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TDC is my stress ball


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Candy Cane
13th August, 2009 at 23:18:48 -

Originally Posted by Johnny Look
Thanks everyone

adam: ahaha yeah one of the things I miss the least is the food.
Oh and about the water of the leman lake, look by yourself:


This is the Chillon castle, I remember visiting the monument several times, and it wasn't that far from where I lived.

Awesome almost looks CGI I was staying next to a lake (Lake Brienz) There was a castle turret but we didn't go near it, infact we only noticed it on the last day of our visit (it was that much of a castle )




Drum and Bass Fueled Psycho


VIP MemberCardboard BoxThe Cake is a Lie
13th August, 2009 at 23:50:01 -

Dude, sorry about your GF!

I was very moved by this post- I almost felt like I WAS you while I read it.

Yeah, life shoves my face into the jagged gravel plenty of times, where I feel like I'm such a failure and I'll make it through life but accomplish nothing in the process. It's a mutual but nonetheless harsh feeling! The only way to get rid of it is to have faith and confidence in yourself, and as you mentioned, to work for it.

And when you fall, you get right back up and try again. Just like how MMF2 has crashes my comp so many times that I haven't used it in forever, but even though I lose all that progress I'm determined to retry and set things straight again.

Through all trial and error, I wish you the best of luck in life!


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
14th August, 2009 at 00:32:32 -

I really want to get into HDR photography like in Johnny's pic. That's one of my goals even though it's p**s easy apparently.

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13


14th August, 2009 at 01:03:48 -

This is really inspiring though, once I read it with more time to spare.

I am no longer not a taco.




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14th August, 2009 at 02:50:37 -

Originally Posted by ωξяξW○○F
And when you fall, you get right back up and try again. Just like how MMF2 has crashes my comp so many times that I haven't used it in forever, but even though I lose all that progress I'm determined to retry and set things straight again.

I love how you compared MMF2 to life.

I've lost a girlfriend before, once, but I'm determined not to let it happen again!
It was both our fault, well mostly mine, but I'm being smart now!

Good Luke with life!

Edited by UrbanMonk


Scott S

Heavy Metal


Wii Owner
14th August, 2009 at 03:41:34 -

Gah forgot how to embedd videos. However Great little song for you. And sorry to hear about that bud.

Edited by Scott S

Rockin' it.



VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
14th August, 2009 at 06:49:54 -

Break-ups are horrible. The first is the worst. I've seen people take years to get over them.. some people never do. Doesn't even matter whose fault it is.. but it's perfectly normal. It's sort of like a first step in life, something like a bird getting kicked out of it's nest to learn to fly, but ends up landing on its face. Not answering your friend's call is a perfectly normal thing to do, and I think if he's ever gone through the same thing, he'd understand.

Tough things make you stronger.. they hurt, but I assure you, every single person you've ever idolized will far more tough moments in life than you'd believe. (And sort of why a lot of legends end up killing themselves.) Just stick through it. You'll look back at things 10 years from now and not regret anything.

Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.




VIP Member
14th August, 2009 at 07:19:06 -

Beautifully written. And you should be happy, cause someone has to be, right?

I can't ever remember a time longer than a few fleeting moments that I have ever been happy; ever. There have been very few such moments. I can only imagine how it must feel to be that way all the time, so ... happy.
I'm almost the opposite of you, having very few things ever given me and growing up in a polluted crap-stain of a town with ugly scenery (including a filthy stinking river that I would not dare swim in) and earning every little bit I have and struggling with every little thing, and I can't write with beauty or peaceful poetic prose of the heart, for my heart is bitter and filled with rage at the days gone by.

