I really don't know... kiss as many girls as possible on the street, on the lips? Release Mr Stumps Dentures in a very rushed state? Spend every day with my family? Or put myself out of my misery and commit suicide, seeing as I'd be dying anyway.
1 week eh? Couldn't you been more drastic, like 1 day...that'd make ya think a bit.
I would probably try my luck a fair bit...you know...just pick up random chicks...buy a bottle of OP rum and skoll the entire thing...steal a Porshe and go for a joy ride...try out pretty much every stunt from Jackass (well maybe not the fire cracker up the arse...)...try to break a few ridiculous world records...the possibilities are kinda endless...but I wouldn't waste a minute...hell i'd take plenty of illegal drugs so I don't need to sleep for that week!
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