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11th March, 2012 at 11/03/2012 14:26:47 -


I'm currently deciding whether to buy an iPhone or a Galaxy Nexus. Any advice on which is better? I don't care about games but useful apps would be nice. I literally just sat down with a coffee and started researching tonight.

I'm pretty familiar with the iOS UI because I have an iPod Touch already. It's nice of course, but I don't like how "locked down" Apple products feel. On the other hand, the interface is lovely and it feels great to use. And i-Stuff has all the nicest accessories I'm kidding, that's not important. I'd like to know in partocular, is it a pain to sync Android devices with your PC? My music library has become quite embedded in iTunes over the years (I've rated almost all of my songs and almost exlusively use Smart Playlists) so is it possible to sync an iTunes list with an Android device?





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11th March, 2012 at 11/03/2012 19:04:56 -

iPhone... for customer service.

I'm on my third iphone since apple replaces it whenever I say I have a problem. ha!
Including when I cracked the screen, it was just a single fracture though.

A friend of mine bought an android with a $100 replacement fee. Cracked the screen and they wouldn't replace it for free.

Also If you bought an iphone you could develop for it. The apple app store makes more money than the android app store. Obvious choice there.

I've never owned an android though, so I can't say much for that.

Edited by UrbanMonk



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12th March, 2012 at 12/03/2012 06:43:44 -

Android, if you want a phone that does more than look pretty and doesn't restrict you to using the bulky iTunes software just to sync material to it.

Basically - if you're a power user, tech enthusiast, or just want a phone that's going to give you a lot of flexibility and features at the sacrifice of needing a little common knowledge for how to operate a computer, you can't go wrong with Android.

A better way to say is, if you're a Mac user... there's a very good chance you're going to hate Android.
If you're a PC user (Windows or Linux) and you know why you prefer PC over Mac, there's a good chance Android will appeal to you, because Android offers the same level of flexibility as a PC does, compared to iOS which is like a match made in heaven for Mac (for obvious reasons).


12th March, 2012 at 12/03/2012 13:34:16 -

Thanks for the comments guys. After a night of reading up about the devices, they appear to be pretty similar in terms of hardware specs, ease of use and available apps. It mostly comes down to personal preference.

What Silveraura said reflects how I feel about it too. I do enjoy tinkering with PCs and enjoy the flexibility they offer, but I just don't know if I have the time anymore to go hunting around Android forums for advice on what the best File Manager app is. But despite that, I'm still gearing up to get an Android in a couple of days. I'll probably keep the iTouch for music and the few iOS apps I'd miss, and I don't mind carrying a couple of devices around.




I am an April Fool
15th March, 2012 at 15/03/2012 21:36:45 -

I would say get an iPhone. I am an Android user myself (Samsung Galaxy S) but since you said you are using iTunes I would say getting an iPhone is the best option.

The standard music player that comes with Android is a piece of crap. You can get winamp for android but it isn't really good either. It doesn't matter for me because all the audio that comes out of my Galaxy S sounds like garbage.
The audio that comes out of the iPhone sounds always just great.

Also you have more apps on iPhone- way more. If you want to fiddle around with your phone MAYBE Android is the better option but why would you want to fiddle around with your phone in the first place? I have rooted my phone and I have installed a lot of stuff so that it went from awful shit to just shit.

Seriously get an iphone. Only good thing about Android are the keyboards. They are fast and work and there are a lot of great keyboards out there. The keyboard on iOs is a nightmare if you want to write more than just "hi sup?".



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
15th March, 2012 at 15/03/2012 22:36:27 -

I prefer Android, due the open nature of it (long time linux and windows user), but if you have a lot of music on itunes it probably makes sense to get an iphone.

I generally have decent speaker and amp setups (no audiophoolery, I am an electrical engineer after all - i know half the audio industry's claims are nonsense ), I find the quality of itunes & earbuds as highly suspect. Then again, I only usually listen to music on mobile devices in the gym ( it really helps pass the torture time ) so being tied to a big amp and speaker setup is not a concern for me.

Just on a side note as somebody that designs electronics (albeit for a small nice market I find the idea of putting glass on a mobile device as totally absurd. Is there ANY technical reason to do so? Mac users always give lame reasons why it is cool/great idea (your expected to buy bumpers or a case!).



