Ran a quick query on the database... the 10 smallest games (excluding games where the author didnt fill in the download size correctly) are...
size id title
100kb 1478 Hunter
100kb 2929 truckracer
100kb 3423 Bill The Blob Abandoned Ware.
101kb 2376 Random Maze
101kb 2512 Knock-Out 2003
103kb 3931 Pong Worz
104kb 4176 Stratergie Walk engine!
104kb 4389 BananaDude
104kb 3413 Spider Man Demo.
105kb 3993 Cyber Snake
To download goto the url http://www.create-games.com/download.asp?id=# where # is the id number of the game you want. Note I havent played any of these games, nor have I checked they still exist, this is just the result of a SQL query.
Have phun!
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
Like I care anymore - all I lived for were my 750 v-credits and 160 medal weight... 160! DO YOU KNOW HOW LONG IT TOOK TO GET SO GOOD AT REMOTE THIEF?! DO YOU?!!?!?
The EXE runtime MMF sticks on is about 300kb, so not as 'impressive'. A blank frame in MMF should be about 300kb.
My brother actually made a game he didn't submit to the V-cade which was 1kb. You just had to click as much as you could in 30 seconds.
That's harder to come up with because the size field in the database is text, not numerical. So, for example, 4, 40, 400, 4000 are all displayed together because they order logically when they are sorted as text.
I could do it with a script, but I cant be bothered
"Now I guess we're... 'Path-E-Tech Management'" -Dilbert
Can't SQL order by the longest length of string?
Or alternatively you could write a quick script to get the size as number off each download to find the biggest.
also you can probably get the minimum size of the exe below 300kb if you use UPX or something
Edited by the Author.
"Say you're hanging from a huge cliff at the top of mt. everest and a guy comes along and says he'll save you, and proceeds to throw religious pamphlets at you while simultaniously giving a sermon." - Dustin G
SQL might give an error trying to cast the string "100kb" to a number as it has non-numerical characters, but it depends how SQL and the DC database work. Worth a try.
I think there was a kung fu game (or something like that, I know it's fight) where guy recorded his friend doing some moves, and then he implemented them in his game.
the game was about 50 megs(not smaller, I think it's a bit larger than 50mb)
Are you implying you ask this often or are
you implying the question is about being little?
Edited by the Author.
-Above post is ancient and probably irrelevant-
An old account of mine, recently cleared out. It's a blast to the past, the age was marked as 14 when I found it. If you know where to look, you can track me. Au revoir.