Posted By
- Yelnek -
Registered 03/05/2003
Points 1016
24th March, 2004 at 02:57:20 -
Hey i came across a game which I belive would have made the front page if it was made with a Clickteam product...but I still recomend downloading it for it is fun and is funny
It is a bit short but It is worth the download for the grphics are nicly done as well as the animations...
Try it out and leave the author comments cause he deserves em or even a review! I
NOTE: I am in no way associated with the author. I just feel that this is one game that slipped through the cracks of the DC downloads.
Magically yours,
Kenley Browne of Kenadian Games
"I have dreamed a dream... But now that dream is gone from me."
ShadowCaster Possibly Insane
Registered 02/01/2002
Points 2203
24th March, 2004 at 03:02:15 -
Hah, it looks cool I'm going to download -- adventure is my favourite genre, people should make more
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
- Yelnek -
Registered 03/05/2003
Points 1016
24th March, 2004 at 03:07:08 -
Hey SC i didn't know that here I love them!
But have no fear for Im working on a new Adventure game and it will be awesome
"I have dreamed a dream... But now that dream is gone from me."
Alex Scobell
Registered 22/07/2002
Points 717
24th March, 2004 at 04:48:43 -
Wow thanks Kenley. And John the sprites were drawn and animated in flash and the backgrounds were made with Open Canvas's nift water colours. - The Secret of T.E.L.X coming soon!
Joshtek Administrator
The ArchivistRegistered 02/01/2002
Points 4055
24th March, 2004 at 08:05:02 -
Adventure is also my fav. genre, think too many people don't make adventure games. Hmmm, I see a "Adventure Compo" on the way *hopes*
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
AndyUK Mascot ManiacRegistered 01/08/2002
Points 14586
24th March, 2004 at 10:13:15 -
Adventure game?, I would have thought that these sorts of games would be called 'Point and click adventures.'
Joshtek Administrator
The ArchivistRegistered 02/01/2002
Points 4055
24th March, 2004 at 10:23:38 -
Um yeah, I like P&C Adventure games, but sometimes there are nP&C adventure games which are good, like Little Bobby Carter. Edited by the Author.
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
Broomie iInfamous/iRegistered 30/08/2002
Points 929
24th March, 2004 at 13:53:01 -
Adventure games aren't always PAC games. But yeah Adventure games are defintely my favourite genre. I was really pissed off to hear about Sam n Max being cancelled. Lucasarts are a bunch of fucking idiots. They said it isn't the right time to work on an adventure game when they announced they were making a Monkey Island 5. What's up with that?
- Space Quest II Deluxe -
Joshtek Administrator
The ArchivistRegistered 02/01/2002
Points 4055
24th March, 2004 at 14:22:22 -
I've not played Monkey Island, well I played the demo for the 3D one but at the time I had a bad gfx card.
I have played Broken Sword 1&2 and Discworld 1&2, and part of Discworld 3 (but disc two had a scatch in it for PSX and DW3 for PC does not work in XP!)
:: Joshtek ::
Oreos? GO! OREOS!
Alex Scobell
Registered 22/07/2002
Points 717
24th March, 2004 at 23:28:46 -
Adevture games are bassicly where you must gather items to solve puzzels. Anyway this has gone pretty offtopic. - The Secret of T.E.L.X coming soon!
Registered 03/04/2004
Points 2
3rd April, 2004 at 07:33:35 -
Woo! Looks like good game...