Posted By
Danny Boy
Registered 06/10/2003
Points 794
17th January, 2004 at 19:53:09 -
Tired of making games/apps alone? Then join the Dynecys group!
These are wanted there: Artist, BETA tester, programmer(mmf,tgf,.asp,.jsp), help file-writer and game maker<-(most wanted)
CYS OldieRegistered 03/01/2002
Points 1523
17th January, 2004 at 20:17:16 -
It feels really weird when you have my name as part of the group's name.
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
17th January, 2004 at 21:05:55 -
Nice site, but what else does your group have that the other groups don't have?
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Registered 07/02/2011
Points 1029
17th January, 2004 at 23:39:22 -
yeah i would like to have someone to help with this:
Global Start_time# = MilliSecs()
Global tile_width = 42
Global tile_height= 14
Global tile_depth = 22
Global t_halfwide = tile_width / 2
Global t_halfdeep = tile_depth / 2
;Cursor & cam
Global cam_x = 0
Global cam_y = 0
Global cam_x_speed = 0
Global cam_y_speed = 0
Global cursor_x = 0
Global cursor_y = 0
Global cursor_z = 0
Global cursor_real_x
Global cursor_real_y
Global screen_width = 640
Global screen_height = 480
Global screen_depth = 16
Global screen_img_width = 200
Global screen_img_height = 200
Global screen_img_ammount = 0
Graphics3D screen_width,screen_height,screen_depth,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
;=======================GFX LOAD==============================
Global sand_gfx = LoadImage ("tile_sand.bmp")
MaskImage (sand_gfx,255,0,255)
Global cursor_gfx = LoadImage ("cursor.bmp")
MaskImage (cursor_gfx,255,0,255)
Global cursor_height_gfx = LoadImage ("cursor_height.bmp")
MaskImage (cursor_height_gfx,255,0,255)
DebugLog "gfx loaded"
;=======================MAIN LOOP=============================
While (Not KeyHit(1))
main_loop_start# = MilliSecs ()
While (MilliSecs () < main_loop_start# + 10) Wend
Text 0,15, "fps: " + 1000 / (MilliSecs() - main_loop_start#)
Text 0,30, "cursor x: " + cursor_x + " cursor y: " + cursor_y + " cursor z: " + cursor_z + " || camera_x: " + cam_x + "camera_y: " + cam_y
Text 0,45, "Use the cursor keys to move the red cursor, also change cursor height with A/Z keys. kthx."
Text 0,60, "Ammount of immages: " + screen_img_ammount
Type tile
Field x
Field y
Field z
Field screen_x
Field screen_y
Field gfx
End Type
Type img
Field x
Field y
Field gfx
Field needs_update
End Type
Function set_scene_img()
; if this function is ran twice, all images must be deleted
For scene_img.img = Each img
Delete scene_img
x_division = screen_width / screen_img_width
y_division = screen_height / screen_img_height
For x = 0 To x_division - 1
For y = 0 To y_division - 1
scene_img.img = New img
DebugLog "img created"
screen_img_ammount = screen_img_ammount + 1
scene_img\x = x * screen_img_width
scene_img\y = y * screen_img_height
scene_img\gfx = CreateImage (screen_img_width, screen_img_height)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End Function
Function update_curor()
;delete cursor
For in_zone.tile = Each tile
If in_zone\gfx = cursor_height_gfx Or in_zone\gfx = cursor_gfx Then Delete in_zone
;create cursor again
End Function
Function draw_on_scene_img_1st()
For scene_img.img = Each img
;check if scene needs update
If (scene_img\needs_update = 1)
;choose the image as buffer so I can draw on it
SetBuffer ImageBuffer (scene_img\gfx)
;clear up
;draw all in_zone tiles, including cursors
For in_zone.tile = Each tile
DrawImage (in_zone\gfx,in_zone\screen_x - cam_x - scene_img\x ,in_zone\screen_y - cam_y - scene_img\y)
;now that drawing is done, it doesnt need updating
scene_img\needs_update = 0
End If
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()
End Function
Function draw_scene()
For scene_img.img = Each img
DrawImage (scene_img\gfx, scene_img\x, scene_img\y)
;crap below
Plot MouseX(), MouseY()
ClsColor Rnd (80), Rnd(50), Rnd(90)
If is_point_inside_rect(MouseX(),MouseY(),0,0,320,480)
Color 255,0,0
Color 0,255,0
End If
;crap above
End Function
Function crate_in_zone(x,y,z,gfx)
in_zone.tile = New tile
in_zone\x = x
in_zone\y = y
in_zone\z = z
in_zone\screen_x = (x * t_halfwide) - (y * t_halfwide)
in_zone\screen_y = (y * t_halfdeep) + (x * t_halfdeep) - (z * tile_height)
in_zone\gfx = gfx
real_x = (x * t_halfwide) - (y * t_halfwide)
real_y = (x * t_halfdeep) + (y * t_halfdeep) - (z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(x,y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End Function
Function crate_cursor(x,y,z)
cursor_x = x
cursor_y = y
cursor_z = z
in_zone.tile = New tile
in_zone\x = x
in_zone\y = y
in_zone\z = z
in_zone\screen_x = (x * t_halfwide) - (y * t_halfwide)
in_zone\screen_y = (y * t_halfdeep) + (x * t_halfdeep) - (z * tile_height)
in_zone\gfx = cursor_gfx
For z_value = 0 To z - 1
in_zone.tile = New tile
in_zone\x = x
in_zone\y = y
in_zone\z = z_value
in_zone\gfx = cursor_height_gfx
in_zone\screen_x = (x * t_halfwide) - (y * t_halfwide)
in_zone\screen_y = (y * t_halfdeep) + (x * t_halfdeep) - (z_value * tile_height)
