Hello all you TDC fans out there...And welcome to ZODIAC ATTACK 2013!
It's a friendly competition open to anyone here on the TDC forum. I do have a special prize in store for the winner...so keep reading.
You must make a video game that is inspired in some way by the classic Greek Zodiac. Any kind of game, any length, any genre or style is welcome.
Submissions must have download links posted in this thread by 12:00 GMT, 31st May 2013. As of this posting, you have nearly two months to put something together.
Yes. Here are a few important bits:
- You must include the Zodiac Attack 2013 logo (generously donated by Old Man Clayton...Thanks, man!) as a splash screen at the beginning of your game. You can download it at the following link:
- You must state up front, in this thread, what your zodiac inspiration for your game happens to be.
...And that's it! ENTER TODAY!
Oh yeah...I almost forgot. If I choose you as the best game of the bunch, then I will ship you a CD with all the games included, plus I will send you a special zodiac-themed prize. I will ship it to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. As long as it's a legitimate address, then I will send it to you.
Fear not. I've composed a brief page to consolidate some zodiac graphics that just might inspire you to zodiacal greatness:
Oh, and I forgot to mention that I will post my brief (and constructive) reviews for each and every game entered into the competition.
One last thing: there are no limits to the number of entries you are allowed to submit! So go ahead and make a game for all the different signs of the zodiac (including the mysterious 13th sign...).
Originally Posted by s-m-r If I choose you as the best game of the bunch, then I will ship you a CD with all the games included, plus I will send you a special zodiac-themed prize. I will ship it to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. As long as it's a legitimate address, then I will send it to you.
...you don't understand.
And then there's this part:
Originally Posted by s-m-r ...I will post my brief (and constructive) reviews for each and every game entered into the competition.
If anyone wants to donate a prize, then I'll gladly include it. Any suggestions?
After the winner is selected but before I ship out the gift, I will confirm whether or not the prize should be "family friendly" in nature and content. That's pretty much the most detail I will reveal about it.
Clickteam has offered a prize for the winner: an exporter of your choice, or an upgrade from MMF2 Standard to MMF2 Developer!
I'll also have the ratings I give to all the entries freely available, and reviews will be much more thorough, in an effort to add additional legitimacy to the compo.
...So if my original offer of prizes didn't tickle your fancy, then perhaps this will.
If you guys needs some help with lang like in this image : http://www.let-off.com/software/zodiac/zodiac.jpg
I can help you I know hebrew.
Crab = סרטן (SARTAN)
Lion = אריה (ARYE)
Virgin = בְּתוּלָה (BETULA)
Twins = תאומים (TEOMIM)
Taurus = שור (SHOR)
Aries = טלה Now in the picture its טלא but no one really write like this anymore today. (TA LE)
Fishes = דגים (DAGIM)
Bucket in simple lang or Aquarius in zodiac lang = דלי (DLI)
Now that thing that is deleted is גדי which means = Young goat. (GDI)
Bow/Archer = קַשָּׁת (KASHAT OR KESHET)
Scorpion = עקרב (AKRAV)
Libra = מאזניים (MAZNAIM OR MOZNAIM)
There's still plenty of time to create a quality, competitive entry for the Zodiac Attack 2013 Compo...Any more entries we should know about? ClickTeam has put up some nice prizes for the winner!
Hey, can I alter the logo a bit to fit inside my resolution?
Like just downscale and clean it up a bit?
Don't know if I'll enter yet because I found this thread just now and May is a busy month, but I'll try.
(I'll eventually pitch you the concept when I finish brainstorming it)
Originally Posted by Floating~ Hey, can I alter the logo a bit to fit inside my resolution?
Like just downscale and clean it up a bit?
Sure, you're welcome to scale down the image if necessary. Please do not alter the colours if you can help it. The black-n-white colours are for those who want something that would clash less with their game's colour scheme.
Hope to see an entry from you before the month is out, Floating!
Ok so my concept is a side-scrolling shoot-em-up/bullet hell type game where you either control or fight spaceship shaped as zodiac with special abilities. (Somewhat related to the zodiac) It was the best I came up with haha.
First time poster here. Nothing like a compo to get motivated, right? I'll do the only game I know how to do so far, a platformer loosely based on Nastyman's Bubblegirl game.
Originally Posted by neeters_guy First time poster here. Nothing like a compo to get motivated, right? I'll do the only game I know how to do so far, a platformer loosely based on Nastyman's Bubblegirl game.
Welcome to TDC, neeters_guy, and hop to it! Perhaps you'll find a way to convert SnowBunni to some sort of zodiac-themed platformer, eh?
