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VIP MemberI am an April Fool
14th October, 2009 at 04:21:35 -

I'm just throwing this out to anyone interested in contributing.

I'm looking to have original music and sound effects in the game, but I do not have the skill, talent, knowledge, and/or means to do so. If you are interested at all, know that I am looking for styles similar to Oddworld, Metroid Prime, Knytt, and other like music. Atmospheric and fitting to the setting.

Also, anyone who is interested in programming and graphics. I'd like to build a level editor for the game. This is not something I could undertake easily. If anyone can help me out here on a more personal level, let me know. As for graphics, if you are good with adding lots of detail to low-resolution sprites and background, I'm interested to use your talent.

Finally, if you'd like to contribute ideas, go to the official game forum at I haven't got a single new member from this site to post ideas at all. That's ok as you can contribute here as well. Just putting that out there more.

Thanks for reading. If I don't get anyone interested, I'll continue pilfering music from Oddworld and other like sources.



14th October, 2009 at 06:32:33 -

Ambient music? No discredit to any proper musicians we have here, but honestly you can do it yourself quite easily. Faked ambient music is not much more than some chords pushed through filters fading in and out with a few random noises tossed around. Most people won't complain.




VIP MemberI am an April Fool
14th October, 2009 at 07:56:47 -

I don't have the means to make it nor would it be the quality I desire.


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