Don't listen to this idiot


You've Been Circy'd!VIP MemberPS3 Owner
15th March, 2012 at 15/03/2012 23:27:41 -

Well iTunes has been DRM-free for a while (for music that is!) so from that perspective it shouldn't matter.

You could take the opportunity to switch to music software that isn't bloatware (I recommend foobar2000)

- Ok, you must admit that was the most creative cussing this site have ever seen -

Make some more box arts damnit!




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16th March, 2012 at 16/03/2012 00:10:20 -

Originally Posted by ..::hagar::..
Is there ANY technical reason to do so? Mac users always give lame reasons why it is cool/great idea (your expected to buy bumpers or a case!).

Nope, the previous versions didn't have glass.

It's just aesthetics. It looks nice.



Old klik fart


You've Been Circy'd!Teddy Bear
16th March, 2012 at 16/03/2012 10:01:32 -

Any mobile product that uses glass in the outside structure (especially where longitudinal compression is easily possible during a fall) is a perfect example of extraordinarily stupid design imo.

The tinywatchproductions videos about iphone 4 vs ... and IPad 2 vs Library sums up my thoughts on apple products and their fan base pretty much .



  28/02/2012 15:24:25
16th March, 2012 at 16/03/2012 13:26:26 -

I'm an apple 'fan' (at least of the computers - I find iPods frustrating and I've never used an iPhone). Currently the only time I use a windows PC is to run TGF2, and I have different linuxes on a couple of computers (ones an old macbook - it works very nicely!). I think there are misconceptions - stuff like this:

Basically - if you're a power user, tech enthusiast, or just want a phone that's going to give you a lot of flexibility and features at the sacrifice of needing a little common knowledge for how to operate a computer, you can't go wrong with Android.

A better way to say is, if you're a Mac user... there's a very good chance you're going to hate Android.
If you're a PC user (Windows or Linux) and you know why you prefer PC over Mac, there's a good chance Android will appeal to you, because Android offers the same level of flexibility as a PC does, compared to iOS which is like a match made in heaven for Mac (for obvious reasons).

"Power users" are pretty much the definition of a self-selecting club, and so the term doesn't necessarily mean very much. Mac OS X is a very powerful and flexible OS, and because it's UNIX it has an awful lot in common with linux (seeing as both have a command line that talks directly to the OS and operates in more or less exactly the same way depending on which shell you use, the transition between linux and mac is barely noticeable if you use the terminal a lot). Windows is a terrific headache and nowadays a lot of windows programs will work fine on UNIX systems using Wine (I play most click games on my Mac, and only use the old windows tower for TGF as it keeps me off the internet and thus keeps me focused)

Anyway, sorry for going so off topic!






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16th March, 2012 at 16/03/2012 15:49:52 -

I don't care for android at all. All the androids I've played with felt clunky. The OS is just terrible in my opinion.

As for the MAC vs the PC argument I'd choose PC over a Mac any day.
I own both.

PC's for the price as a Mac are in most cases 10x the speed.

Apple machines are overpriced for what you get.

This image explains it well.





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19th March, 2012 at 19/03/2012 20:05:51 -

"The OS is just terrible in my opinion."

The problem with what you just said is that not every phone even uses the same UI. A phone by verizon and the same phone by at&t can have drastically different UI. Even if the Android Version is the same. My phone recently underwent an update (a phone update not an android version update) and the phone COMPLETELY changed. don't blame android, blame your manufacturer/service provider.

I prefer android, but wouldn't mind it being on a sexy looking device either. My Droid X is just a brick. Still love it though.





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21st March, 2012 at 21/03/2012 00:52:28 -

Originally Posted by The Cecilizer
The problem with what you just said is that not every phone even uses the same UI.

Even worse!
I don't want to have to figure out how to use my phone after each update.

Not to mention this type of OS and device fragmentation is exactly why developing for it is such a pain.


Jon Lambert

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21st March, 2012 at 21/03/2012 01:30:11 -

Android updates aren't so different that someone is going to complain about it. People go out of their way to download new launchers to make their phones work differently, themes to make them look different, etc. I don't think you're giving the average person enough credit, Urbanmonk.

I have a Droid X on Verizon and got an Ice Cream Sandwich rom, and even lacking Flash, Voice actions, and Chrome compatibility, I think it is the greatest thing to happen to Android. I like it quite a bit.