Alright, had some time to think. I'm thinking of a small-scale FF style isometric/top-down RPG with an overlord, smaller areas, and (turn-based) combat. You're the new ruler of the celestial world and to take over you have to battle all the celestial spirits (signs), which would equal 12 bosses. Some of the lesser signs will be "normal" enemies.
Check out my games and other things on my blog: fgraptor.tumblr.com
Current entrants/interested parties I've noted are as follows:
Old Man Clayton
Don Luciano
Current Prizes are:
SMR's secret Zodiac-themed Prize shipped to the winner
Choice of one: Upgrade from MMF2 Standard to MMF2 Dev -OR- an exporter of your choice
There's still time! Just post in this thread that you intend to enter, what from the Zodiac serves as your inspiration, and be sure to include one of the Zodiac Attack 2013 logos in your entry.
Could you maybe have an unlimited supply of asteroids, and then make the particles gradually fade away after a while? That way you could limit the number of objects.
Incidentally, I'm considering entering something for this competition myself
Still plenty of time to create an entry for it, Sketchy. You have so many snippets of code accumulated that your entry is just waiting to be assembled and have artwork added to it.
And OMC, you're welcome to update your submission until the deadline, so if you want to make changes then just post notice of it in this thread.
Guys. I gotta secretly confess I wanted to join in and have been thinking of themes to do, but I've spent too much time thinking of what genre of game and what theme to do that time passed and it's already may 20, and I haven't started anything yet. All these screenshots are getting me exited to see more of you guys and I wanted to say good luck
Ok some I'm getting some kind of inspiration for a game....
So I am making a game.For the compotition.
So my zodiac inspiration is kinda just the zodiacs from the babylon one.
Kinda about zombies and strategy and how the zodiacs effect the zombies...and....I think I just made a new sub genre....
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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Mine is a straight-up Fire Emblem clone, with each unit type representing a sign of the zodiac, albeit with a *lot* of artistic license - for example, Taurus is a minotaur (half man, half bull).
Of course it will have the usual rock-paper-scissors dynamics - instead of the axe/sword/lance weapon triangle, I'll have a fire/water/earth/air square (so water based elements beat fire elements etc).
Dam cant find the website with a realy good zombie AI. I think I have the example somewhere in my folders.Oh and here are some sketches I did while I was bored:
Posting screenshots on this forum is complicated for me....
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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Man, all your progress is making me jealous. I've been a bit lazy and had other stuff to do, so I will have to do a crazy sprint in the last week I think. I don't have time to work on it today, so I will try and post some screenshots tomorrow so I don't feel so left out.
Good going everyone.
Check out my games and other things on my blog: fgraptor.tumblr.com
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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Just had a slight panic, thinking the deadline was the day after tomorrow - but actually it's not for another week.
Unfortunately, I haven't touched my project recently (got distracted by a family visit), so all I have so far is the level editor - just added temples (equivalent of HQ and possibly Bases in Advance Wars) and crystals (equivalent of cities).
Movement and combat should be fairly straight-forward, so I'm just wondering if I'm going to have time (not to mention the ability) to make a computer-controlled opponent, or if I should play it safe and go with hotseat 2-player only... Thoughts?
I haven't read this thread yet but god damn Sketchy that's awesome! Does it play like Advance Wars too?
You can probably make a good computer AI I would guess, it doesn't have to be too brilliant but maybe have enemies go after healers and stuff first like ADW's enemy goes after Rig units and etc. 2 player hotseat would be a better gameplay experience however I'm not sure how many of us have somebody right with us who would be able to / want to play it when we did.
Did anybody make a game about a scorpion who has to try and sting people and drive them out of the desert yet?
"Del Duio has received 0 trophies. Click here to see them all."
"To be a true ninja you must first pick the most stealthy of our assorted combat suits. Might I suggest the bright neon orange?"
DXF Games, coming next: Hasslevania 2- This Space for Rent!
That looks great! Nice to see a klik fighting game too - they're pretty rare.
The only thing I'd say is that you could make the background a bit less plain (you still have a week to draw some nice backdrops).
@ Del Duio: Cheers It doesn't play at all right now, but yes, the plan is for a mix of Advance Wars and Fire Emblem. Even a very dumb AI is going to be challenging to code, but I agree that a lot of people probably wouldn't have anyone to play against otherwise.
Originally Posted by LordHannu S-M-R Where should we upload the games when were done?
You can upload your games to any site where it would be of no cost for someone to download it. If you have your own website, that would be ideal, but there are other free file-hosting websites out there.
If someone's having a serious problem uploading their game somewhere, contact me in a PM and we'll work something out, I'm sure.
