretty much an exact clone of MMF2 minus extensions.



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
10th July, 2009 at 01:35:41 -

It is. I'm just really finicky with my interfaces and splash screens. It looks like I'm making a huge ordeal out of it by saying so, but I didn't even bother trying to switch to TGF2 for the 2 years (?) I had it. When I bought MMF2 I did make the jump, so I guess that says something... *shrugs*

I'm just stubborn I guess.

Edited by OMC



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