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Metal Maiden

24th November, 2003 at 02:46:38 -

Am I the only one that thinks games suck ass these days? I remeber getting regular Nintendo and playing all the classics, Mega Man 2 and 3, Mario Bros, Zelda, Wizards and Warriors, ect.

Then Super Nintendo came out, and omg-- major orgasim. Do any of you remember seeing Super Mario World whn it came out??? That was the coolest shit I'd ever seen. Then started the best years of video gaming, ever. Final Fantasy 3(6), Mega Man X, Demon's Crest, Super Metroid...the list goes on...

But now after PS1, We have The Black Box of Hell, Game Cube and PS2. All fine, -cept XCrap, but
now with all these 3D pieces of crap, all the awesome old school games get forgotten. It's really bad when I occasionally go to a game store, walk by the PS2 games, then look at the Gameboy Advance titles to see what current SNES game is being put on it.

Will those bastards ever learn?? We don't want your 3D crap! We want the good games back!!
Does anyone agree???

Image Edited by the Author.

Death in the air
Strapped in the electric chair
This can't be happening to me
Who made you God to say
"I'll take your life from you!!"

Alex Scobell

24th November, 2003 at 03:55:24 -

Well I don't use consoles but god damn it theres a f***ing lot of FPS, RTS and RPG games out. What happened to all my faviourte genres they seemed to have gotten rid of basicly all the genres I every liked . Some FPS and RTS games are good don't get me wrong but is that all f***ing game prouducers can make!? 3D isn't all the great you know? I miss 2D sidescrollers - The Secret of T.E.L.X coming soon!

Assault Andy

I make other people create vaporware


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerGOTM JUNE - 2009 - WINNER!GOTM FEB - 2010 - WINNER!	I donated an open source project
24th November, 2003 at 04:32:56 -

XCrap? IMO Xbox is the best console at the moment! It's better than a PS2 because it's got a harddrive and comfy controllers - not to mention Xbox Live and Halo!

Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.

Alex Scobell

24th November, 2003 at 04:38:05 -

I was pretty pissed off when Microsoft made Halo X-Box only. Finally a PC port. I've played a bit of the demo. Its pretty cool! - The Secret of T.E.L.X coming soon!


Possibly Insane

24th November, 2003 at 06:54:02 -

See the problem with the games your discussing is they console games...and console games are console games, ie, something i've never cared for. PC's should be the focus of games many more possibilites.

As for 3D have issues if you not awesomely amazed by some of the stuff they can pull off in recent first person shooters then i'll eat my hat. Mark my words, games are getting better as far as the technology is just needs to be untilised in the right way. I think it could be said both Half Life and Deus Ex utilised technology at the time very well, and had a kickarse story to go along. There's ya key right there ladies and go out, make millions and pay me royalties ffs!

Come and annoy me more at



VIP MemberThe Cake is a LieIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerPokemon Ball!
24th November, 2003 at 08:53:55 -

I agree...after nintendo released the N64 i lost all respect for them. I mean, WTF are they doing releasing a console where games clearly lag !?! it seems like companies strive to make great graphics instead of great games...




I am an April FoolVIP Member
24th November, 2003 at 09:01:46 -

Nintendo havn't made a good game in a while. Mario Sunshine and Zelda:Wind Waker were both disappointing. Some of you may disagree but after playing and completing both games, they could have been much better.

I'm bad to the bone



I am an April FoolVIP Member
24th November, 2003 at 09:30:26 -

Zelda:Wind Waker wasn't good because:
-The storyline was poor. The beginning of the game was terribly slow and made me not want to play anymore of it.

-Sailing on the sea is really boring. After a couple of trips it is very repetitive.

-The lack of innovative ideas. e.g in the wind temple you have to carry around that girl (cant remember her name) just like you had to in Ocarina of Time in juba's belly

-The game is too easy.The puzzles were easy and the figting system made it too easy to win a fight. I never had to rely on a fairy in a boss fight

-The graphics were a main criticism of people before the game was released and even though they are really good, it makes the game seem like a interactive cartoon. The orginal concept art done for the game would have been much better

-The game is far too short. I completed it in 15 hours. The older Zelda games lasted longer.

I'm bad to the bone


Stone Goose


Game of the Week WinnerHas Donated, Thank You!VIP MemberGOTM 3RD PLACE! - APRIL 2009Weekly Picture Me This Round 27 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 41 Winner!Weekly Picture Me This Round 45 Winner!
24th November, 2003 at 10:07:13 -

yeah I agree, thats why we should create cool 2d games.