Once your game is available for download, post a download link in this thread so judges (and other players) have access to them. The download link is due by 31st May at 12 noon GMT - as per the Compo rules.
Originally Posted by Sketchy Just had a slight panic, thinking the deadline was the day after tomorrow - but actually it's not for another week.
Unfortunately, I haven't touched my project recently (got distracted by a family visit), so all I have so far is the level editor - just added temples (equivalent of HQ and possibly Bases in Advance Wars) and crystals (equivalent of cities).
Movement and combat should be fairly straight-forward, so I'm just wondering if I'm going to have time (not to mention the ability) to make a computer-controlled opponent, or if I should play it safe and go with hotseat 2-player only... Thoughts?
Hey you.. yeah you.
You're making one hell of a progress and work for this tight deadline that screenshot looks promising and it's making me feel bad about not being able to join
Wow I think this is my best project ever....kinda.
I found some free music that can be used even if I make money from the project.
The graphics are pretty good.The basic elements are working.
I got rid of zombies and replaced them with these demons.
Now its time to make some special zodiac related abilitys and polish the game up with dimmed lightening and a flashlight thingy.
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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It's officially the final week of the compo, folks! You have until this Friday at noon to complete your games, and post a download link in this forum.
I'm very excited to see so much activity and some impressive 'peeks' at what the participants have in store for us. I've also recruited an additional seasoned judge for this compo, to add a broader perspective.
Old Man Clayton
Don Luciano
There's a week to go, and a wide field of entries. If there's anyone else with the stones to come up with an entry in time, just post notice of it in this thread, along with your Zodiac-themed source of inspiration.
As much as I love MMF2 and the TDC-community, I think this is going to be a tough one for me to finish.
Final exams combined with amazing summer weather and the fact that there's a lot of personal stuff going on in my life right now, has made it hard for me to find time for making this game.
On top of that I don't really even really enjoy my idea anymore considering there are so many cool things to do with the Zodiac theme, and mine is just kind of too bland and unintuitive.
With only 4 days to go, I sadly don't see myself being able to enter in this contest, but I wish the absolute best of luck to those who do!
As I write this, it's very nearly 11:30pm GMT, Wednesday night. That means there's about 24 hours before all submissions are due for Zodiac Attack 2013.
For your own information, here's a link to the World Clock website:
http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/world-clock/ As a Reminder:
- Please post a download link for your game in this thread. It must be available and your message must be time-stamped by Friday, 31st May, 2013. I realize only now that it would be somewhat difficult for me to see the time the game is submitted, but be sporting about it and do your best to not be late. I know that at 7pm Thursday evening in my current time zone, there should be no more entries accepted at that time. I'll also post a message in this thread to make it clear. You've been warned...
The Judging staff will begin reviewing and rating entries this weekend, and we'll have the results posted as soon as possible.
Best of success to all who have entered, and especially to those who finish and submit their entries in time. I'm so excited to see all the entries...!
That certainly works better for me, but it might be a bit unfair on the others. I can fairly safely say that it would take more than 2 days to get my game from its current state to one where it might actually be a contender for the prize, so it doesn't really matter either way.
Ok I guess that works for me....
Now I am overworking myself trying to finish it since once I had done the main elements I tought it would be easy to make maps and decorate them but now I have to strain myself.Well lets end this one floor 3/20 with some kind of tragedy.....I like tragedy's....As long as im not included in them....
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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This is a very simple game. You are in the stronghold of an evil wizard. He has destroyed much of the human race and less then a few million people are left. Your goal is to recover his orbs of power, and kill him. Otherwise, he will wipe out the rest of mankind. His stronghold is in Greece and, he has built it to somewhat model the Greek Zodiac.
arrow keys - move
SHIFT key - select magic type
ctrl fire - selected magic
At the top of the screen are the follow indicators from left to right: your life strength; a ball that show what color magic you have selected; bars that show how much magic of each color you have.
At the top left are 4 boxes that show what keys you have. Red, orange, and brown keys open doors of the same color. Normal keys open the grey doors. You can carry as many normal keys as you want. But you can't carry more than one colored key of the same color. Skulls can only be killed by being shot with magic of the same color. Human like enemies can be hit with any colored shot. But you must shoot them 5 times.
When you first start the game, you will be in an empty room. Just walk to one of the walls to see which rooms you have not done yet. Open doors can be just walked through. But once you finish a room, the door will close and you will not be able to re enter. Gems add more life and magic types of all colors. Collect the orbs of power by walking over them.
