Hello TDC Folks! It's returned...This time, with more goat horns!
You may remember last year's Zodiac Attack competition... Well, hey it's back! This is a friendly competition open to anyone here on the TDC forum. What better way to warm-up the community to those summer game compos than with this little event, eh?! Additionally, I send a special custom Zodiac-themed prize out to the winner(s)...so keep reading if you're interested.
You must make a video game that is inspired in some way by the classic Greek Zodiac. Any kind of game, any length, any genre or style is welcome. Any tool is permitted for creating your games. However it must be playable on a Windows machine. Stand alone executables are fine, as are web-play applications.
WHAT IS THE DEADLINE? Submissions must have download/play links posted in this thread by 9:00 GMT, 28th July 2014. As of this posting, you have nearly two months to put something together.
Yes. Here are a few important bits:
- You must include the Zodiac Attack 2014 logo (generously donated by Old Man Clayton of TDC and The Buswick...Thanks, man!) as a splash screen at the beginning of your game. You can download it at the following link:
- You must state up front, in this thread, what your zodiac inspiration for your game happens to be.
...And that's it! ENTER TODAY!
Oh yeah...I almost forgot. If I choose you as the best game of the bunch, then I will ship you a CD with all the games included (or website links), plus I will send you a special zodiac-themed prize. I will ship it to ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD. As long as it's a legitimate address, then I will send it to you.
Oh there always is something, isn't there? But in this case it's minor. Although I will recruit additional judges to weight in on who has the "best" entry, I reserve the right to hold sole judgment over who wins and if there are any disqualifications for any reason I see fit.
Then post a download link to it in this thread.
Then check out last year's esteemed Winner's Circle:
I'd like to enter this competition. But one question.
I am a little stumped by how the Greek Zodiac is supposed to inspire us. Would a game be able to get away with just... having a Goatfish as an enemy? or could it be that you can collect the 12 signs for a 1up? Could the game just have a NPC that is into stargazing?
Originally Posted by AndyUK I'd like to enter this competition. But one question.
I am a little stumped by how the Greek Zodiac is supposed to inspire us. Would a game be able to get away with just... having a Goatfish as an enemy? or could it be that you can collect the 12 signs for a 1up? Could the game just have a NPC that is into stargazing?
I think all three of the examples you gave show that you've already been inspired by aspects of the zodiac. Beyond that, it's a matter of degree to which the game expresses your inspiration.
Look at last year's entries via the link above. You can see they're all over the map in terms of levels of inspiration. Some are barely there, while others have the Greek zodiac steeped into their core.
@AndyUK: I'll consider you entered into the compo.
@EBBC: Hey man, it doesn't take much to create a game... Give it a week or so of thinking, then start jamming objects together in MMF2 and see what happens.
I've decided to invest some actual money in prizes this time around. I know how people can become more interested should they actually have a chance to bring home something instead of just a pat on the back.
Current Prizes Are: 1st Place winner: US$50 "gift certificate" (as in, the winner picks items up to a US$50 value) for one of either gog.com, gamersgate.com, itch.io, or desura.com
2nd Place winner: US$25 "gift certificate"
3rd Place winner: US$10 "gift certificate"
The top-scoring winner will still receive a zodiac-themed prize from me in addition to the above prizes.
...So let's see some games, folks!
Great news, OMAG! I still remember playing your Summer Funtition entry years ago, and had a good time with it. I'm excited to see how your skills have evolved since then. I've played Tick Tock Rex Rock as well, and had fun with that too. I was wondering if we'd see another Mode7 project from you also...
Meanwhile, I'm happy to see that my prize announcement has been well-received. Looking forward to lots of excellent entries!
Gonna take a shot at this one this year. I have a theme involving the zodiac symbols, and my game is a puzzle(?) game. I put the ? there as i'm not really sure what to class it as but I have already started work on it.
EDIT: Wow, done the bulk of the engine work already. Started it less than 18 hours ago and am quite pleased with the result.
Yeah well i finished in 20 minutes!
OK thats a lie.
I spent ages working on the main player's movement only for it to be exactly the same as i usually do. So I could have just pasted it from something else...
lol, this is an engine i played about with a while back but dropped as I couldn't get some events to work properly. The new build is even better than the original one and less lines of code.
Originally Posted by lembi2001 The new build is even better than the original one and less lines of code.
I love when that happens. You start something, then put it down for a while, then come back to it months or even years later and think to yourself, "Why in the world did I do it THAT way? It's so much simpler to do THIS...!" And that's when the magic happens: you've learned something.
I'd like to enter, but I have an unprecedented amount of obligations this summer, so I don't know if I'll be able to get something together. I shall give it some thought this weekend.
Here is what I have so far. I am wondering whether to change the way levels are created or not but so far this is it. You have to remove the blocks on the right by matching it with your block.
