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Wii OwnerVIP Member
9th January, 2014 at 09/01/2014 00:24:42 -

So... how on earth are we to promote ourselves on this site? like i have found a few clickers who have good games but with hardly any downloads and i think some of these people deserve more credit. hell a lot of us do, theres tons of good clickers here that dont do anything cuz nothing is ever successful regardless of how good the game is.

[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]




Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
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9th January, 2014 at 09/01/2014 16:25:08 -

It's mostly because this site isn't as active as it once was.

Post your games on other sites also. Clickteam forums, tigsource forums, anywhere else you think would enjoy your stuff.





Wii OwnerVIP Member
11th January, 2014 at 11/01/2014 01:05:15 -

well the only problem is i dont know of any other sites to post my stuff. i didnt really even think about the clickteam forums.

[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]

Chris Donovan

19th January, 2014 at 19/01/2014 02:35:52 -

Also consider IndieDB.

Send me feedback on my latest game, It Never Ends.



Has Donated, Thank You!
21st January, 2014 at 21/01/2014 01:33:17 -

downloading games to play really isn't how i use this site. i come here more to talk with people and who have a similar goal set to my own. which is to make the best game they can with media fusion.

How many downloads you get is just a number though. but i do agree it is hard to promote something on this site. In less you get on the front page. a lot of people aren't going to see your game.

Chris Donovan

22nd January, 2014 at 22/01/2014 05:53:30 -

Yes, the front page issue is a problem. It's like there's a celebrity list here. With a site this small, everyone should have a moment to shine. Again, that's why I'm suggesting IndieDb. I think you can post an article about your game that will at least see the front page for a few minutes.

Send me feedback on my latest game, It Never Ends.


23rd January, 2014 at 23/01/2014 03:47:28 -

I just joined indiedb! thanks for mentioning it, I hadn't heard of it before and was wanting to find a site like it for quite some time.


The Chris Street

Unspeakably Lazy Admin


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I am an April FoolKliktober Special Award Tag
24th January, 2014 at 24/01/2014 23:54:23 -

Celebrity list?

The majority of the games WOULD get a mention on the front game, if they had working screenshots and a somewhat reasonable description.

I've been super busy the past few weeks though at work and simply not had time to do much with the site. As for the other admins, I'm guessing it's the same.



Possibly Insane

26th January, 2014 at 26/01/2014 16:59:37 -

With the number of active users going down, getting frontpaged isn't that hard at the moment.

But your entry should have a decent description and screenshot(s).

Furthermore you can write an article about some interesting stuff happening in your game engine, or specific implementation of something in klik-code.
You can start a project to keep everyone informed, or ask if someone could/would write a review for you.

But The Daily Click is just one of the so many sites you need to expose yourself on.

And today your game should probably be featured on iOS and Android. Because that's the way most casual games are played nowadays.


Chris Donovan

27th January, 2014 at 27/01/2014 04:28:32 -

Don't take this as a request, because at this point, I couldn't care less, but over several years, I have put four functional games on here, complete with descriptions, valid download links and screen shots. My games have never hit the front page.

I acknowledge that you and the other admins are busy, and that's fine. I also acknowledge that my games, or someone else's might not be good enough to go on the front page, but I'll say it again... on a site of this size, everyone should have a chance in the spotlight. The way I see it, the advantage of a small site is that we can establish a small, close knit community, but I don't see that happening here these days.

Edited by Chris Donovan

Send me feedback on my latest game, It Never Ends.


Possibly Insane

27th January, 2014 at 27/01/2014 19:52:36 -

Slightly off topic: we could always start a "what's new" thread in which we could post our new stuff with a description and screenshots. Or we could ask the forum admin to add a new board called: "front page" or "what's new" in which we could promote our new stuff.

Basically the downloads section does this also, but it's not really visible nor a good way of promoting your stuff.




Has Donated, Thank You!
28th January, 2014 at 28/01/2014 02:50:35 -

I can see what Jenswa is saying about the download section. I agree it's not a good way to get noticed. Most of the time when i view the download section. I find games from members who have zero post and i have never even heard of them. I wonder if they even made the game with media fusion.