I won't be winning any prize with this, but I did my best. I crunched the last 3 days and although there is a bit of time left, I am so tired and want to get this done now. I had a week in which I was unmotivated, I was missing that time... oh well, I will finish this up beyond the contest, but for now I will submit what I got, since I might as well.
Human race got infected by this terrible virus etc.
Changes you into demons.
I didnt even do half of the stuff I was planning to.
BUT I finished arkham city story mode and started the dtory mode plus one.Also I done a lot of building on my tekkit world but all that matters is that I should have spend more time making this.
!Story mode! (only the Lobby and training floor completed)
!Fight till you die! (Well this is the only completed game mode...)
!Base Builder! (Not even started...)
A pistol!
Some kind of magic power!
And best of all.....
Somehow its about 38 megabytes(about 20megabytes is music =D).I'm guessing its because I dont have any .mid music and I just converted mp3 to wav...Dont look at me like that...
Its not finished but I'm releasing it anyway.
NOTE: I most likely will update this later on...Just got a great idea for a wilderness survival game...
Arrow Keys: Move around
Mouse: Aim Gun
Mouse 1: Fire gun
Mouse 2: Special abilitie
You got a limit of 25 bullets and ammo boxes arnt everywere you know?
Lets not forget that the special ability is very useful but costs 25hp...
And you only heal 1hp per 3.5 secs.
So start limiting yourself...
Did I mention sometimes your gun gets jammed? (this is a glitch but since idk how to fix it I turned it into a feature for you to enjoy!)
Fight till you die gamemode:
There are many changes to gameplay here.
Your GUI disapears thats one.
You still have your special ability tough but how can you know if the next use is going to kill you?
Its insta-kill.....for the demons ofcourse.That's right!You touch, you die...
Good luck....NOT.
Glitches that I know of:
Misformed walls
Jammed gun
Randomly crashing game
Health at 0 after death in storymode( you have to restart application)
And many others that I dont know of.
I should have foucused more on making my game then playing games by other people.I know LOL.
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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I'll admit the Zodiac theme is a bit of a stretch, but here goes: You play agent Zoe of the Zodiac Defense Force defending Earth from a horde of Green Bean Aliens from an invading space pod. You can attack them with Zodiac Pulse Guns or simply kick them. Once they are stunned you simple touch them to make them fade away. Gameplay is a platformer loosely based on the style of Bobble Bobble.
Heh, I just made that up. Oh well, I hope it's at least nice to look at.
Some really well executed games here. Can't wait to give them a try this weekend.
About my game, there is one last fact that I forget to mention. Once you have collected all of the orbs that are in the area you are in, you will hear a gong sound. Then, walk to the center of the area and walk into the ladder.
Yey I can add some stuff to my game.....Finish the rough cutscene that ends floor 2 and add something more about zodiacs to it.So far most of it was about you prancing around with a gun with a ability that might be overpowered...
So lets make a update for version 1.1 indev!2 whole days to update my game....
PkGamer-Current Project:Space Explrer 3000 Goals:Random World Generator,Deffense Oriented Combat, Loads of Upgrades, 8 bit graphics(since Im good at only pixel art), Simply Music.
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I added little polish:
--background added
--changed sprite for second alien
--code so hero doesn't move while performing action
Updated Windows exe: https://www.box.com/s/nvb6fchszl92qale6n9w
Flash replaced with v.2: http://neetersguy.weebly.com/zodiac-compo.html
Thanks for the extension!
I'm in SF, and the time is 1:56pm, which is supposed to be 8:56AM GMT.
I made the entire game today, because I only found out about the competition... well, today.
This is a fighting game, where knights in Zodiac cloth fight each other (reminds you of a particular manga?...)
Since I didn't have enough time, I only made Taurus. I will develop the game later.
By the way, I couldn't figure out the exact rules of this compo. Just to be fair, I wanted to mention that the music of my game is the one thing that was not produced after the announcement. I composed it about 15-20 years ago.
Sorry - but as it turned out the extra time didn't help me, as I ended up working friday and going away on a training course saturday & sunday.
I'll try and finish the game off in my own time eventually, as I still think it has some potential
Anyway, well done and good luck to everyone who did manage to submit something - and thanks s-m-r for organizing a fun comp
All right, folks: Pencils Down!
(for real this time)
Congrats to those who were able to finish their entries, and those who took advantage of the additional weekend to put some finishing touches on their entries...And a hearty "better luck next time" to those who entered, but hadn't the chance to finish their works.
Rikus and I will download all the entries listed here in this thread, and be back with the results as soon as possible. Look to the middle of June for the results...
Just a heads-up for all participants and spectators...Results are coming in as we speak. We're going to do our best to have the results posted this coming week.