Do you ever feel unsure what to think of a particular member of this glorious site? As caring and sharing community members I feel it would be a positively splendid idea to post helpful, unbiast, informative reviews of other members of this wonderful site and community to help new users get a grip on things. Here's a few to get the ball rolling:
Dave "Dave C" C, longtime member of the relatively inconsequentual group Cystine Creations or something like that, has finally been nailed down and taken apart by an expert review team (yours truly), and the results posted here! For the many clueless clickers who have really have no idea what to think of this Nintendo-loving, wiggerism-spounting, WWE-loving individual - now is the time to finally make up your minds!
Name: Dave "Dave C" C
Age: 12?
Likes: Naked sweaty men touching each other, nintendo
Dislikes: Pete Natress
Contribution: Dave's made only one game he feels is properly decent at the moment; Fighting Spirit. Standard fare platform adventure game, your everyday ninja comes home to find his garden infested with spiders and enemy ninjas and sets out to set things straight. Nothing worth talking about, but more than your average community member. He also informs me he's made other, smaller games, like "Runner". I have not infact played this on account of it being called Runner, but Dave tells me he and his mates played it for hours. Keeping in mind his mates have wrestling dates marked on their calendars, I was not persuaded to include anything but Fighting Spirit under his list of accomplishments. 7/10
Potential: Dave's self-proclaimed retrophilia is what is really holding him back from reaching his true potential. He'd just as happily make Christmas Police Mario than anything even slightly original. His up-and-coming game "Dave C's Adventures" featured a fat, naked little boy from a NES game running around instead of himself (who I assume is the star of the game). Surely this obsession with long-dead games has to stop before he can advance any further. 6/10
Personality: What I feel is Dave's strongest area, Dave's cool, I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude is what really keeps us coming back for more at the end of the day. He wouldn't really care if you liked or hated him, Dave would gladly invite you into his MSN group-chat circlejerks provided you could amuse him and the knuckle-dragging, beer-chugging, WWE lovers he asossiates with. Despite my best efforts, Dave remains impervious to even the strongest insults. Dave joining #K&P in it's peak hours can be likened to Martin Luther King happily jumping into a Ku Klux Klan football match, but amazingly he ends each encounter exactly the same way he came in. This is a quality I really admire in Dave, but he is not without his previously mentioned faults. 8/10
-Isn't afraid to tell it like it is and lay it to The Man
-Doesn't even remember how many times he's been banned from the Daily Click
-Likes WWE
-Says "u" and "ppl"
Despite his lack of ambition in the game-making department, Dave C's roguish charm combined with his lack of respect for authorites make him one to look out for. Those with thin skin may find him insulting at worst, but beneath his mischievous exterior Dave really has a heart of gold. 7/10
Did You Know?
Dave once hosted 23 consecutive WWE pay per views
Name: Jim "Nobuyuki" Biggs
Age: 19 or something
Likes: Anime, The 80s, Japan, The Scene
Dislikes: People who don't know what The Scene is, being called Mexican
Commonly known as ‘nobu’ or ‘fat mexican’, Nobuyuki is the click communities resident know-it-all and retro NES musician. And by ‘know-it-all’ I really mean ‘sounds-like-he-knows-it-all’, because you’ll find after any extended conversation that Nobu’s probably no smarter than you except on his most preferred topics. Before I get into any more detail though, let’s start with his contribution.
You’ve probably played Hypergem 3 or Soccer Freak. The latter is a silly game of luck and patience and physical tolerance in which you have to bounce a ball around. Hypergem 3 was a hit though and the high point of Nobu’s progression to fame/infamy. He’s released a couple of other mini games and, he’ll be the first to admit, that these are pretty much the only type of thing he can be bothered to make.
As mentioned earlier, quite the pseudo-genius, but its only fair I admit he’s an interesting person to talk to. However, from an extremely unreliable and biased source (Podunkian) I hear he’s a nightmare to make games with!