For z_value = 0 To -z - 1
in_zone.tile = New tile
in_zone\x = x
in_zone\y = y
in_zone\z = -z_value
in_zone\gfx = cursor_height_gfx
in_zone\screen_x = (x * t_halfwide) - (y * t_halfwide)
in_zone\screen_y = (y * t_halfdeep) + (x * t_halfdeep) - (-z_value * tile_height)
End Function
Function move_cursor()
If KeyHit (203)
cursor_x = cursor_x - 1
cursor_real_x = (cursor_x * t_halfwide) - (cursor_y * t_halfwide)
cursor_real_y = (cursor_x * t_halfdeep) + (cursor_y * t_halfdeep) - (cursor_z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(cursor_x,cursor_y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End If
If KeyHit (205)
cursor_x = cursor_x + 1
cursor_real_x = (cursor_x * t_halfwide) - (cursor_y * t_halfwide)
cursor_real_y = (cursor_x * t_halfdeep) + (cursor_y * t_halfdeep) - (cursor_z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(cursor_x,cursor_y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End If
If KeyHit (200)
cursor_y = cursor_y - 1
cursor_real_x = (cursor_x * t_halfwide) - (cursor_y * t_halfwide)
cursor_real_y = (cursor_x * t_halfdeep) + (cursor_y * t_halfdeep) - (cursor_z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(cursor_x,cursor_y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End If
If KeyHit (20
cursor_y = cursor_y + 1
cursor_real_x = (cursor_x * t_halfwide) - (cursor_y * t_halfwide)
cursor_real_y = (cursor_x * t_halfdeep) + (cursor_y * t_halfdeep) - (cursor_z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(cursor_x,cursor_y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End If
If KeyHit (30)
cursor_z = cursor_z + 1
cursor_real_x = (cursor_x * t_halfwide) - (cursor_y * t_halfwide)
cursor_real_y = (cursor_x * t_halfdeep) + (cursor_y * t_halfdeep) - (cursor_z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(cursor_x,cursor_y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End If
If KeyHit (44)
cursor_z = cursor_z - 1
cursor_real_x = (cursor_x * t_halfwide) - (cursor_y * t_halfwide)
cursor_real_y = (cursor_x * t_halfdeep) + (cursor_y * t_halfdeep) - (cursor_z * tile_height)
For scene_img.img = Each img
If is_point_inside_rect(cursor_x,cursor_y,scene_img\x,scene_img\y,scene_img_width + tile_width ,scene_img_heigh + tile_height + tile_depth)
scene_img\needs_update = 1
End If
End If
End Function
;MOVE CURSE FUNCTION END_ its a bit long function
Function crate_on_keyhit()
If KeyHit (57) Then crate_in_zone(cursor_x,cursor_y,cursor_z,sand_gfx)
End Function
Function is_point_inside_rect(x,y,rect_x,rect_y,rect_width,rect_height)
a = 0
If ( x > rect_x And x < rect_x + rect_width And y > rect_y And y < rect_y + rect_height )
a = 1
End If
Return a
End Function
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
18th January, 2004 at 00:07:14 -
Darn it, Dogzey, take your code somewhere else. Putting up all that bare code is as bad as porn to some people around here.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Registered 07/02/2011
Points 1029
18th January, 2004 at 00:31:30 -
what.. its just a bit of code someone help me
Muz Registered 14/02/2002
Points 6499
18th January, 2004 at 01:08:49 -
A bit? Which part do you need help with exactly?
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Crystal Clear (H.E.S) Possibly Insane
Registered 06/10/2002
Points 2548
18th January, 2004 at 04:29:24 -
lol Dogzer, your problem is in line 100000101010
HES homepage:
Crystal Clear Productions:
Registered 15/07/2002
Points 571
18th January, 2004 at 11:29:42 -
Exactly right CC
-Above post is ancient and probably irrelevant-
An old account of mine, recently cleared out. It's a blast to the past, the age was marked as 14 when I found it. If you know where to look, you can track me. Au revoir.
Registered 07/02/2011
Points 1029
18th January, 2004 at 15:16:25 -
hehe CC you gave me the line in binary code <3
Shen Possibly Insane
Registered 14/05/2002
Points 3497
18th January, 2004 at 15:30:17 -
I refuse to work with any language that relies on white space.
gone fishin'
RapidFlash Savior of the UniverseRegistered 14/05/2002
Points 2712
18th January, 2004 at 15:45:20 -
I might join, but what I want to know is: what are you working on? Anyway:
I know: TGF/MMF, TrueBasic, Visual Basic.
Strenghts: Fighting engines and coding. Edited by the Author.
Cazra Crazy?
Registered 24/07/2002
Points 4472
18th January, 2004 at 16:08:40 -
What programming language is that Dogzer?
It looks like it's either C++ or Jamascript.
Either way, I know only the basics.
Tigerworks Klik LegendRegistered 15/01/2002
Points 3882
18th January, 2004 at 16:14:29 -
Looks like a BASIC style language, C syntax languages have braces instead of 'then' and 'end if' etc.
- Tigerworks
Registered 03/04/2003
Points 853
19th January, 2004 at 04:51:43 -
Dogzer if you put a link instead anyone interested could see your code, and all the others could navigate this topic faster. Dont you think such a question should be in the help section?
If you knew, I would have to kill you...