So basically i start my searches for new things at the project pages. My general rule is that if the game never had a project page. Then i rule that game out as a potential download.

i'm not sure if i'd use the "what's new" area if their was one. but it would be nice to get emailed once a project i Favorited became a download.


28th January, 2014 at 28/01/2014 10:27:06 -

Originally Posted by Jenswa
Slightly off topic: we could always start a "what's new" thread in which we could post our new stuff with a description and screenshots. Or we could ask the forum admin to add a new board called: "front page" or "what's new" in which we could promote our new stuff.

Basically the downloads section does this also, but it's not really visible nor a good way of promoting your stuff.

Good idea!



28th January, 2014 at 28/01/2014 23:56:10 -

And today your game should probably be featured on iOS and Android. Because that's the way most casual games are played nowadays.

I might not speak for most people, but I prefer games that are both downloadable exe and for windows.

I wonder if they even made the game with media fusion.

Posting non-MMF games isn't actually against the rules of this site.

Don't take this as a request, because at this point, I couldn't care less, but over several years, I have put four functional games on here, complete with descriptions, valid download links and screen shots. My games have never hit the front page.

I acknowledge that you and the other admins are busy, and that's fine. I also acknowledge that my games, or someone else's might not be good enough to go on the front page, but I'll say it again... on a site of this size, everyone should have a chance in the spotlight. The way I see it, the advantage of a small site is that we can establish a small, close knit community, but I don't see that happening here these days.

I agree here. I have submitted several games to this site and only one of them was on the front page. And it wasn't even one of my better ones. I would love it if some of my platform games (Meloetta:MoD, Touhou:WoF, or Spiritia:SoF) would be on the front page.

Edited by Dialga-Brite


Chris Donovan

29th January, 2014 at 29/01/2014 03:24:46 -

Although I understand the reasoning for a What's New section in the forum, I think it would actually hurt more than help. Instead, one general forum might be better. With this little traffic, and few posts, spreading the posts out in the various forum sections makes them even harder to see. If posts increase so much that it gets chaotic, then it could be expanded to keep things orderly.

Send me feedback on my latest game, It Never Ends.


Possibly Insane

29th January, 2014 at 29/01/2014 15:48:00 -

We could start a "what's new 2014" thread in the general forum and create a new one for each year, sounds like fun to me. Just like neogaf's "Show us your gaming setup". Only with our new games and stuff instead of the gaming setups (those are for neogaf).

I might not speak for most people, but I prefer games that are both downloadable exe and for windows.

Personally I like to download games too in a package and without the need to install the game or anything extra like java or .net, don't really care about the OS though.

Drag and drop for the win



6th March, 2014 at 06/03/2014 18:22:52 -

To be honest, I would like to express a problem I have. The "festive releases" post. My game was released during the holidays as well, and every game released then BUT mine made it onto the front page. Now my game only has 3 downloads, one of which was me testing and one of which was probably the admins testing. At one point, it had the least number of downloads out of all the games on page one. It's actually rather maddening, and feels really unfair. Why can't I get recognized for the holidays too?





Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
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6th March, 2014 at 06/03/2014 18:52:52 -

I just went and checked your game. The description doesn't offer much to make me want to play the game. Like maybe the game's story, or the reasons for making it. What makes it stand out.

Also I just downloaded and tried the game and it wasn't really that good.
The graphics were a mix of photos and ripped artwork.
The music was ok, but likely not original.
And the gameplay was annoying and didn't offer much variety. One death and it kicks you to a gameover type screen.

It reminded me of stuff I made when I first started making games, minus the ripped artwork.

So if I had to guess why your game wasn't featured I'd say that's the reason, but don't give up on making games. Check out the top rated downloads and look into making a custom platform engine and you should be well on your way to making something amazing.





Wii OwnerVIP Member
7th March, 2014 at 07/03/2014 00:30:14 -

I'd have to agree with urban monk. never give up on making games! you can only get better and better at it. but i agree it seems similar to some of my early work, it needs some work but you'll get it down! if you ever want to work on a project together let me know, im always willing to work together and help each other out. you never know what kind of game might come out of it.