A noteworthy quirk of his is a really stupidly obscure sense of humour. If you give it enough thought you might be able cough out an unenthusiastic chuckle but only if you can actually recognize the source of the joke. Although he’s only 19 or something at the time of writing, he claims to have quite a memory of the 80s and its music/TV/etc. A lot of his jokes originate from these and various unpopular websites. If you don’t believe me, visit #k&p one day and see if you get the topic. You won’t.
High, if you’re in the market for anime cat-girl* artists and Nintendo game music. Sadly, his skills seem to be going nowhere fast because he knows what he likes and doesn’t try anything new.
-‘Interesting’ person
-Advanced skills in Nintendo music production
-Released 1 good game
-Thinks he would be a good fashion designer
-Occasionally arrogant
-Advanced skills in Nintendo music production
-Obscure and esoteric sense of humour
-An op in #k&p
Overall you shouldn’t get the wrong idea; I don’t hate Nobuyuki. I don’t even dislike him, but if I was any more positive you might think I was a fag and this wouldn’t be funny. Anyway, I strongly urge you to trial this member and if you like him, share him with your friends or Play Online™! I mean, talk to him on irc…
* Yes, I know you were just WAITING for me to mention those
Dave C somehow got me into WWE again. That's how much I love him...... and that is the bottom line, because I said so.
Fuck it I'll give it a go. Bored these days.
Real Name: Chris Street
Age: 20!
Likes: Ruby Wax, Townies, Prostitutes, making raps with no rhythm.
Hates: Chocolate and taking rEtardEd pictures!
Yes I want to punch him too...
The Circy Story
Circy is well known around the community, from his debut with Team Ultimate X, to his general everyday retardism. Ever since he was a wee lad he wanted to make games. He'd be quite the loser by getting paper and pens and making his own levels, clever I guess, but really sad. Upon recieving his first Klik n Play disc, he decided to make it big by making crap games. Eventually, he found the klik community, where he was dubbed the biggest n00b ever, with his overall "MY GAMEZ RULES!" attitude and his really bad name. Years went by, Circy then became the Daily Click administrator, produced many fun and addictive games, some of them anyway, which even got into magazines, and is famous for his witty charisma and gayish mugshots. Or should that be infamous.
Circy, himself and Mr Stumps Dentures
He certainly pissed off a few with his really... really overhyped platform adventure, Mr Stumps Dentures. Preview after preview, screenshot after screenshot, people were actually thinking Poo Yong Mcplop (Circy) was really going to do it this time. Make one of the best games in the click community, unfortunatly it became quite a flop to a few, great to others, but the majority thought it was... a flop. I was lucky enough to BETA it, and I thought it was pretty good. We are very much anticipating his next project, MSD2, the not very long awaited sequal to the first one. Will he pull it off next time? Or will it just be extra shit down the bog? Only time will tell.
Why do you pull those gay faces Circy?
Ah yes, we can't review Circy without mentioning (and showing) his collection of fugshots, along with captions alongside them. I would say witty, but you might not like my humour, thus hating me for lying that the captions were going to be witty, but of course they weren't. Yeah.
He looks tough here, a nice tough man, I don't know how this ended up on the internet, this must be the photo he used for his Passport or Buspass or some sort of card with a picture on it.
Now this one pisses me off the most, just look at him. He's drinking a beverage which appears to be Coke, or Dr Pepper, yet he's pulling an annoying face to extend the humiliation. I mean, nothing wrong with that, drinking coke and pulling a face, but this is Circy.
Errr... no comment.
I'll stop there with the pictures as you 56ker's are probably still waiting for the avatars to load on this thread. Shall we move onto the pros and cons? Yes I think we should.
- It's Circy, this would count as a pro.
- Someone to take the piss out of.
- Very nice person, I speak to him and he's very friendly.
- His mugshots make me laugh.
- British, though I don't like England at the moment due to our Government.
- Yet it's Circy, so count this as a con
- Annoying, not annoying as before though
- Overhypes games which do quite poor.
- Occasionally locks thread that don't even get out of hand.
- His mugshots make me cringe.
- Is geting rather cocky nower days. Maybe it's the power he has.
Although he is a DC Admin, I'd probably count this as a con, but I don't think he does a bad job so we'll just keep this neutral.
