Do you have a clue where can I find Ryan Mercer, Kevin Taylor (Captain CozMo) And Amal from Amal Games? If you are reading it and you are one of them then leave a message and we will speak again
Amal was an inspiration for my Bubble Girl series.
Captain CozMo and Ryan Mercer were each of his own a buddy and they are several of my favourable life forms on earth along with Phizzy.
I'd like to meet them again and show them the games I have made lately... Really I miss them. Mostly Ryan and Coz.
No. Ryan did not died. He faked his death and told Phizzy to comment about it so he could get his quiet life... I got to speak to him several months later... I guess that since you do not know anything about that I should delete this post for the sake of my friends.
I used to speak to Ryan frequently then one day he completely vanished and I haven't heard from him since. We played Battlefield 3 regularly for a while which dates the last time I heard from him.
The last I heard from him he had just returned from the Phillipines and was renting a small flat in Scotland. That must be about 9 years ago...