Country: CANADA Oooooooooh Ya! The best place to live... Decriminalized pot! (not that I do it )
Province: Yup up here in Canada its a Province and not a state...but basically the same thing. The Province is Alberta Eat Alberta Beef
City/Town: Yup...I live near a town about 30mins. out... damn rural areas and no highspeed well. I'm near a town called Carstairs. Haha
Suburb: Well there are no Suburbs in Carstairs..too small...but I will say I live in the Suburb of
Oh well... I can bet nobody else from Alberta is a clicker here Kinda sad really
"I have dreamed a dream... But now that dream is gone from me."
Country - USA
City - Loveland (A little podunk town in the middle of a vast dry wasteland.)
State - Colorado
@Caprice - Now ya gotta love that dump with it's daily flock of seagulls that head out at 6 am every morning. Lufu used to live near me, until someone deleted him.