Overall, I conclude that Circy, is an asset to this community, and we must have someone like him. Therefore, I'll give him a nice strapping 9.
You gotta luv 'im! Yet you gotta hate him.
I was going to review Hiredgun but I don't know him well enough, and he probably wouldn't take it too kindly either. Bye.
Now entering the courtroom, Case #25467, The charge, Public lewdness.
Judge: How does the defendant plead?
Judge: Council, what is your defendant doing?
Lawyer: Pleading insanity? Maybe?
Judge: He's got it then; You, Mr. Street, are hereby sentanced to live out the rest of your days in the asylum. And how does that suit you?
Judge: Quite.
Craps, I'm an old man!
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
23rd May, 2004 at 14:12:46 -
hahah. i'm very bored shab, so i'm going to review... SHAB. hold the line please.
Name: Pete "I'm Keane (or should that be I'm keen)" Nattress
Age: Around 17
Likes: Pete Nattress, Poodles
Dislikes: Terry Wogan, Fat people
Although Pete's site has had many visitors and has lots of games, Pete's contribution to the click community is negligible. His creations mainly consist of craply-drawn French dogs and farmers - although, surprisingly for Pete, never in the same game. His main project which he's working on now is one called Poodles 4, which is break in genre from such games as Poodles 1 and Poodles 3.
One of his stronger points. Natty is a wideboy compared to most people in the click community. He swears, uses perfect grammar (did I just contradict myself then?) and has a hammer and sickle on his avatar. He seems like the kind of guy who would have a life (whatever one of those is). Despite this, he has somehow become an admin here at the Daily Click and has become one of the community better known celebrities.
- not afraid to offend people.
- pretty funny.
- firm but fair
- shite at clicking.
- pretends to be communist.
- glasses.
Overall, Pete is the soft, white underbelly of the click community. He shies away from the "Look at how homosexual I am" method of doing things, and instead chooses the "Look at how much I hate people who say "Look at how homosexual I am"" method. Good choice.
Pete's the one in the glasses in case you didn't know.
Out of interest, and with reference to that link to an earlier topic; how come when I was banned everything I'd ever done or said got deleted, and yet Dave's comments live on for posterity?
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
23rd May, 2004 at 15:22:05 -
Real name: Paul Masterson
Age: Too old to be on this site, really - 21
Likes: Anime, Comedy, "Females", Randomness
Dislikes: Stupidity, John Elway(?)
Pictured above, the face on the right belonging to a "female" with whom Shab claims to have been recently indulging in several amusing activities. Including photography.
Shab's a happy chappy, always willing to DC mail me and clutter up my inbox with various random comments, the bulk of which are just two worded salutations. Like the image suggests, Shab is a blurry and oft-stoned character, rarely if ever making any sense. He holds down a job in American supermarket chain 7/11 and moonlights as a receptionist on Sundays (and refutes mocking claims that it's a woman's job). He cites his reason for this second job as being the fact that he has unlimited access to a T3 connection, with which he can download much "anime".
As a game creator, Shab is yet to shine. I have beta tested his game "Noir" and it was definetly promising, but the only full game he has completed is the dubiously titled "Hot Roddin' Santa" which plays as badly as it's named. He plans to quit his pants jobs and go to Digipen University, apparantly a forerunning college for computer games, but let's be hoping that his resumé is fuller and somewhat more substantial. Anyway, "Noir" certainly has potential, and another of his projects, entitled EDF, looks to be of equal calibre.
Now for a bit of: Shab, the Man. Born in Rhode Island, USA, he now lives in a rather grotty sounding part of Colorado, where he is in frequent scrapes with the law enforcement authorities regarding either his attempts to project anime onto neighbour's walls or his sooped-up Mazda. I don't care for cars, unlike him, so I won't bore you with the letters and numbers in the name of it.
-Doesn't smell too bad
-Looks reasonably attractive (or... so my mum says...)
-Has plenty of spare time to waste here
-Quite ameanable
-Obsessed with anime
-Too random
In conclusion, Shab is a thankfully mature member of this site, always obliged to lend a hand, or run shitty competitions or whatever, and general all-round good egg.
