I like japanese girls, they are actually quite cool, but your NOT japanese and I'm sorry to say so, oh and jenswa "ryo" and "ryu" were around wwwaaaay before shenmue and street-fighter so I havent been playing too many games, they are in fact real common names.
There are also western names floating around, like my friend (who is from china) is called Johnson Wu! so..
*sigh* ok.. I'll guess I'll have to come out with the truth.. I wasn't born in japan.. sure I may look like a japanese girl.. and they may make me wear an uniform for school.. but as Jon discovered so easely, I wasn't born in japan.. I was born in uruguay, oh.. and my parents aren't both from japan =p .. one of them is from china. there u have it =( the truth
Assault Andy Administrator
I make other people create vaporware
Registered 29/07/2002
Points 5686
16th August, 2003 at 17:40:10 -
Omg, thank you. Now let's all return to the real world.
Who cares where Dogzer is from... and how would the inability to speak Chinese prove her not to be Chinese anyway? I have blood from several different countries flowing through my vains, but can I speak all of those languages? No. Does that mean that my heritage is invalid in some way?