Hey every one. I've known about the daily click for quite a while now. This is like my third account because it was when I didn't use the passwords I do now... but aside from that on too the question.
I'm making a game but I'm having a slight problem. I have created A.I well its not A.I yet as much as a punching bag that will turn into A.I. The problem I'm having is for some reason they wont act independently. For example if one enemy is on the ground, another enemy of the same type will fly up into the air because of the one on the ground.
I should have known I realized like a year ago that accidentally making the event to change a direction before something is created is a no go. But that was before I realized I could just change them manually now with MMF2. I got it working for now but its technically a temp solution. If I have more problems later I'll be sure to tell you. I'm glad you showed me this.