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I am an April Fool
5th February, 2012 at 16:36:49 -



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
5th February, 2012 at 17:39:03 -

To be honest I have seen this type of legislation coming for some time, people just called me a "miserable old man" and that such things would never happen. The powers that be are pushing people into the online world for a reason, and that is total control and monitoring.

I always like to own the physical medium for my media, be it vinyl, Cartridge, CD or DVD. Numerous times I have been to shops only to be told they do not stock item XYZ as people buy it on itunes/steam/some other online service. Younger generations are just accepting this and they do not even seem to want the "real McCoy", something I find totally baffling (not to mention iTunes audio quality is my mind suspect, I got brought an itunes gift card last year as a gift). They also seem to willing post the whole details of their lives on social websites (read facebook), something else I find truly baffling.

On a side note, younger generations although being smart seem to be losing the ability to "think". The "Why should I solve this problem? I'll google it, somebody else is bound to have already done this and have answers for me!" mentality although sometimes appropriate seems to becoming prevalent, which annoys me.

Also if the prices of games etc were more reasonable, not only would more people be more willing to purchase things but I also think Piracy would pretty much disappear overnight. Profit driven mindsets will never take such an approach, as they will only contemplate profit from sales they have and expect from previous figures. Also if the internet becomes unviable for piracy, pirates will find another way, they always do.





Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
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5th February, 2012 at 18:42:38 -

I agree with everything Hagar said.




Has Donated, Thank You!360 Owner
5th February, 2012 at 23:51:16 -

That's a very interesting video MasterM, thank you for sharing it!


Johnny Look

One Happy Dude


VIP Member
6th February, 2012 at 05:07:12 -

I agree with hagar on everything except in one point.
"Also if the prices of games etc were more reasonable, not only would more people be more willing to purchase things but I also think Piracy would pretty much disappear overnight."

This is wrong. Some prices might seem unreasonable to the consumer(and I agree with that) but sadly so it is for most publishers/studios. Many companies are on dire straits right now, including big boys like THQ. Would cheaper games solve the problem ? Hardly. A smaller price tag doesn't guarantee more sales, let alone more profits. That wouldn't fix the piracy problem either, sometimes the contrary happens. For instance, Dungeons of Dredmor costs only around 4$, but the game is still pirated to death. However, Matrix Games' products are usually priced between 40$ and 50$, yet good luck finding yourself a pirate copy.




I am an April Fool
6th February, 2012 at 08:50:03 -

let's be honest I disagree with you. I've already posted it somewhere else and they all behaved like you guys which is just sad.

Overall I was a bit shocked that people who use the internet every day are like: oh yes that sounds alrgiht- no problem with that.

are you guys SERIOUS?

This isn't about "omfg people steal stuff on the internet - we have to stop piracy". This is about controlling the internet and spying on us. looking at what we do and how we use the internet THAT is the big problem. I think you are all completly missing the point which is just sad.

I was hoping more people who USE the internet would be against it and not FOR it.




Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
6th February, 2012 at 10:18:30 -

MasterM are you super cereal? I thought it was quite obvious I oppose it, and at the same time I find the younger generations "meh" attitude to a complete loss of privacy quite baffling.

I'm the type of person that refuses to carry their driving license (it's not law in the UK) and I would protest if ID cards was introduced in the UK. Why on earth should the majority have their lives meddled with for the few. If the ACTA legislation came into power, I would stop using the internet for anything identifiable to myself.

I'm also annoyed with Clickteam stance on serials on their forum, for exactly the same reason as above.



Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
6th February, 2012 at 11:43:50 -

Originally Posted by Johnny Look
I agree with hagar on everything except in one point.
"Also if the prices of games etc were more reasonable, not only would more people be more willing to purchase things but I also think Piracy would pretty much disappear overnight."

This is wrong. Some prices might seem unreasonable to the consumer(and I agree with that) but sadly so it is for most publishers/studios. Many companies are on dire straits right now, including big boys like THQ. Would cheaper games solve the problem ? Hardly. A smaller price tag doesn't guarantee more sales, let alone more profits. That wouldn't fix the piracy problem either, sometimes the contrary happens. For instance, Dungeons of Dredmor costs only around 4$, but the game is still pirated to death. However, Matrix Games' products are usually priced between 40$ and 50$, yet good luck finding yourself a pirate copy.

Lets get one thing clear here.

Piracy != Lost sale

Not every pirate would have purchased a game would he not have had the chance to pirate it.

Now, what's the real threat to the game industry? Used games. Now you may say WTF I paid for my used games? Yes, but where did that money go? Not to the developers.

Anyway, as MasterM says this is NOT about piracy, it's about freedom from surveillance.

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!



I am an April Fool
6th February, 2012 at 15:29:16 -

Originally Posted by ..::hagar::..
MasterM are you super cereal? I thought it was quite obvious I oppose it, and at the same time I find the younger generations "meh" attitude to a complete loss of privacy quite baffling.

I'm the type of person that refuses to carry their driving license (it's not law in the UK) and I would protest if ID cards was introduced in the UK. Why on earth should the majority have their lives meddled with for the few. If the ACTA legislation came into power, I would stop using the internet for anything identifiable to myself.

I'm also annoyed with Clickteam stance on serials on their forum, for exactly the same reason as above.

ive to admit the drivers license thing always made me lol in the usa. it just goes to show HOW the usa works. its a nation build in cars. if you dont have a car you are FUCKED in the usa. i realized that when i was there. here in europe i can just walk around or take the train.

seriously what if i DONT have a drivers license in the usa? i guess i won't have an ID which is just weird but yeh i guess its unthinkable to be american and to NOt have a drivers license while i know a lot of germans who don't have any.

on the other hand you are required to carry your ID card (we have those) with you all the time in germany. i dont. it's way too big so i carry around my drivers license cause i also need that for my train ticket ha.


clickteam forum

yeh ive read about it but still don't get it. say i have old mmf and TGF 2 Newgrounds edition what boards can i post on?

I still have a bunch of questions regarding the iOS exporter I would like to have answered BEFORE I buy it. where shoudl i post those questions since they didn't get answered here on TDC :C ? am i even ABLE to post those questions on the clickteam forum if i don't have a serial for mmf 2 DEV?


the whole facebook and twitter deal is weird to me. very weird to me. HEY LOOK AT ALL THOSE COOL THINGS IM CURRENTLY DOING. its creepy they let everyone see what they do. also it makes me feel fucking miserable about myself because people only post the FUN parts of their life and not : hey im just sitting in front of my PC doing nothing PICTURE


so you are against ACTA- good. most people are like OH WHATEVEr. everyone whines about SOPA which is the yank thing but ive not see anyone complain about ACTA yet


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