The Daily Click ::. Polls

Below is a list of the polls that have taken place in the past.
Click one of the poll questions below to see what the results were.

What is your current project?

A Game82
An Application5
A Screensaver0
An Extention0
More than one of any of the above5
Something else3
Not working on a project!13

  • How long did it take you to complete the last game you posted to TDC? 25/06/2024 20:34:32
  • What is your favourite Click & Create / Multimedia Fusion demo game? 15/03/2024 21:24:49
  • What is your favourite Klik & Play demo game? 16/02/2024 13:52:25
  • What did you start Clicking with? 17/09/2023 16:39:06
  • What art style do you prefer for indie games? 26/05/2023 15:24:04
  • What difficulty do you typically prefer for Click / indie games you play? 19/03/2023 17:47:47
  • Would you take part in a TDC game jam / competition? 04/09/2022 15:16:11
  • What would you like to see next? 05/08/2021 20:08:24
  • Guess game from scrambled screenshot competitions 05/08/2021 20:08:01
  • What would you like to see next? 05/08/2021 20:06:32
  • How many Klik games have you purchased? 13/09/2020 00:46:24
  • Game of the Month for June? 23/08/2020 15:53:59
  • What is your favourite modern gaming console? 04/05/2020 19:35:24
  • Which classic video game franchise has the best music? 25/03/2020 15:31:46
  • What did you start clicking with? 29/05/2018 22:40:21
  • How often do you visit The Daily Click? 27/11/2017 21:26:32
  • How many games have you made? 01/06/2017 01:33:46
  • What is your Mobile OS? 12/05/2014 07:44:32
  • What Console(s) are you going to purchase? 18/11/2013 22:57:41
  • How old are you? 03/11/2013 01:26:49
  • How many MMF2 powered iOS games have you played? 26/11/2012 05:24:11
  • What Clickteam tools do you have installed? 15/05/2012 22:48:08
  • What is your opinion of Minecraft? 30/09/2011
  • What time do you usually get up in the morning? 25/08/2011
  • In your opinion, what kinds of demos should be eligible for GOTW? 18/08/2011
  • What is your favorite video game theme / setting? 26/07/2011
  • Who is your favorite Mario Kart driver? 30/06/2011
  • How much customization do you look for in games? 13/06/2011
  • In games where you can choose your character, what stat do you prefer? 27/05/2011
  • Which (potential) runtime, out of the following, would interest you the most? 15/03/2011
  • How many times a day do you visit TDC? 20/02/2011
  • Who should win the Desktop compo 2011 08/02/2011
  • Did your computer ever break down on you? 17/01/2011
  • What are you going to do over the holiday break? 12/12/2010
  • Are you working on any games right now? 07/11/2010
  • Should the klikcast change from a video to a Audio Podcast? 05/11/2010
  • What should happen to the klikcast? 03/11/2010
  • If on halloween night you could go Trick & Treating in front of the Admins doors, who would give out the best Candy! 11/10/2010
  • If you could be stuck on a deserted island with one of the TDC admins, Who would it be! 27/09/2010
  • Who should be the leader for the TDC Community Project? 24/07/2010
  • Random question: Have you played Red Dead Redemption? 28/05/2010
  • To yourself personally, what is the most important part of game creation? 20/04/2010
  • If there was a Click Convention 2010 to be held in the UK, would you be interested in going? 20/02/2010
  • Would you pay for games on TDC? 13/08/2009
  • Are you male or female? 16/06/2009
  • Who has the best Avatar of 09? 07/06/2009
  • Vote for the third place winner for GOTM MAY 2009 06/06/2009
  • Who would think about going to a Click Convention held in Canada 2010? 26/04/2009
  • I would go for sure! 26/04/2009
  • Who would think about going to a Click Convention held in Canada 2010? 26/04/2009
  • Who would think about going to a Canadian-Click Convention in 2010? 26/04/2009
  • Who has the best desktop for 2009? 28/03/2009
  • Should we have more/change Admins 23/02/2009
  • Should we have more Admins and drop a couple 23/02/2009
  • Have you got any new-years resolutions? 01/01/2009
  • How many presents are you buying this Christmas? 19/12/2008
  • Do you believe in santa? 26/11/2008
  • How long have you been visiting the site? 12/11/2008
  • Do you care when the GOTW is updated late? 01/11/2008
  • Should GOTW security be raised? 22/10/2008
  • Should the voting system be changed? 26/09/2008
  • Are you working on a game now? 17/09/2008
  • Do you think we should start a new poll? 14/09/2008
  • Should we evolve the GOTW system to include 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards, as well as Honourable Mentions? 17/08/2008
  • Which of these in-the-works klik games would you like to have more information on? 02/08/2008
  • Should we open up a DC-Vitalized arcade page? 26/07/2008
  • Do you believe in summer game droughts? 10/07/2008
  • What do you think of the updated news layout? 20/06/2008
  • Coke or Pepsi? 06/06/2008
  • Would you pay for a DC membership service for extra content? 24/05/2008
  • Do you regularly post comments? 04/05/2008
  • Do you think TDC should change names? 13/04/2008
  • Does anyone stil remember the Silky website? 06/04/2008
  • How do you find out about new games? 26/03/2008
  • What do you love about making games with mmf2/tgf2 18/03/2008
  • What do you do when MMF/TGF crashes? 14/03/2008
  • Who should win the Desktop Compo 2008! 07/03/2008
  • Are you currently working on a game that you intend to finish? 06/03/2008
  • What is the best handheld you ever had? 19/02/2008
  • When do you make games? 09/02/2008
  • Do you think you will still visit the site in 5 years from now? 31/01/2008
  • How big is your mp3 collection? 20/01/2008
  • How many projects have you finished? 07/01/2008
  • What would you like to see happen to the Clickzine? 24/12/2007
  • Which operating system do you use the most? 16/12/2007
  • What is the best Clickteam product ever? 05/12/2007
  • Will you be entering the Winter Competition? 26/11/2007
  • What is your favourite current gen console? 17/11/2007
  • What is your favourite new feature? 09/11/2007
  • What do you find best about The Daily Click? 02/11/2007
  • How often do you usually visit the Daily Click? 26/10/2007
  • What would you like to see more of in the KlikCast? 14/10/2007
  • What is your star sign? 06/10/2007
  • What continent are you from? 28/09/2007
  • What kind of theme should we have for the Xmas Compo? 20/09/2007
  • Who is your favourite video game character? (one character from each franchise) 12/09/2007
  • What feature would you most want at TDC? 04/09/2007
  • What is your current project? 28/08/2007
  • What (confirmed) presentation are you most looking forward to at the Click Convention this year? 20/08/2007
  • Should TDC get a new mascot? 10/08/2007
  • Other than TDC, which is your favourite community site? 01/08/2007
  • Which games console have you had the most fun with? 27/07/2007
  • What should be done with DC points? 19/07/2007
  • Honour Thy Admin! Who is your favourite TDC administrator? 12/07/2007
  • What MMF2 update would you want the most? 06/07/2007
  • How long have you been clicking? 29/06/2007
  • How many projects do you currently have unfinished? 22/06/2007
  • Are you going to, or are interested in going to, this years Click Convention? 14/06/2007
  • What kind of genre would you like to see most in klik? 06/06/2007
  • Which Clickteam product do you use the most? 29/05/2007
  • What skin are you currently using on The Daily Click? 22/05/2007
  • Should shareware games be allowed in the GOTW? 15/05/2007



    Worth A Click