Contribution: Although sam has never actually made something click related, the succesful insults, and community-wide shock is something that he adds to the groups very well. 6/10
Personality: Many would find Sam as a stupider version of ashman, as I do, but with more feeling of what is wrong, and how to do it. He's an enjoyable fellow to have around, but when circy or the like have arrived, expect many "things" going on that would be quite hilarious. 8/10
Potential: With his laugh enducing cartoons on his geocities webspace:
" "
It would be of no surprise to see a great amount of talent from this young new zealander. Also, a better substitute whilst ashman is in the mental hospital/ outhouse, screaming for TP. 9/10
Overall: Until sam is unbanned, and becomes more aquanted with TDC, sam will be a moreso a private friend. I look forward to TDC falling under and at the last moment, samwise being unbanned and ready to stomp on the fallen buildings. 8+1/2 /10
erm... Funny?
Sometimes the stupidity outweighs the humurous factor of him.
Questionable attitude towards sex.
Now do someone else that is annoying.
Sexilly editted.
Edited by the Author.
"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.
If I really cared, I'd ask someone to review me. But I don't, so I'm just going to at Shab's review. And contrary to popular belief, Pete's actually INSIDE the bear as he was eaten a few hours before that photo was took. Pete swapped places with the guy in the photo and escaped. Needless to say, his former identity as Adolf Nattress is safe.
I used to think Sam the Ninja was a dick, but now I've seen his cartoons of him murdering my buddies Crystal Clear and JD, he can marry my sister anytime he wants. Not that he will because he's gay, but ho hum.
I'd do a review on Michael "ShadowCaster" Hadzic or Rikus Kras if I wasn't so lazy and if I could find pictures of them .
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Whoa, there is no plainer and obvious and in-your-face way to be crying out gossip than this... Hah!
Man, i wanna be reviewed! Ask me and I'll send you a picture; gimme 5 bucks and I'll make myslef look as though I just discovered the exiting flavor contained within a bottle of Windex. Heck, I'll even give you a biography of newton to base my life off of! To be short: please review me!
Games currently in "the works":
My Fantasy (dieing dream)
Shadowed Sunset (this one will be cool)
Dragon Riders (Newer, better animated, cooler, and less gradient version!)
.................... baby!
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Ah, the genius of splitting 'n00b' into two words. Dustin, you are an asset to this community with your entertaining posts and truthful reviews. </memberreview> Oh, and where will you be when the starfish population take over the world? I bet you'll wish you said 'yay' instead of 'wtf'.
Likes: Super "ACTUAL" C++ scripting.
Showing off crazy avatars.
Dislikes: Stuff
N/A, we might not want to see it anyway.
Contribution: Chris branch, the extension maker, the ball bloke creator, and an overall.... Wierd person has contributed many things most clickers cannot do, decent extensions, and alot of helpful tutorials on his website. He has also made a couple of geometric shape inspired games, and simple puzzle products. Simple, yet well coded. CB/FM is a growing, quiet creator in the community scene. 8/10
Personality: Although immature at times, like most tdcers, he still manages to not become a newbish annoyance and stays away from growing flame wars. Seemingly, by his obsession with starfishes he has been thought to be a run-away mental institute patient, but apparently he is so much more. He can actually be funny, oddly..
Potential: While CB is a quiet person, but with a strong ability for creation, and ideas. He has much potential in the world of socially-deprative humans who lurk online communites, whom we call "Geeks". His games, though very idea lacking are well coded and aren't of the newbish caliber, his extension making abilities astound me, as I am too lazy to do what he has accomplished, overall CB/FM has much potential for his future days of creation, as he already has a high level of skill.
Overall: Although I don't exactly know him fully, he apparently is not as retarded as his IRC comments portray him as. Overall, he should be a higher level being, while he choses to stick to the shadows and not make a sound... Which is annoying to say the least, especially when you want someone not-so ghey to be in IRC. 9/10
Pros: Somewhat funny.
He makes worthwhile extensions.
Good game developer.
