Posted By
Registered 22/02/2012 17:55:55
Points 5
24th February, 2012 at 24/02/2012 18:06:55 -
Is there anyone who played WOA - and still remembers some answers??
I'm stuck on level 4 - Always plus row - table with flags, numbers... where some 'simple' math gives an English word. (In my opinion two words - but I still don't get letters)
and level 14 - Cheers him up - (a sad gay 'loving and expecting music') - so, I have no clue how to start a button on the game screen...
World of Abstractica consumed my life...
Stuck on Neuromaniacs (Journey 5) levels 30. (Romantic poem) and 42. (Cat & mouse)
Wizard's help needed. Desperately