Game of the Week WinnerI'm an alien!Has Donated, Thank You!VIP Member360 OwnerI'm on a Boat
24th November, 2003 at 10:51:59 -

I miss the old adventure games likes King's Quest and Monkey Island, I loved the first two MI games but the other ones kinda lost it. It was old adventure games I mainly loved, I hardly played the platformer games.

Zelda Wind Waker was a kick-ass game but darkman made some good points, the travelling at sea got boring, the bosses were easy. (Ganondorf at the end was piss easy) and I didn't like the storyline. Everything else was okay, but it would never top Ocarina of Time or Quest for Glory.

This is the second serious post I've made this week, the rest have been mindless crap about me getting thrills over people's avatars, that isn't true though.

- Space Quest II Deluxe -



I am an April FoolVIP Member
24th November, 2003 at 10:54:12 -

If anyone says Wind Waker was great then thats fine but I felt let down by Nintendo. I wonder what graphic style is going to be used in the next zelda game?

I'm bad to the bone

Pete Nattress

Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif

24th November, 2003 at 15:14:24 -

christ, every post here is an argument about consoles nowadays.

halo on PC kicks arse by the way! multiplayer is sweeet... if anyone's on it, look out for "Bum Clouds"... that's me

incidentally, i don't think all games suck. there's just more sucky ones so it's harder to see the decent ones.

Kirby Smith

Resident Slacker


VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerThe Cake is a Lie
24th November, 2003 at 16:02:00 -

I've found that the overall quality of games hasn't been the same since the Dreamcast, and the 16-bit days before that. There are a few diamonds in the rough tho. Next gen systems have been blessed with:

Metal Gear Solid 2 (PS2), DDRMAX (PS2), Devil May Cry (PS2), Final Fantasy X (PS2), Metroid Prime (GCN), Viewtiful Joe (GCN), Super Smash Bros Melee (GCN), the upcoming MGS: Twin Snakes (GCN), Halo (XBOX), Jet Set Radio Future (XBOX), and Panzar Dragoon Orta (XBOX), among a few other standout titles.

While these games are great, you have to buy 3 systems to get tham all, as opposed to the Dreamcast which had twice as many good games as the current big-3 combined. The systems themselves are perfectly fine and are all capable of running any game a developer wants to produce, but the problem is that there isn't any innovation in the game industry anymore (the exception being DDR). Nobody wants to try a new concept because of the huge financial risk (gaming is a HUGE industry). With the Dreamcast, there was new technology to push in the form of 3D that was finally powerful enough to make any game an artist could dream up. Of course, with the 16-bit systems, most games were lower budget (smaller dev. teams, and less graphics intensive) and so you could take more risks.

The next awesome wave of games is going to come when we hit another technology spike. 3D really hasn't evolved much since the Dreamcast (sure it's more efficient, but it's been more of a steady evolution rather than a sudden jump). Sadly, I see hardware as being pretty much maxed out in terms of what it can do -- I mean, it's not like we're going to invent V.R. or a 4th deminsion overnight.

My personal advice to gamers is just to say to hell with following the newest technology and worry about playing the classics and the few good new games that come out. God knows you didn't have time to play every great game ever released, so save your $50 that you could spend on Grand Theft Auto 6: The Quest for More Money, and drop it on a handfull of Super Nintendo games or a couple of those harder to find Dreamcast gems.

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir




Game of the Week WinnerI'm an alien!Has Donated, Thank You!VIP Member360 OwnerI'm on a Boat
24th November, 2003 at 16:11:47 -

Darkman: I personally think they should go back to Ocarina of Time Style, as in they actually look like people. But make it more up to date graphics, not the stupid cartoony graphics like Wind Waker. The cartoony graphics are what I forgot to mention in my last post.

The Dreamcast was a disaster IMO, I never liked it, so poor. It was so noisy, ruined Sega didn't it, or something similar? Correct me if I'm wrong...

I think another reason why I didn't like it was because of the games. My brother has one and the best game he bought for it was probably Tony Hawks Pro Skator 3. And the online system was crap aswell.

- Space Quest II Deluxe -

Kirby Smith

Resident Slacker


VIP Member360 OwnerWii OwnerThe Cake is a Lie
24th November, 2003 at 21:24:02 -

Broomie, I don't want to come off sounding like a rabid fan-boy or anything . . .well hell, I am Sega's bitch so oh well if I do. Not to nitpick, but Tony Hawk 3 never came out for Dreamcast, so get your facts straight before you go bashing the system. I personally found the online component to be pretty cool -- and it was certainly better than anything else on the market at the time, seeing as it was the only online system around. Quake III, NFL 2K1, and Unreal Tournamentw/ no lag was pretty cool (especially with a keyboard and mouse). Phantasy Star Online was worth buying the system for -- this is a pretty strong sentiment coming from me as I almost never like MMORPGs.

