Hey all! I was hoping to find someone to create sprites for a somewhat small platforming game. I'm doing this so I can get used to working with someone else, and to produce a relatively good looking game. (As the ones I've made with my own gfx are pretty, well, un-pretty.) So any help would be appreciated. PM me or post in topic if you want to help, but if you do, please post a mock-up character so I can see your visual style.
This is what I would need:
-Walking/Running (either)
~Enemies (Just one or two is fine)
~Collision tiles
~Backdrop/ Backdrop tiles (whichever fits your style)
~Plants or other environmental objects.
The game is not based around one environment or another. So go wild! And I think the more cartoonier, the better!
EDIT: This game is going to be a platformer. Forgot to say that.
Any more info on the game? How far along is it? What sort of screen res are you talking? Any info on plot, character design, game length etc? What've you done in the past?
I would be interested in the game; here is my most recent pixel art I've done for a game idea (which will inevitably lead to nothing). The main character is a mid-40s office worker who loses his mind, the main gameplay was due to take place inside his dreams:
As you can see I've used a limited pallette of 14 colours + white. Of course this isn't cartoony as such, but I don't have much of that kind of style as my laptop is fairly new. So yeh, answer those questions and I'll definitely be interested in helping.
Damn! That guys looks cool for someone old! (No offense to anyone hopefully). I think that style would work very well.
As the game as a whole goes, I have an engine completely done (I might need to fix a few things) and a small idea for the story. The idea isn't great, I could PM it to you, it's basically a save the person/object game. Through rigorous (though not devilish) platforming.
I haven't really decided on a resolution, I could go with anything that fit your artstyle or anyone else's. Same goes with tiles and the such.