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2nd September, 2009 at 06:31:29 -

ok... so i was wondering, is there any way that.. lets put an example... i make a game... a program... w/e u like (most likely a game) online if u may, that can also be off line... here goes.. my idea is kinda complicated:
u can access this file, and do some stuff in it, like customize char, edit ur library, i dunno..., then u choose the "go on-line" option
now, this gives u a conection to a certain server in which there is this "world" where u can walk around, talk to pplz, buy useful stuff (it rly does sound like megaman, u may also be able to buy chips and all that stuff o.0)
anyways, u may also see this "area connection portal" which is most of the time off, BUT, when u connect a USB with data of the map, or a code to it or sumthing, so u can access this new area, and only people with it, can go to it.

mostly, my question, is: is there any way to make a USB or data server map that u can just interact with just by connecting it?
i know it sounds pretty much like the jack in ports from megaman (i actually got some useful ideas from megaman while i was in the inspiration throne AKA bathroom)

thanks in advance



2nd September, 2009 at 07:23:25 -

I don't think it's possible to have a "When USB device is inserted" event condition.

Perhaps instead you could use the file-folder (I think?) object to check the existence of a file called e:\portal.ini (you'll want to check f:\, g:\, h:\, i:\, j:\, because USC drives aren't always the same letter.) If it finds the file, run a quick ini check to verify that it's the correct one and unlock the new area.





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2nd September, 2009 at 07:56:00 -

if it were me making that type of game i would much rather program it for a device like psp ds or iphone/touch. that way you can use your current location, using a php script or iphones gps/location capabilities, to gain access to the online world. the world is wireless unlike in mega man battle net. you could log in via wifi or 3g networks.

but for what you described i think nim has the right answer. search all available drives for the map file.



3rd September, 2009 at 22:45:37 -

i thought of that but... lets put it this way... which is better (tking in consideration, if i put ini file in USB pplz just copy and send it to people, so they wont need it, and its not what i want), put the ini file inside, which has data of the new area, or just a code to "unlock the new area" meanwhile the usb is connected



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3rd September, 2009 at 22:49:35 -

I clicked on this thread expecting to find Nastyman posting a video of a random Israeli guy on TV, who resembled Megaman





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4th September, 2009 at 00:48:03 -

The Kernel Object can retrieve the drive type by using an ID number.

1 - No Drive/Floppy
2 - USB/Memory Stick
3 - Hard Drive
4 - Unknown
5 - CD/DVD Drive

So just check all of the drives for the file, once the file is found check to see if it is drive type #2.
OR you could check how much total disk space a drive has and encrypt and hash it, then compare that to a key file stored with the map data.

This is how it is possible to achieve what you want.

EDIT: Use the file object to check through a-z drives for the file with the name you have specified. You could even go so far as to make the map files hidden system files.

Edited by UrbanMonk



4th September, 2009 at 12:18:43 -

what you ask is imposible





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4th September, 2009 at 14:56:33 -

Originally Posted by Dogzer
what you ask is imposible

For you anyway...



What a goofball


KlikCast Musician! Guy with a HatSomewhat CrazyARGH SignLikes TDCHas Donated, Thank You!Retired Admin
4th September, 2009 at 15:53:26 -

Funny how similar an idea to this I wanted to make for the Pocket PC a long time ago... an EXE MMORPG.

Would be fun if anything came of it.




4th September, 2009 at 21:58:38 -

Originally Posted by OldManClayton
Funny how similar an idea to this I wanted to make for the Pocket PC a long time ago... an EXE MMORPG.

Would be fun if anything came of it.

in my case.. i belive just a big head ache, thnx every1 for the comments... i hope, when ever im done with this digital designing semester, i may star :0


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