Posted By
benb7760 - Plasmagem
Registered 24/04/2003
Points 357
9th July, 2004 at 15:26:06 -
is it possible to get a high score object to work backwards. eg, the person with the lowest score gets counted first.
thx, ben
Plasmagem -
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Joe.H Evil Faker
Registered 19/08/2002
Points 3305
9th July, 2004 at 15:29:56 -
i dont think it is, after all, it's high score object. the only way i can think of doing this is by making your own custom scoreboard.
My signature is never too big!!!
X_Sheep I had a custom rating before it was cool
Registered 01/03/2004
Points 1313
9th July, 2004 at 16:01:37 -
You could try storing the scores as 1000000 - Player's score, (which means a score of 2450 would be stored as 997550, which makes the lowest scores higher) and to display the scores it is viewed as 1000000 - Score stored in INI file.
X_Sheep - 920500 (79500)
Nitrosoft - 910950 (89050)
Joe - 10 (999990 )