As for Dreamcast killing Sega... I won't say that it didn't contribute, but it was far from the only reason. Poor managment decisions during the late 16-bit and 32-bit era are what led to the demise of the system. The release of the Sega CD was the first of their problems, as it had next to no software support from Sega or third parties. Adding to Sega's problems was the release of the U.S. only 32X in 1994, less than 1 year before the launch of the Saturn. The 32X was plagued with crappy games and no 3rd party (or first party for that matter) support. It was grossly underpowered compared to the upcoming 32-bit systems, and at $300, was the last straw for many Sega supporters.

The real disaster came when they jumped the gun on the U.S. Saturn release, releasing it in May 1995, instead of the original launch date of September 5, 1995 (4 days before the Playstation), as an attempt to jump the gun and gain a user-base advantage over Sony. As a result, the launch lineup was medicore... no let's call it abysmal. The absense of a true Sonic game, the cancelation of several high profile projects, and Sega's failure to localize many successful Japanese games dind't help much.

Sales of the Saturn were already low, due to many customers fearing that it would go the way of the CD and 32X (overpriced hardware w/ minimal software support). Thus, many didn't even bother to purchase a Saturn -- approx. 1.5 million U.S. units were sold and 5 million Japanese units. Naturally, Sega was in a financial hole after 3 failed systems (and 2 unsuccessful attempts at knocking off the Gameboy -- the GameGear and Genesis Nomad).

Going into the Dreamcast launch, Sega had next to no money to fund high profile projects, let alone launch a system, produce hardware, and advertise. On top of this, many customers feared Sega's trend would continue. All of this builds on itself, and Sega was forced to play the price game -- taking a loss on every Dreamcast unit sold in order to get more units sold. As the price drops continued the situation got worse. Plus, we can't overlook the fact that Sega had to jump the gun with the Dreamcast since they weren't making any money off the Saturn -- had it been a success (which it might have been had it not been for the bombs that were the CD and 32X -- as well as the Saturn's underpowered 3D graphics capabilities) Sega could have delayed the release of the Dreamcast in order to better compete with the PS2.

So yeah, that's the jist of it. I've actually forgotten where I was going with this but the main point is to do your homework before you go shooting your mouth off.

XBL Gamertag: Rampant Mjolnir



VIP MemberThe Cake is a LieIt's-a me, Mario!Wii OwnerPokemon Ball!
25th November, 2003 at 01:25:13 -

This is why these posts are so damn long. Everybody's like "This and that sucks, period!" ... it's a matter of taste and that's an individual thing, so shut all you people who go "blah blah blah is crap" ... it's somewhat ok if you give some arguments though.. but still, going "blah crap" doesn't solve anything, or make anyone change their minds.


David Newton (DavidN)



Honored Admin Alumnus
25th November, 2003 at 06:14:26 -

There are still good games if you know where to look. The thing is, some genres worked so much better in 2D and people are scared to go back to it because of the old-fashioned look of it.

I'd like to see another Prince of Persia game in 2D. (Yes, I rediscovered the original recently and have been playing it to death, so excuse my obsession.) - Games, music, living in America


Mascot Maniac


Game of the Week WinnerSecond GOTW AwardHas Donated, Thank You!VIP Member
25th November, 2003 at 07:22:09 -

games companys generally know how to make money from their games
if its good and sells well then make a sequel
thats what nintendo do for mario kart, zelda, mario 64 and mario party type games.
and thats why they rerelease snes games on the gba
because they will sell.

anyway games nowadays are probably better because they are not as limited by the hardware as they used to be. They cant be innovative as often because loads of ideas have already been done before.
mabye you have lost the same feeling you got with playing games when you were younger but that does not make those games crap does it now?





Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member
25th November, 2003 at 07:34:05 -

Not all the 3D games are bad. Ratchet & Clank was a good 3D game.

However,the majority of them stink. It's mostly army type FPS's and blow the crap out of everything type games. There are now just too many of these FPS's.



25th November, 2003 at 08:27:28 -

I agree. But even better are the ones that manage the keep the old charmm that made them such gems in the 2D universe, Metroid Prime being the best example to date. I had reservations when I heard they were taking Samus into the third dimension, but since I borrowed a friends machine and started playing it, I have to say that it is still deliciously Metroid. Between that and the upcoming Twin Snakes (even though I already have MGS1), its nearly enough to convince me to buy one for meself.

