Posted By
Mr. Esch Stone GooseRegistered 30/05/2003
Points 0
15th September, 2003 at 11:56:03 -
Hi, I just thought I would be nosey and ask all you guys and girls which clickteam products you OWN and which versions of them (Home / pro etc)
I own TGF Pro and I was hoping to upgrade to MMF pro but I just dont have the cash.
Do you feel you are being... watched?
Registered 08/06/2002
Points 1888
15th September, 2003 at 12:12:55 -
TGF PRO - MMF standard 1.5
Smeggy The SmegsterRegistered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
15th September, 2003 at 12:42:33 -
Knp, Tgf Pro, MMF1.5 PRO, Jamagic, patch maker, install maker
Smeggy The SmegsterRegistered 08/01/2003
Points 1062
15th September, 2003 at 12:48:00 -
most are from my brother..
Registered 02/07/2003
Points 463
15th September, 2003 at 14:59:03 -
MMF Standard 1.5
Vote Quimby!!!
Kris Possibly Insane
Registered 17/05/2002
Points 2017
15th September, 2003 at 15:01:29 -
MMF 'unprotector' (converts protected CCAs to non-protected)
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegifRegistered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
15th September, 2003 at 15:35:42 -
MMF 1.5, TGF Home, Install Maker.
The Chris StreetAdministrator
Unspeakably Lazy AdminRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 48588
15th September, 2003 at 15:39:11 -
Klik And Play
The Games Factory (Standard)
MMF 1.2 (Standard)
MMF 1.5 (Standard)
The 3D no, best NOT spoil a nice list. Its not even a klik product...
Muggus Possibly Insane
Registered 31/07/2002
Points 2958
16th September, 2003 at 02:55:48 -
Probably KNP, TGF and MMF 1.5 Home...but ya never know...I might be lying...
Come and annoy me more at
DeadmanDines Best Article WriterRegistered 27/04/2006
Points 4758
16th September, 2003 at 04:10:47 -
-TGF Pro
-did have KNP, but I lost it in a hard disk crash
-Instal Creator
I also have a pet Goblin, which I got from CT too. They sell them on the black market. But don't tell anyone; our little secret, kapeesh?
191 / 9999 * 7 + 191 * 7
Crystal Clear (H.E.S) Possibly Insane
Registered 06/10/2002
Points 2548
16th September, 2003 at 07:12:05 -
TGF - MMF 1.5 - MMF 1.5 PRO
I Love my MMF pro .
HES homepage:
Crystal Clear Productions:
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
16th September, 2003 at 07:15:39 -
K&P (on some cd someone gave to my dad, dunno if its a demo though)
The games factory (bought for a tenner in the shop 'Game')
Joe.H Evil Faker Registered 19/08/2002
Points 3305
16th September, 2003 at 16:54:04 -
I have tgf Pro... I'm thinking of getting MMF standard version soon
My signature is never too big!!!
RapidFlash Savior of the UniverseRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 2712
16th September, 2003 at 18:06:29 -
K&P, TGF Pro, MMF 1.5 (will upgrade to MMF 2 as soon as possible).
Shawn Wolfram
Registered 15/08/2003
Points 435
16th September, 2003 at 22:05:39 -
I own....
Jack Crap, I use the Demo. = Myspace is for fags.
Metal Maiden
Registered 10/09/2002
Points 900
17th September, 2003 at 03:13:45 -
AHAHHA Gilgamesh, what a looser! Sike dude, j/k.
I now officially own Games Factory (Standard)
Kilk n PLay
Install Maker
Patch Maker
and once bad ass MMF2 comes out I'm gonna get it!!!1
Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me
Who made you God to say
"I'll take your life from you!!"
Aali [Crazy_Productions]
Registered 13/10/2002
Points 843
17th September, 2003 at 08:53:53 -
ehh... none...
"If Darl McBride was in charge, he'd probably make marriage unconstitutional too, since clearly it de-emphasizes the commercial nature of normal human interaction, and probably is a major impediment to the commercial growth of prostitution."
-- Linus Torvalds, December 5th 2003.
(Darl McBride is CEO of The SCO Group)
this place sucks but don't tell anyone, it's our little secret, ok?
Mark Beazley
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 766
17th September, 2003 at 11:10:28 -
MMF 1.2
MMF 1.5
ChrisB Crazy?
Registered 16/08/2002
Points 5457
17th September, 2003 at 11:38:13 -
MMF 1.5 (and 1.2)
MMF2 won't come out until at least next spring/summer...
Klikmaster Master of all things KlikRegistered 08/07/2002
Points 2599
17th September, 2003 at 13:35:00 -
*~Bsst~* MMF 2 ~£* MMF3D ..Must GeT >a!&9 ARGH!
Registered 07/02/2011
Points 1029
23rd September, 2003 at 19:33:26 -
I own:
MMF 1.5
and Jamangic
RapidFlash Savior of the UniverseRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 2712
23rd September, 2003 at 19:57:56 -
I have Install Creator, Install Maker and Patch Maker also.
Registered 06/01/2002
Points 1014
4th October, 2003 at 05:08:02 -
TGF Pro, MMF Standard 1.5.
And Kris, "MMF 'unprotector' (converts protected CCAs to non-protected)" Bullcrap. MMF CCA's aren't even protected, cuz they're built into the EXE!
<--intelligent, witty comment here-->
Registered 15/05/2002
Points 244
4th October, 2003 at 06:45:43 -
MMf 1.5 demo
Blackgaze Possibly Insane
Registered 01/11/2002
Points 3161
4th October, 2003 at 07:39:45 -
install maker, TGF non-pro, patch maker, and i will be having MMF very soon
Formerly known as "Spiderhead".
Returned after four years. for more infomation
Shawn Wolfram
Registered 15/08/2003
Points 435
4th October, 2003 at 09:17:58 -
Well, I'm as broke as a joke, bite me... j/k.
Buy some chainmaille to help fund the get me the best Click product fund. Actually, I'd problably spend it on other things, but still, buy some. = Myspace is for fags.
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
4th October, 2003 at 12:58:40 -
I got KNP, MMF original (non-pro), and MMF 1.5 demo. I'll probably get the full standard MMF 1.5 someday, but I'm hoping someone would sponsor me for it .
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
AsparagusTrevor Mine's a pint of the black stuffRegistered 20/08/2002
Points 2364
4th October, 2003 at 18:55:09 -
I got Klik & Play free with a magazine ages ago, that's when it all started, then a few months later I saw there was other click programs, so I downloaded the TGF demo, and I used that for ages and ages, till I found the MMF demo, and eventually I bought the Home version of MMF cos it was so good, and it's probably the only time I've ever spent 70 quid on computer software, but it was damn worth it I think.
Registered 06/10/2003
Points 174
6th October, 2003 at 21:08:23 -
just tgf home for me. its all i actually own.
"Wasted Away Again..."
Registered 02/08/2003
Points 672
7th October, 2003 at 13:43:05 -
I got KNP, MMF 1.5 and TGF PRO, cost me 70 (nz) bucks that did!
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 701
7th October, 2003 at 13:50:44 -
knp, tgf, tgf pro, mmf 1.2, mmf 1.5