Also, if I want an iPhone interface, I can download Espier Launcher, and if I want a Windows Phone 7 interface, I can download Launcher 7.

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21st March, 2012 at 21/03/2012 02:10:10 -

The user should be able to change the UI as they like, but there should be a default standard.

Just like UI/OS fragmentation there is also device fragmentation.

When developing for the droid it's difficult to know what to expect since there are so many variations on the hardware.

There are some pretty darn good droid phones though, as far as hardware goes.

A jailbroken iPhone can do everything droid can do. If you are "power user" then you're more than capable of performing a jailbreak since it's just a click of a button nowadays.

App sales are on average better on the iOS app store too. I suggest buying a device that you might develop for. The choice is obvious.


Jon Lambert

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21st March, 2012 at 21/03/2012 04:56:30 -

But can a jailbroken iPhone do everything an android phone can do? I can't write my own iOS rom or kernel, last I checked anyway. That limits it in a way that some Android phones are not. I think of it as such: I could make an Android be exactly like iOS, but can I make iOS be exactly like Android?

As far as device fragmentation goes, you just have to say "My app needs this, this, and this" in terms of hardware, maybe adapting for lower resolutions and thinga. The Google Play store filters apps so that devices that don't have the necessary hardware don't see the apps, so you just gotta stop trying to get every single device.

Sandwich Time!Whoo!

JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
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21st March, 2012 at 21/03/2012 17:08:07 -

iPhone can run android. Google it.

But why would I downgrade?


Jon Lambert

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21st March, 2012 at 21/03/2012 20:29:16 -

iPhone 3GS can, I've read it before, but that speaks of the iPhone hardware, not iOS as I was discussing. The downgrade comment just sounds like fanboy drivel/troll bait.

Sandwich Time!Whoo!

JoyCheck & KeyCheck Widgets
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22nd March, 2012 at 22/03/2012 03:51:09 -


Well there is a plugin that I used to have installed that would let me change the interface.
It had android and windows 7 phone interfaces, and a bunch of custom ones.
Once I got done showing it off I deleted it.

It was cute though.




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
17th June, 2012 at 17/06/2012 12:17:02 -

iOS is superior to Android... but only because they specialize. Android is designed to be much more flexible and customizable.

So, yeah, if you're the type of person who uses a phone to play music, watch movies, call people, play games, then iOS is better, faster, and prettier.

If you're into finding fun fixes for your phone, hacking networks, packet sniffing, making games, get an Android. iOS is just not designed for it, and fails utterly in what it's not designed to do.

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17th June, 2012 at 17/06/2012 13:48:39 -

Oh, I suppose I should have updated this with my experience so far.

I eventually got the Android and I'm very glad that I did. In hindsight I don't know why I was even debating it. The OSs and brands have various advantages but the main thing is that it's nice to be free of Apple. I'm not sure if the Nexus was the best choice of phone (but it was free.)

I still have my iPod touch and usually don't mind taking two devices with me. I use the iPod for music and some random apps that aren't on Android, and that's it. iOS has been terrible since I upgraded to version 4 or whatever it was. On Android I can disable the accelerometer for specific apps, which is the single most amazing thing if you've previously used an iPod/iPhone. I much prefer Android as a "business" phone and iPod as an entertainment thingy.

Edited by nim




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
11th July, 2012 at 11/07/2012 11:15:31 -

Also, some recent updates from the field.. Samsung Galaxy S3 is just miles ahead of the latest iPhone (and apparently statistics say that the most recent iOSes lead in mobile O/S crashes). Google Nexus is proving good competition to Samsung too.

I hear smartphone developers are working on new tech that simulates texture and resistance, so you might actually have real d-pad feels on a touchphone soon.

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11th July, 2012 at 11/07/2012 13:48:05 -

Originally Posted by Muz
Google Nexus is proving good competition to Samsung too.

Did you mean Apple instead of Samsung up there?

The one I have is a Samsung Galaxy Nexus. There are other Nexus devices made by other companies, such as the HTC Nexus One.

Still love this phone, btw.




VIP MemberI'm on a BoatI am an April FoolHonored Admin Alumnus
12th July, 2012 at 12/07/2012 01:34:10 -

Er, yeah, I meant apple, lol.

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