EDIT: Linky for Wong : Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Just released, and apparently it kicks the ass off the abysmal PoP3D

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If at first you don't succeed, call it version 1.0 | |



I am an April FoolVIP Member
25th November, 2003 at 10:19:18 -

Broomie a agree with you about the graphics in Wind Waker and hope Nintendo change them for future zelda games. Anyway whoever said the storyline in Wind Waker is the best yet, you obviousely don't know what your on about.

I've been playing games for a lot more years then some of yous so don't act like I don't know what i'm talking about.

I'm bad to the bone

Weston L

25th November, 2003 at 18:22:30 -

It doesn't matter if a game is old-new-3D-2D-FPS-RPG-RTS- or anything, as long as it's fun to play. Many old games (Mario series, Sonic series, MegaMan series, Zelda series, etc. etc. the list goes on) are very fun (and usually more fun than new 3D's) to play, agreed.

However, certain games such as Halo are very good new 3D games. Just because it's new and 3D automatically makes it crap? Disagreed...



25th November, 2003 at 18:36:12 -

I agree with the monochrome piramid!


Grazzum - Scorpion E

25th November, 2003 at 20:38:53 -

XBox owns, I have a Game Pube and it would bend over and recieve sodomy from a gorilla if it pleased my friends' XBox. I mean what the hell? It's the worst of the 3 and the PS2 looks like something that landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day. It should be living in a museum addicted on a plant and then kill people for their brains, It's a goddamn relic. Now the Xbox, that mother ship looks as if you could slap a few homemade wings on it and take off. Sure it's big but who gives a fuck?!! It's not as if your gonna take that beaut with you everywhere you go, "oh look at me I carry my game cube to school and I pee my pants and cry and have tiny hands to play shitty games on the cube like Luigi's 'Non Skill Involved' Mansion". There's my rant for you guys Consider yourself Owned


Assault Andy

I make other people create vaporware


Game of the Week WinnerVIP Member360 OwnerGOTM JUNE - 2009 - WINNER!GOTM FEB - 2010 - WINNER!	I donated an open source project
25th November, 2003 at 22:35:57 -

Consoles are implementing computer features nowadays such as hardrives and internet capablilities. Which makes them have all the power of games on the computer except for no crashing.

I don't have anything against the PS2, but some PS2 owners say the Xbox sux? Why is that? I can't think of anything the Xbox doesn't have that it's rivals do, except that all the consoles have differant games.

Creator of Faerie Solitaire:
Also creator of ZDay20 and Dungeon Dash.

Alex Scobell

25th November, 2003 at 22:51:27 -

"As for 3D have issues if you not awesomely amazed by some of the stuff they can pull off in recent first person shooters then i'll eat my hat."

Its not that there not impresive its just that, well aren't you sick of FPS games? It seems to be the only genre these days and I'm sick of it! - The Secret of T.E.L.X coming soon!


The Smegster


VIP Member
26th November, 2003 at 00:13:33 -

I think that all 3 consoles are cool, BUT ps2 is my FAV, as it was out first, and is popular,and is darn cool

well actually, I like it due to the games it has on it..

Grazzum - Scorpion E

26th November, 2003 at 16:38:28 -

FPS is cool, and it's not just FPS nowadays, W3, Rome:Total War (*Orgasm after Orgasm* ooooh baby) is coming out too. And countless others.


Mr Coffee

26th November, 2003 at 19:16:02 -

I have been playing games since the NES days and I have to say that games are NOT worse these days. I know it's the cool thing to say how the old games were better but it's just not true. Most of the games on the NES were HORRIBLE. The NES had some classic games but the majority of them were awful. The ratio of bad games to good games on the NES was much worse than on today's systems. The Super Nes was a big improvement but still, most of its games were not that great. I would say the ratio of bad games to good games on the SNES was the same as on today's systems.

The fact is, peoples expectations have risen. As an example look at the Wind Waker. Many people trash this game, even though it is in essence, just as good as OoT. People's expectations rose so high because Oot was such a great game that Wind Waker just couldn't meet them. As more games come out expectations keep rising, and it's getting harder and harder to please people who have been playing games since the NES and SNES days. I would bet 500 dollars that kids who are playing today's systems will be saying the EXACT same thing 20 years from now. "Yep, the PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube now that was the golden age of gaming".

99 percent chance that the above post is 100 percent correct.

Grazzum - Scorpion E

26th November, 2003 at 19:34:22 -

Hear! Hear!


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