The Daily Click ::. Forums ::. Misc Chat ::. I want to apologize about things I have said in the past.

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Peace & Love


14th March, 2024 at 14/03/2024 11:47:29 -

As I wanted to improve my skills at making better Klik Products, I thought it would be good to practice advices from the book of Dianetics by L.Ron Hubbard, but though I made a few deacent Klik Products, such as "Dragon-Byte" and "Star-Slider" I do ask myself in the end if it was a good idea to troll you all just to raise my motivation and confidence in making better Klik products.

Some of the music I made though after reaching a temporary release were awesome for it's time, but really... Did I had to troll so many of you, so many times just to make some Famicom inspired games?

So I apologize... Few of these examples was that thread of "Draw yourself as a woman", and few daring other posts of mine... All I can is to apologize as it is silly to take advice from a book that most of this world bitterly despise only to become somehow better in making games using Klik products... So here. I bitterly apologize, I didn't realize how emberrassing it can be to us all...


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