Looks like not only the blocks on the game board are randomly generated, but also the blocks shot out by the player. Many of them aren't used, and are simply cycled thoughtlessly until the proper block comes along. This is TOTALLY beyond control of the player, and we're forced to wait.
Is there a way for these extra blocks to be used in some way? Otherwise, it seems like a waiting game until the obvious/right block comes along.
Hi! How you guys showcase your work. Feels like i should too. Here is my titlescreen.
Yes I am doing a space shooter. Never done one before so this will be my first.
Very impressed with the diverse lot of games coming out for this compo so far, folks! The classic genres seem to be covered: platformer, puzzle, and shmup... Keep up the excellent work!
If anyone else is interested in throwing their hat into the ring, please post your intent - and maybe screenshots - in this thread.
I saw one project update today, which is quite impressive. Does anyone else have something new to share about their efforts?
For those sitting on the fence: there's still plenty of time to come up with a fantastic competition entry. You have like two months to make something worthwhile... A totally approachable goal. So have at it!
I'm unfortunately having zero epiphanies for this project. If I don't make some progress soon, I may relinquish the MFA for someone else to wrestle an entry out of.
About five weeks left remaining in the compo, folks.
...And a mere five folks have stated their interest. What does this mean? Any new competitor still has plenty of time to create a game for this compo, and they'll still have an excellent opportunity to win the prizes!
Hope to see some more entries in the weeks to come. Best of success to everyone!
@ OMC: It's okay (my personal feelings of Son Son being neglected once again set aside... ) You're busy with The Buswick and an action-packed summer anyhow, so I completely understand. Maybe I can take your MFA and make something that's less than completely horrible as a tribute.
@ Introversity: Glad to hear you want to jump in on this! There's a month left, and that's plenty of time. Think we'll see some of your game inspired by Feral Chronicles? The animal characters and platforming seem to fit right in to that idea of yours. In any case, I'm happy to hear we have another participant.
@ Everyone: Yes, that's right...One month left! Depending on your schedule (and your level of personal discipline), a lot can be done in that time. No matter what your level of skills, take a shot at a gift certificate prize, eh? Everyone will receive constructive reviews of their efforts, as long as you submit an entry.
And about The Buswick: it runs through the month of August, and promises to be super cool! OMC will be hosting it again this year. I'm sure he'll be posting more info about it as the time draws near...Stay tuned!
@ Introversity: Glad to hear you want to jump in on this! There's a month left, and that's plenty of time. Think we'll see some of your game inspired by Feral Chronicles? The animal characters and platforming seem to fit right in to that idea of yours. In any case, I'm happy to hear we have another participant.
I still dream about finishing the Feral Chronicles! It'll happen one day, I am certain of it!
In the meantime, progress has been made on the Leo of the Zodiac game, and this time I'm making it in Flash and not in Multimedia Fusion which has been a learning experience for me!
I've got Movement, Screen changing, 1 backdrop, 2 Enemies so far (tried looking to the zodiac for inspiration for enemies, but three of them are Ram, Goat and Bull which are all pretty similar), a bouncy jump pad, a save point and deadly water (it's full of deadly fish maybe?). Still need to work in some dialogue with other friendly lions, and a couple of other features to keep it interesting. Decided not to add in an attack, for some reason a pacifist lion strikes my fancy. I also have no idea how to make a Save Game that'll stick around after you close and reopen the game since it's in Flash, but I'm sure there's a tutorial out there somewhere that can help!
And then I need to actually make the art for levels (as much as I love giant black blocks, this isn't Knytt Underground), more backdrops, some trees and scenery, and maybe some semblance of a storyline!
I haven't been this excited about making a game in ages!
Just over three weeks to go, folks! I have five participants on the roster:
One Man Army Games
There are three prizes, and five competitors...Is anyone else going to give this a shot? Your chances of taking the top prize are still pretty good. And there's no shame in a game project being done in a couple weeks, eh?
Just post your intent in this thread, and then once your game is done post a download link in this thread.
As of this writing, there are about 7.75 hours remaining to submit your entries...Shall we have a runaway uncontested winner this year with OMAG's Zodiac Chase?
For those of you who complete entries, please submit links in this thread. Thanks!
Looks like we have only two entries. But those entries really are amazing in their own right! Be sure to play Zodiac Chase and Zodiac Space Attack! Download them here:
completely forgot about this. Going on holiday at the end of the week and I've been busy sorting things out. If the existing entrants are ok with it I can submit my entry tomorrow evening at the latest. I understand if not and good luck with the competition.
Originally Posted by lembi2001 If the existing entrants are ok with it I can submit my entry tomorrow evening at the latest.
I vote that it's okay. The more content the better, says I.
LordHannu and OMAG, if you folks have any objections please let me hear them (either here or in private message). Otherwise, lembi2001 is in if the entry can be submitted within 24 hours.