I get violent when drinking Guinness, but not when drinking lager. I think that maybe solves the problem of the IRA. Anyways, in summation it seems there are no klicker girls anymore. Whilch is a shame for us single hot-blooded hetro klickers. I mean the ones who don't go out to the pub and meet tangeble girls. Which seems to be me now, unfortunately, since I started college again (for the third time) and don't have any free time on my hands for anything other than media shite.
having a normal life is overrated.. girlfriends.. being cool... I mean, those are all crap made up but this crazy society the world invented.
Look at it from this point of view:
Did u ever waited a really long time for something u really really wanted... and when u got it u got really happy.
A few months later you got used to it.. and a year later u dont give a f*ck anymore about it.
Believe me, unless you are sexualy inactive or something (or really lazy like me).. you'll end up with a woman by your side, and by the time u have a normal life... you'll say "So this is the crap I was missing?" and you'll realize that you wasn't such a freak after all.
I knew it dammit, your a guy! You guys may snicker and call me retarded if this is something everyone knew but now I know! w00t w00t (God I haven't said that in ages)
just kidding. Hey guys its your duty to keep this thread alive until I reach the 1000 replyes! Now.. all girls in here!! lets organize a party in my house, only us... and clubsoft.
Hey, mind you, kliker girlfriends are fun. They're creative and understand the hobby. We don't have to talk about active objects, there's always uh... platform engines. It's like tutoring a classmate. Yeah, they existed a long time ago, but they're like um... really small fish. Fun to play around with, but they get scared off easily when some big fish starts snapping at all the other fishes or when some guy flushes the pool and most of the little fishes go down some hole somewhere.
Er.. for those who didn't understand that, there were a few fun klikers waay back in the fun old days when kliking was about everyone having fun instead of actually accomplishing anything. They got scared off by the aggressive anti-noobs and the remaining ones disappeared when the DC went down.
Oh well. I used to want a girlfriend more than anything. Now that most girls don't seem to like games, I don't mind not having a girlfriend as long as I could be with a fun game all the time.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
I couldn't imagine having a girl that had such an obscure past time as Kliking, or programming/games development in general, especially at my age.
I don't think they'd be my sort of person, probably because, if you've never figured it out, i'm the type of person you'd pick to be a programmer of any sort, and you my friends don't know me as that kind of person either.
I think it'd be great to have a girlfriend who appreciates what you do, and you know encourages it, but I mean it'd seem kind of wierd having a companion who shares something like Kliking. I would find it intimidating, especially if they were better than me at it!
I don't really see Kliking as something that I "do with my mates". Sure, I have mates who come around and play some of my games, and they love them not just because they're like simple and have that "old school" quality that my Klik games in particular have, but because they don't know that the process behind them is so simple, and that doesn't even come to mind. It's great when people have an interest in that kind of thing, and I tend to have alot of influence as person to get my mates to become interesting in my hobbies...ie, guitar playing. I started playing just by myself 1 1/2 years ago, and now after 5 of my mates have picked up the hobby since seeing me play...but I mean I don't see Kliking in that light.
Sure, I could tutor someone how to make games using it, infact I have with my cousin, and I enjoy doing that, and it would be great if it were a female, but it has potential downfalls after a while. It's kinda like fun to begin with, but after a while it gets tedious and boring, possibly even frustrating, and if your getting frustrated with someone who's your partner over something as trivial as making games, then you gotta ask yourself, is it worth it at the end of day?
That's my 50th of a dollar on that topic anyway. I don't condone female Klikers, but to 'romantical involved' with one just would be my style...man
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