Cons: Doesn't use full skill in creation.
Quiet at worst times.
That is all, now REVIEW!
"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.
This is quite intresting to watch.
Its also rather creepy. How the heck did you guys get a hold on clicker's photos? Is there some sort of Click Mafia? I must know!
Well, anyway, I'll just kick back and watch.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Might as well make a review while I'm on this thread.
Jonathan Smeby:
-likes: making games including himself, posting digital art of aliens and shapeless forms.
-dislikes: anyone who tries to be just like him in every way possible
-contribution: Makes a lot more funny Flash movies and comics. He started a project called "Jonny Comics:Mind Menace" which everyone still wonders when it'll be finished. Started a long-lasting walking avatar craze by posting a preview for his new project, "Jonny RPG", with sprites of real people in it.
-personality: Random, funny.
-funny random sense of humor
-makes great Flash movies and comics
-it is questionable when he will finish his games.
-sometimes full of himself
Pete Nattress
-likes: Nazi poodles
-dislikes: flame wars, Americans
-contribution: an admin at TDC who caries around a whip to use on troublemakers. He finally changed his avatar. He's very good at locking flame wars.
-personality: poodles and lots of gore rule! I am not a mattress!
-kicks the bad people out of TDC
-nice to non-troublemakers
-hasn't made many games/apps.
Id review ashman, but all his mullet pics are gone .
"Everytime you use Kazaa, a metallica band member dies a little."
Quote Jonathon Smeby.
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
24th May, 2004 at 14:46:30 -
Wong Chung Bang
Real Name: David Newton
Age: 18
Likes: German Rock, Writing Stuff, Composing Stuff, Retro Games (from Apogee)
Dislikes: Text message language
Wong is the DC admin who's always here but no-one seems to notice. He keeps himself to himself a fair amount, and perhaps this is testified by the fact that during his long stint as an admin he's only ever made 7 news posts. He can usually be found wondering the new games in the wee small hours, and writing sometimes stupidly long but very comprehensive and useful reviews for them. He takes his position seriously and is always there to cast an impartial but firm eye over proceedings on the boards. Another klicker too obsessed with other things to actually bother making any decent games, Wong's abilities lie in a musical arena, and at the slightest cue he leaps into action to provide a link to his modest collection of music - that's if you didn't know. Born in England but raised in Scotland, Wong is a bonnie edition to the DC administrative team.
-Impartial, fair, sensible
-Decent musician
-Always here
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
24th May, 2004 at 15:03:34 -
JD / Dutstin. G
Real name: Dustin Gunn
Age: 17? one dreads to think
Likes: Mindless bigotry, intolerance
Dislikes: Reasoned thought
JD started off as a good boy on DC but soon went downhill, presumably dragged by his inflated ego. He has made unsubstantiated claims regarding certain members of this site's administration, claims in fact that lead to his eventual departure some time ago. Although he stated then that he didn't care about his banning, he's now returned, sort of begging the question "why?", but still.
JD doesn't seem to like many people - see his above post - evidently, he believes that this dislike of anyone other than himself means that he can make as many undesirable comments as he pleases. Particular quirks that seem to emerge are the branding of Muz as a terrorist as he lives in the middle east, and of Shadowcaster as an idiot just because JD broke the rules.
As a clicker, JD is fair, and I must say that I did find Mayhem quite enjoyable. He also makes Evil Dead games - why? He frequents Klik Me as well, where he is the most active member, and is allowed to hurl explitives at anyone he chooses. Additionally, he has a good taste in cinema, and his opinions can sometimes be valid if you're willing to wade through all the petty insults in order to decipher them.
-CAN be reasonably intelligent
-Good at clicking
-CAN be extremely bigotted
-Doesn't like anyone
-Will probably not like this review and make it very clear, or chose to ignore it (I'm guessing the former)
I wouldn't like to meet him in a dark alley. 4/10.
Name: Jonathan Pittock (Skn3)
Age: In twenties
Likes: Beards, Osama Bin Laden, Coding, Skunk
Dislikes: Anything that involves hard work, toilets
Contribution: Jon has done quite a lot for this community, and is talented with both Blitz and Clickteam products. Also artistically talented.
