Posted By
Carnivorous id
Registered 03/04/2008
Points 957
22nd December, 2015 at 22/12/2015 06:47:47 -
I just wanted to know what everyone is excited to play this holiday winter season.
Right now I'm playing Star Wars Battlefront
& Destiny.
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Dr James 2
Registered 17/02/2015 13:10:14
Points 64
27th December, 2015 at 27/12/2015 20:26:42 -
This season I am mostly playing Star Wars Battlefront on PS4. It's the first time I've played a proper competitive console FPS like this and it's a lot of fun!
Also still inching through Pokemon Omega Ruby , GTA Online because of the snow, Defence Grid 2 on the PS4. And Donkey Kong Land and Kirby 2 on the Gameboy. (Donkey Kong Land always reminds me of Christmas because level 2 or 3 is in the snow for some reason)
I've been getting back into Team Fortress 2 as well.
Jenswa Possibly Insane
Registered 26/08/2002
Points 2723
28th December, 2015 at 28/12/2015 15:39:16 -
Hmmm must be old, at the moment I am playing Zed.
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
28th December, 2015 at 28/12/2015 21:19:33 -
Played a bit of the new starwars game, but I was bored of it pretty fast.
Fallout 4 of course.
Also I had a bit of fun with the Lego Movie Game. It's one of the better Lego games right behind Lego City on the Wii U imo.
Carnivorous id
Registered 03/04/2008
Points 957
7th January, 2016 at 07/01/2016 07:48:02 -
I've never played Pokémon or Fallout before. When I was younger I would always get whatever my brother was playing. He was a lot older so I mostly played RPGS, shooters, and Mario. I'd love to try them now though. I'd appreciate any suggestions on where to start. Should I play the first one or dive into the new ones?
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Dr James 2
Registered 17/02/2015 13:10:14
Points 64
9th January, 2016 at 09/01/2016 14:22:31 -
Originally Posted by Jenswa Hmmm must be old, at the moment I am playing Zed.
I visited the site in your link and now I'm playing Bernard and Hank! I wasn't very good at it when it launched. 10 years later I'm still not very good
nim Registered 17/05/2002
Points 7234
17th January, 2016 at 17/01/2016 08:22:00 -
Mario 3D World, Kart 8 and Maker. Having a PS3 was fun but I burned out on FPS and 3rd person games last gen. Nintendo games never get old.
Hayo Stone GooseRegistered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
17th January, 2016 at 17/01/2016 10:02:12 -
Originally Posted by Jenswa Hmmm must be old, at the moment I am playing Zed.
Me too, what a coincidence!
Airflow imafirinmahlazrRegistered 24/09/2003
Points -197
24th January, 2016 at 24/01/2016 00:54:24 -
found a cd with my old click downloads, so i'm playing little haunted quest
MrPineapple the fruitiest word i knowRegistered 14/10/2008
Points 1449
7th February, 2016 at 07/02/2016 11:28:14 -
simcity 2000 . heavily modified with 3rd party patches to actually run on a modern day system. still fun.
also GTA online when there's friends on.
i am STILL a talking pineapple!
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
8th February, 2016 at 08/02/2016 21:18:00 -
I just preloaded Firewatch which releases tomorrow! Kinda excited to play it!
Yai7 Peace & LoveRegistered 28/01/2002
Points 3201
12th July, 2016 at 12/07/2016 12:43:43 -
Hi! Long time no see!
I was lately playing 2 new games.
Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 and Serious Sam 3 and suprisingly it turned out that both are unplayble crap!
Serious Sam 3 has an unbeatable scorpion like enemy that chases you
And for a weird reason Sonic for PS3 is broken as well!
Wtf people?!
Hayo Stone GooseRegistered 15/08/2002
Points 6949
13th July, 2016 at 13/07/2016 19:01:25 -
I am playing Final fantasy IX, which I consider to be relatively new.
Hagar Administrator
Old klik fartRegistered 20/02/2002
Points 1692
21st July, 2016 at 21/07/2016 22:49:06 -
I am playing the Mario game on Nintendo's new console, Super Mario World.
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
28th July, 2016 at 28/07/2016 03:40:24 -
The last thing I played was Stryker in the crypts of Trogan. I would be massively surprised if anyone knew of that game.
UrbanMonk BRING BACK MITCHRegistered 07/07/2008
Points 49667
28th July, 2016 at 28/07/2016 18:28:01 -
Are we still doing this?
I've been playing stardew valley. A pretty much perfect version of Harvest Moon. It's a lot of fun.