Taken when I was testing my my bisscuit tin pc, to see if it would run of the car's 12v, of couse I had to network it to see if it was working and to shut it down, which ment running 18meters of cat5 out of my bedroom window to my 3com switch (worth quite a few pounds) at the bottom of the garden.
Yar we use 230v AC here. My biscuit tin pc has a DC-DC converter, so I could just wire it straight in to the cars 12v supply, didn't dare try to rev the car just left it idling. Yes it worked I could log in to the pc over my network.
Also "Jap cars are seriously comfortable btw..." Too true and bloody reliable too, my car is a Mazda, not once has it failed to start first turn of the key.
Don't worry about it man, I didn't get my driver's liscense until about a month before I turned 17. I know a few people who are 18 and still don't drive.