Personality: Somewhat psychotic. His love of Osama Bin Laden has led me, and others to believe that he's a bit left of centre. However, he's, overall, a good dude, but he deleted my wonderful toilet at the Oekaeki board at Acoders for reasons known to him (probably wants to flush his pot-filled memories down the pan)
Potential: When he can be arsed, he has loads of it, and can set a target with the full intention of achieving it. This can be noted by the fact it took about eight months for the current AC site to be designed. There's commitment for you.
Overall: A good person to know, yet strangely he's not actually that well known, or mentioned at TDC.
Pros: Talented at almost everything, a nice guy, FORMER smack-head
Cons: His impersonation of Osama Bin Laden genuinely worries me, and his other mentally disturbed photos are also quite distressing, hates toilets
Well, somebody had to do this one, and since I have nothing to lose it might as well be me:
Real Name: Michael Hadzic (with added wiggly bits)
Age: Old
Likes: Star Trek, Absolute Power
Dislikes: Anybody who dares disagree with him in any way, shape of form.
Wow, amazing how much people can figure out about someone they've never even seen. I'm suprised only one person even mentioned Ashman, with all his fame, quirks, and photos, so I'll do a review on him.
Contribution: Ashman is an intelligent person who has done much in the world of Click. Not only has he released several games, he was also the DC joker, a DC admin, and a wreaker of havoc throughout The Daily Click. Although many of his actions were noticed, few bring significant impact towards the future of the Click Community. 6/10
Potential: Ashley is skilled, charismatic, intelligent, and funny. Although he has a perverted sense of humor, many find him amusing. He has made many enemies, but even more friends. Thus, not only does he have the potential to be a great clicker, he would even have the potential to be an American governor, if not President (if he was an American citizen). If not, he would potentially be useful as one of those guys used as a prize on a reality dating show. 10/10
Personality: He's hardly ever serious and often amusing. It's that very being that causes so many to love him and hate him. For that, I give his personality a 5/10
- Amusing
- Crude humor
- Helpful and skilled with Click products
- Lacks the shyness many clickers have
- Fairly good looking
- One of few people brave enough to make fun of all the (ex-)DC admins
- One of the few guys who has the decency to wear a bra (examine picture included carefully)
- Gets into really big multi-forum fights with Jon Chambers
- Crude humor
- Made some guy's nephew go around saying "I like it on all fours"
- Hasn't changed his avatar in a while
Ashman is not only a TDC superhero, but he is also a TDC supervillain as well. For that, I give him a 9/10.
Edited by the Author.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
Contribution: Not much, really (Mostly because his games suck ASS). Just pops up and make a stupid comment now and then. 3/10
Potential: He isn't much of an artist (but he drew a kinda cool cheese ), but he could probably make some average click-games if he wasn't so darn lazy.
Personality: he has an odd sense of humor, and is never, ever, to be taken seriously. He often tries to make funny comments, but fails miserably.
-Makes stupid comments
-Not funny
-SUCKS at drawing
-And he sucks at making games, too.
Simen is a quite annoying person, and kinda sucks. I believe he deserves a big, fat
-F. 3/10
Yay! I'm lame! Ok. I'm gonna go now.
Edited by the Author.
Edited by the Author.
The content above makes absolutely no sense. But I guess you've already figured that out.
Doesn't Muz live in Malayasia (in other words, not in the Middle East)? Anyway, this seems like an interesting topic... unfortunately, I don't have any good reviews at the moment. And by the way, Gilgamesh = King who had an epic written about him (Epic of Gilgamesh) in ancient Mesopotemia. He was a very cruel ruler as well.
PS : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I forgot about that guys nephew! HAHAHAHAHA! That was hilarious. Oh I miss my trouble making days.
PPS : He mentioned my precious '24'... *sigh* he DOES know me.
Edited by the Author.
Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.
"Outshined" - SoundGarden
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
I review this thread to be 5/10: Mildly entertaining but has gone downhill due to (no offense) reviews not scathing/to the point enough to be considered fair criticism.
