Posted By
Registered 13/06/2003
Points 2
13th June, 2003 at 02:19:42 -
We are working on a GTA look alike game. If you would like to join the team just send me an
e-mail or add me in msn messenger.
We are using the game creation programs: The Games Factory and Multimedia Fusion.
We are searching for one or more skills in a member:
*Graphics Design
*Can use tgf or mmf
*Can create music for the game
*Or any other skills that may be useful
kill or not kill
what a stupid question...
Registered 13/06/2003
Points 2
13th June, 2003 at 02:20:44 -
the hotmail did screw it selfs, but the e-mail is:
kill or not kill
what a stupid question...
Joshtek Administrator
The ArchivistRegistered 02/01/2002
Points 4055
13th June, 2003 at 10:05:28 -
how about quest designer?
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
Muggus Possibly Insane
Registered 31/07/2002
Points 2958
13th June, 2003 at 23:33:19 - know...just quietly...these arn't easy to make!
At least you've got the right idea looking for a team...cause you certainly need one!
I mean hell, you'll need one just for the graphics!
I'm willing to offer my services as a programmer of sorts, but i'm bludger...go figure!
Come and annoy me more at
Pkeod Oontz Oontz OontzRegistered 19/11/2002
Points 93
16th June, 2003 at 15:55:46 -
You can join my team! But i gerentie it will go.. do..wn the drrrrrrraaaiin...
Faerie Solitaire - Get it now:
Shme (Stupid Liar) Too late to fornicateRegistered 05/11/2002
Points 574
16th June, 2003 at 18:38:41 -
i'm kinda not bad at drawing cars....if u want to i could send you some examples..
u email me.
Stinkiest click stuff
Registered 12/09/2002
Points 1473
16th June, 2003 at 20:48:12 -
I will draw a tree you guys can put in your game.
I wanted to put a bullet in between the eyes of every panda that wouldnt screw to save its own species. - Tyler Durden - Fight Club
AsparagusTrevor Mine's a pint of the black stuffRegistered 20/08/2002
Points 2364
18th June, 2003 at 07:50:55 -
These Klik GTA games never get off the ground anyway. And when they do... State of Crisis anyone. I like to hope this'll be different though.
Rott bott
Registered 01/03/2003
Points 110
21st June, 2003 at 16:09:10 -
Hehe, i made a "Run people over/shoot people while walking"-game. It's called FRAGMINATOR!!! If some of the GFX appeal to you, DC-mail me
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Dopefish Lives!