I have always been grateful for the smallest of things. I have always searched for change and fought for it only to fail over and over again. I am cursed, this I know, it is in my blood as it was in my fathers and his fathers and yet I continue struggling on in hopes that something will change, that something good will happen, that I can dissipate the negative energy blocking my path so that I can finally grasp the few simple goals that I ever strive to attain. And as the years quickly dwindle, I've acquired a few conveniences that I worked hard to obtain, my car (nothing fancy), a few old videogames and my computer. The television is borrowed from my dad so yea, that's about it unless you count the computer desk I dragged outta someone elses garbage and cleaned up or the old beatup dresser with knobs missing, or my bed with broken springs and my non-namebrand clothing. I just thank God that I grew up in the USA instead of some 3rd-world country without plumbing and electricity.

So think of the struggling, the starving, poor, depressed, and the psychologically unbalanced.
Those problems are samplings from some of the stages of my life.
Think how many others are out there who have had it even worse than I.
Now look at how silly losing a girfriend sounds in comparison to those people's problems.

Time may heal all wounds, but guess what, we only have a limited amount of time on this Earth.
Make the best of it while you can. You are priviledged my friend, and for the little bit I have so am I.

You know, I felt like I was a rich man the day I could finally afford this computer.
And it took years to pay off my simple economy car.
Those are the only things of value that I own, but I got them of my own accord, with noone else's help.
And currently I have no girlfriend again and it's not such a bad thing, you probably just got too emotionally invested.

At least you didn't get her pregnant! ... Then you'd really have a problem. Take my cousin for instance, he made that mistake.
Btw, you probably have more to fight for than me. I currently have very little and I'm fighting a very different battle, a fight to change my station in life, and it very well may be an impossible task. So count your blessings.

Click Me!

Blood of the Ancient One, Seen only as Shadow, Faster than Lightning, Fierce as the Greatest Dragon, Nearly Invisible, Floating in a Dream, Entered through the Demon Door, Destroyer of Evil in a Realm with a Red Sky Scarred, Who could I be ?

Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
14th August, 2009 at 15:17:16 -

Thanks everyone !
adam: ahaha yeah the Swiss castles blend very well with the landscape.

scott: Thanks, I don't have flash installed in this computer but I'll surely check it out later, thanks.

muz: Well this one was far from being my first serious relationship, and while I believe what you said is true, what happened to me was exactly the opposite. I faced my first breakup almost naturally, I was like "this going to die sooner or later, better end this instead of losing my time" and I did, and I got over her less than a week later.

One of the things that made feel so bad about losing this girl was that I was afraid of loosing her since we started dating. She is one of the cutest girls I ever met, so I had to deal with a good share of dickheads who tried to get after her, even though they were aware she had a boyfriend. Naturally they all failed, but still I never felt totally safe, even though she never gave me reasons to feel like that. And now I managed to blew it all by myself, and now that I think of it, it's surprising she didn't ditch me sooner.

MBK: You know, after reading your post I kind of feel envy of you.
When you got your computer for example, you achieved a goal and I'm sure you felt really happy.
I have 3 laptops and a broken PC, and do you think I felt any happier when I received any of them ? Nope, I was like "cool, a better computer, hopefully now I can play Crysis with the high details on". Honestly, right now I feel like a asshole.
You on the other hand, feel grateful for everything you have. Right now I can't feel like you, because I don't feel like I own anything, everything was handed out to me.
And I'm not only talking about material goods here, I'm talking about friends, girlfriends, everything. I never had to work hard to get any of them, but now I see how all of them worked hard to get me. My ex gf being a good example of this, she fought for us all this time, when she realized the fight wasn't paying off, she gave up and moved on. And I learnt a huge lesson.


Dr. James MD



First GOTW AwardSecond GOTW AwardThird GOTW AwardPicture Me This -Round 26- Winner!
14th August, 2009 at 15:40:29 -

Originally Posted by Johnny Look

I have 3 laptops and a broken PC, and do you think I felt any happier when I received any of them ? Nope, I was like "cool, a better computer, hopefully now I can play Crysis with the high details on".

Haha, that was my exact same thought when I built a new PC for a relative. "can I nick this when she's away and play Crysis on high?". Infact my next PC is going to be built around playing Crysis at max settings and max resolution .

On the sixth day God created Manchester
"You gotta get that sand out your vaj!" x13

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