The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Daily Click ::. What Is the meaning of the stars under your profile?

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  29/10/2023 14:24:43
10th November, 2023 at 10/11/2023 01:57:30 -

I don't know what is the meaning of the stars under your profile. Can someone tell me what they mean?



The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
12th November, 2023 at 12/11/2023 16:16:00 -

Hi, that's a good question as it's something a lot of newer members probably don't know about, and it also gives me an opportunity to take people on a trip down memory lane.

The stars represent your DC rating which is a user ranking based on your DC Points.

Having such rankings used to be pretty common on bulletin boards, e.g. conforums which was used by Tank Wars Online and the popular vBulletin forum software. See: for example which shows a similar star-based system as being standard. I'm sure a number of other sites still use rankings and stars, but it seems very less common these days. But TDC was coded decades ago, so it still follows the old ways . They served as way of easily distinguishing more active users from newbies, and were an easy way to 'gamify' your forum to drive engagement.

As set out at you get more DC points as follows:
Submit a download = 100 points
Write an article = 100 points
Write a review = 25 points
Submit a project = 25 points
Submit a link = 25 points
Post on the forum = 1 point

You can also get DC points by taking part in TDC competitions.

A lot of people don't have a star rating because they have a custom rating. How did they do that?

Well, there is a DC Points store at and in there you have the option to 'purchase' a custom rating for 100 DC Points.

As an aside, in my understanding the current system of stars isn't the original rankings.

It used to be that people got the following rankings based on DC Points:
11-20 := Rookie Member
21-50 := Normal Member
51-70 := Addicted To DC
71-100 := Expert Member
101-125 := Expert Member
126-175 := Kicking Ass Member
176-200 := The Greatest Member
201-250 := The Daddy
> 251 := Cowboy Bebop Rocks!

I think this was changed as people were not neccecrily "expert members" even if they had 71 posts, and we didn't want to encourage spamming to go up in the rankings.

As noted at other things you can spend your DC Points on include VIP Membership, Trophies, and Tags... and you can also donate DC Points to other members. For example, I've just donated 25 points for you as thanks for asking an interesting question.

Edited by an Administrator

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!


  23/01/2022 21:56:15
17th November, 2023 at 17/11/2023 17:03:12 -

They're your wanted level, start running.



  29/10/2023 14:24:43
25th November, 2023 at 25/11/2023 23:16:28 -

Ok, thanks




VIP Member
30th November, 2023 at 30/11/2023 06:20:28 -

Originally Posted by Joshtek
The stars represent your DC rating which is a user ranking based on your DC Points.

But how do the DC-points translate to stars?
For example I have 7 blue stars and 7 green stars and 1 golden star.

I have 528 points (and have spent 500 points).

Only calculation I could think of is that 500 points (or 1000 if used points count) would account for a golden star and you would get a green or a blue star for every 2 points, so the 7 plus 7 ( = 14 ) stars would account for the last 28 points ( 14 x 2 = 28 ).

Or is there some other mathemagic going on and some significance between blue and green stars?

-Tomssu the lisko- = )


The Archivist


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!Mr BallPicture Me This Round 50 Winner!
4th December, 2023 at 04/12/2023 20:56:18 -

But how do the DC-points translate to stars?

Because you asked I'll spill the beans...

There's a new star-based rank at 1, 6, 11, 21, 51, 71, 101, 126, 176, 201, 251, 301, 351, 401, 451, 501, 551, 601, 651, 701, 751, 801, 851, and 901 DC Points. These ranks basically just keep adding stars (of various colours). If you look at the image URL for any of the ranks you'll see that you can just keep changing the number in the filename to see all the graphics from 0 to 23.

The next set are messages rather than stars: "Possibly Insane " (2,000 DC Points), "Crazy?" (4,000 DC points), "Addict" (8,000 DC Points) and "More-than-Daily Clicker" (21,000 DC Points I think). For an example of someone with 'Addict' you can see the profile of 3kliksphilip: - I think the only standard user to get enough DC points to qualify for the top rank is UrbanMonk, but he has his rank set to "BRING BACK MITCH".

Edited by an Administrator

:: Joshtek ::

Oreos? GO! OREOS!


Crazy for News

20th February, 2024 at 20/02/2024 01:19:47 -

Thanks Josh for the details, those were the days. Cowboy Bebop does rock btw lol

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