[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]


7th March, 2014 at 07/03/2014 16:36:21 -

edited to remove whatI said because I was too angry and shouldn't have responded.

Edited by Dialga-Brite





Wii OwnerVIP Member
8th March, 2014 at 08/03/2014 03:00:44 -

I'm sorry bro, we weren't trying to be mean or anything, if anything encouragement. the fact youve actually finished a game is a milestone not many here even make. it may not have the best quality of the games on the site but at least you finished what you set your mind too, and at this point theres only room for improvement. ive been doing game design for almost 9 years now and im just now finally getting good enough to be proud of my work. none of my stuff has made it to front page either, and id like to say i have good quality games nowadays. Take this game for example...

Blockhead has been on this site for a long time and has gotten practically no recognition. people who have played it greatly enjoy it, other than the fact that they find it incredibly hard. everything is all original, artwork music etc. but yet, no views or downloads or anything. so dont take any of it personally, even my biggest project has barely gotten any kind of attention unless i post it asking questions about some glitch i cant really explain. But again, if you'd like to team up sometime let me know, who knows, we might learn a lot from each other. thats why i like doing group projects.

[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]


8th March, 2014 at 08/03/2014 13:43:48 -

okay well I have actually been game developing for at least 10 years, and honestly, I feel like its a little insulting for my game to be compared to "early work". that's basically like lumping it in with this:
if your early work really was as good as my game then you started out already very skilled. that's pretty much what I said before, but in harsher words.

And Id prefer not to team up with you. I practice internet safety and I am not going to entrust my game to a stranger I met on the internet, because that's what you are to me. I fail to understand why so many game developers do that.

I am sorry if anything sounds harsh, I don't mean it to.

Edited by Dialga-Brite





Wii OwnerVIP Member
9th March, 2014 at 09/03/2014 00:38:45 -

The assumption of you being new to game design, or at least Multimedia fusion (curious, do you use mmf2?) was likely brought on by your registration date here on tdc (2011), and due to ripped artwork and non original music etc. this is the only reason i agreed with him, as i played your Meloetta game because i like pokemon, but it simply reminded me of a lot of work i had done early on, just more organized. And again, it wasn't meant as an insult, none of us here had known how long youve been into game design, and we weren't trying to insult you or belittle you.
And on the subject of a team up, i meant start a new game, completely custom. i can do artwork, sprites music and sound effects and coding, but its always more fun with someone elses ideas in the mix. there was no intention of theft of any of your games or even the game that would be in production. it would be a free release regardless. but internet safety is a very important thing, which is why with my big projects (mainly Celestia) i wont post the MFA file, because i dont want the wrong person getting their hands on the coding seeing as this game has been in the works for 4 years. And the reason most of us here on the daily click are willing to work with others is because we all try to be as friendly of a community as possible. almost anyone on here is all about helping each other out and helping each other learn. without some of the folks here i would not be nearly as good at game design as i am now. I completely understand why your upset, especially if you've been doing this for as long as i have. I think the main reason i said your games looked similar to my early work is because i see a lot of reoccurring sprites in all of the screen shots of the games, and they are all un original sprites. un original sprites in a game or un original music in a game has always shied me away from those games, and automatically makes me think the person is a noob without even trying the game. Now with that being said, i did play your game meloetta, and its not bad. my issues with it are, A, unoriginal artwork or characters which can be overlooked because its a fan game, And B, ill be honest, it was really boring, gameplay and level designs. im not trying to insult your game or your skills, i just think that there should be more to do and more backdrops and changing platforms etc, also my music notes are destroyed when out of view, but enemies attacks are not, thats annoying especially when the snivys walk on and off screen frequently. also, enemy attacks move really fast, and can come from off screen making it difficult to dodge anything because you have no idea when or where something will come from. again, it wasnt bad at all, maybe just not my cup-o-tea if you know what i mean.
I know you said you did not want to team up, but the offer still stands. im prepping to start yet another full original game. it will be a sidescroller action platformer similar to castlevania where the character plays as an ancient cyborg who gains different melee weapons by picking up different orbs he fits into his chest piece and forearms. the game will be all original sprites music and sounds.

