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  15/08/2012 03:32:12
15th August, 2012 at 15/08/2012 06:46:24 -

Okay, I'll try to make this as straight forward as possible, and any suggestions/help is much

To start from the beginning, I had an old PC that pretty much just crapped out on me one night,
I was building a test engine for a game idea I'd had. I tossed in the timex.mfx extension to tinker
with and see if I could get a "time slowing" effect by having it pause the application every 0.20
seconds for a set amount of time. From what I could tell it seemed to work, and it looked pretty cool
especially since I wasn't really expecting any results.. so I decided to keep it.
( now I read all these posts arguing its problems/reliability and I wish I'd never touched the thing )

So one night my computer dies, and in about a weeks time I get a new one together and stick my old hard
drive ( the one with the game ) into it. So I install MMF2 Dev onto it, but instead of downloading the extension
packs, ( which in retrospect I guess was pretty lazy ) I just copied my old MMF2 Extensions folder over to
replace the one in the new directory.

After this things pretty much went to hell.

It still requested the extensions I'd copied over (Notably Timex.mfx ) , and when I went and got them
installed correctly from, the game I'd been working on that had once ran nice
and smooth.. was now a disaster. The frame rate was all over the place, the movements range from
normal to slow and choppy, and there's random moments of lag. After testing some of my older works
( most of which are considerably more taxing on the pc ) and finding out that they ran just fine, I
came to the conclusion that I must have screwed something up when I moved over my old extensions.

So.. I uninstalled everything, every extension pack and then MMF2 Dev itself, and then I re-installed
them in order from start to finish. Now I have a new problem and this is where I need your help..

I can longer even access the game.mfa file, Fusion is giving me the message:

"Cannot load extension timex.mfx"

Followed of course by

"Failed to open document"

I've downloaded and installed the extension pack that includes timex.mfx at least 3 times
since then, still the same result. I've located that particular file and deleted it and
then re-installed the pack and still nothing.

I'm wondering if there is some registry file I can alter or clear or something? I can't even
access my game now, and I never really even needed timeX in the first place I'd be fine
just to be rid of it.

Anyway, sorry for all the text, and again any help is really appreciated.

Edited by Decay



Hero of Time Jr


VIP MemberI donated an open source project
15th August, 2012 at 15/08/2012 14:26:53 -

Can you post the file? I'll see if I can open it and remove the timex object so you can continue working on the game, assuming the file didn't get corrupt or something.

If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.
The rest of them will write Perl programs.


  15/08/2012 03:32:12
16th August, 2012 at 16/08/2012 00:11:50 -

Hey Monkey, here's a link

appreciate it



16th August, 2012 at 16/08/2012 00:29:07 -

I have timex.mfx in the regular Multimedia Fusion 2/Extensions folder. Maybe MMF Dev has its own folder?



Hero of Time Jr


VIP MemberI donated an open source project
16th August, 2012 at 16/08/2012 01:09:38 -

this should work, let me know if you're still having problems.

If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.
The rest of them will write Perl programs.


  15/08/2012 03:32:12
16th August, 2012 at 16/08/2012 03:08:35 -

removing it did the trick. Thanks you guys!



Hero of Time Jr


VIP MemberI donated an open source project
16th August, 2012 at 16/08/2012 05:21:12 -

You're very welcome

If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.
The rest of them will write Perl programs.

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