Also, ben forgot to mention the fact I HATE being called a furry cause I draw catgirls -- but I think he knew that already and sidestepped mentioning it, who knows. He's right on the money about needing to do something new, though, which is why my production level has tapered off dramatically.
Age: 24?
Likes: Making fun games about sickingly cute fur things.
Dislkies N/A (I dunno)
Contribution: He may not of submitted much, but he surely can make games! Spram is well known for making the really popular game "FURBALLS," which was a clicking masterpeice.
Games Furballs, Furballs Zero, Hyper Quadrant, Sprams Swan Song: Radical Rad, and 4four Spramy Edition.
Personality: Quiet
-He makes really fun games.
-He's not around much.
Fine Garbage since 2003.
-Paying off a massive amount of debt in college loans.
-Working in television.
Most of the reviews here are pretty long. So for an interesting change, I'll make and remake some reviews that are short(and maybe kinda fictionish)
Jonathan Smeby(again): Comic writer/Flash animator who's started tons of awesome-looking games that are questionable about when they'll be finished. He is very dangerous and has a very random sense of humor.
Pete Natress: Nazi poodle armed with a ban-whip. Currently working on a gore-filled action game involving a**-kicking poodles. He is also secretly planning to take over the world with his poodle minions.
Ashman: The troublemaker you can't live without....well, the former troublemaker.
Lazarus: Communicates with the dead(and undead) and enjoys dismembering fluffy pink bunny sprites. Can be found lurking in high-tech laboritories containing several monitors, mutated test subjects, weapons, and everything else you'd find in a horror movie.
Shab: The compo agent of TDC. He makes sure there is a competition going on each month and thus separates the strong from the weak. A very nice guy and a deadly assassin.
Batel: Plots world domination with his army of random purple cows. He'll often shapeshift into a half-human, half-cow zombie. He and his cows will silently creep up on you when you least expect it.
Snerlin(Hey, some other guy did himself): Self-proclamed mega-geek. A dragon fanatic who plays way too much Final Fantasy and uses his mega-geek virtual magic(well, programming and sprite work really) to cast powerful spells such as division by zero.
Rikus is uuber cool. He is mature unlike Shads, shab, Circy and pete. He started this site with Clubsoft and Andi.
Name: Circy
Circy is an admin for some reason. I'm not sure why. His games are uuber cool and anyone who doesn't like them can suck lemons.
Name: Shadowcaster
Shadowcaster does ALOT of maintenance on this site, most of which is useless and unnoticeable ('cept for the forum stuff). He is an uuber good internet coding guy. He always leaves msn signed in and such when I go to talk to him he is only there 3/5 times. Or he hates me. He keeps on trying to start LANs in sydney for Istvan, Crystal Clear, myself and ToTaL but I can't go.
Name: Wong Chung Bang
Wong has a uuber funny name.
Name: Pete Natress
Pete is the poodle of Joseph Stalin. He releases bad games but also bans people alot which is cool.
Name: Muz
I had no idea that he was an admin until a few weeks ago. His games sound uuber cool except for those he has released. His first name is Syed. I think that is pronounced "Si-eed". His last name is not elvis.
Name: Clubsoft
Clubsoft is rarely around but he is an uuber good asp guy.
Hey guys, calm down, there's plenty of me to go around.
Hamish... you have problems... but then we already kinda knew that...
ShadowCaster, yeah I got my hair blonded up for my Debutante Ball... hahaha I wish you guys could have seen my total lack of dancing skill, it was hilarious.
Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.
LOL, I thought all nerds who hang out on game-creation forums discussing code and stuff all day didn't know how to dance.
Disclaimer: Any sarcasm in my posts will not be mentioned as that would ruin the purpose. It is assumed that the reader is intelligent enough to tell the difference between what is sarcasm and what is not.
This was more formal dancing, lol, I had a tux and all !
I could do it, but I looked really awkward!
Show me the power child,
I'd like to say,
That I'm down on my knees today,
Gives me the butterflies,
Gives me away,
'Til I'm up on my feet again,
I'm feeling outshined.