Again, none of us were trying to insult you or your game design ability, and i hope that you stay here on the daily click and continue to be an active member.

[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]


18th April, 2014 at 18/04/2014 21:58:13 -

I am not worried about "theft". I just don't trust strangers. I have yet to meet a truly nice person on the internet, as even people who claimed to be my "best friend" who I knew for YEARS just turned against me like we never had a strong bond. Furthermore, most teams formed by teenagers to make games usually don't go anywhere, I would rather work on my own. And it's really a shame that you are biased against games with ripped graphics. I have seen quite a number of good ones, ones that are better than mine in fact. Examples would be "Mavericks 3" (a megaman x fan game made in RPG Maker VX that is really good despite being made in rpg maker) and "Touhou: Wandering Souls". Also Megaman Unlimited (made in MMF). and Mega Pony (made in Game Maker). GREAT megaman fan games. You are really missing out due to your ignorant closed mindedness, and I feel sad for you. It's not about what graphics are used, but rather HOW they are used.

As for whether I will stay on the daily click.
Look at the last comment.
here's a screenshot in case it ever gets deleted:
Whoa. The creator of Mayhem Triple, a popular MMF game, Dustin Gunn, said to me "You're a crazy doll man who has probably murdered people. "
He truly did. That took away absolutely ANY merit that the clickteam community still had with me, and made me take any claims of the community being friendly with an even smaller grain of salt than I had already been taking with them. He judged me based on the fact that I like dolls, and said something absolutely TERRIBLE. All because I gave my.... drumroll please.... HONEST OPINION that I didn't like his game! So unless the community is gonna do something major about it, then I have absolutely no way I can say this is a friendly community. I don't know if you have been taught this, but I have been taught that something worse than bullies.... is bystanders who allow bullying to continue.

I am sorry, but I really don't feel comfortable being here.

Edited by Dialga-Brite



Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
20th April, 2014 at 20/04/2014 19:49:24 -

A good way to get noticed is perhaps, if we all downloaded and played more games?

I can only speak for myself of course, but I haven't downloaded much from TDC for a ages now. I should.





VIP MemberStarTeddy BearRibbonGame of the Week Winner2021 Halloween Competition Winner2022 Hi-Score Mash-up Competition (Bronze)2023 Halloween Competition (Bronze)2023 Halloween Competition Entrant
24th April, 2014 at 24/04/2014 07:55:19 -

How do you get noticed? Well there are big sites you can publish on like that has a bigger audience. People can rate and comment your work. Else you can go more pro and contact big gaming sites witch has flash games and try to sell. Thats some ways to get noticed.





Wii OwnerVIP Member
9th May, 2014 at 09/05/2014 00:40:54 -

Dialga, im sorry youve had bad experiences with people, and i understand your trust issues completely. also, i am not a teenager, and ive done a few collabs before that turned out as really great projects. i am not biased against ripped graphics, but if they are ripped they have to look good together, and GAMEPLAY is what matters, which... 99.9% of ripped graphics games are horrible. i am not ignorant, or closed minded, just far more artistically talented than most and refuse to play bad game with clashing ripped graphics. as for Dustin Gunns comment towards you, i dont know what to tell you. dont take people so seriously? and i have never once had a problem with anyone on this site, everyone here has been more than willing to help me out with anything, and ive done the same when possible. and btw, your only gonna get bullied if you let them bully you and dont stand up for yourself. i learned that long ago, dont ever depend on others for something you should do yourself. and as for the amount of criticism you get for your games, get used to it. people are incredibly judgmental when it comes to games, if you cant handle someone telling you your game is garbage (even if you dont think it is), than you shouldnt be a game designer. no one here was trying to be mean to you, just being honest.

[Game design makes my brain feel like its gonna explode.]




Has Donated, Thank You!Little Pirate!ARGH SignKliktober Special Award TagPicture Me This Round 33 Winner!The Outlaw!VIP MemberHasslevania 2!I am an April FoolKitty
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9th May, 2014 at 09/05/2014 02:14:22 -

Newgrounds is a great place to post games. The criticize is thick and harsh there. It's kinda fun reading the responses honestly.


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