Ok now I've been making menu and it's working greatly. Now I'm pretty pleased in making most of theactions from application menu, because it is more professional looking and it's more faster to do that adding all buttons in toolbox.
The menu looks like this:
1. File
-Reset Layer
-Load Backround
-Load Array
-Save Backround
-Save Array
2. Tile Settings
-Flip Tile
-Turn Tile
-Add Ink-Effect
-Backround Direction
-Change Layer
-Current Mode
-Set Map Position
-Tile Selector
-Tile Overview
-Hide Layer
Also I've been layering stuff into 7 layers, so the application will have 7 layers.
-Layer 1 is Backround layer, where will be backround color and backround picture object.
-Layers 2-5 are picture layers 1-4. In these layers you put your tiles from tileset.
-Layer 6 is where you put/load Markers.
-Layer 7 is system layer, where is all sub-apps and buttons etc. And you can't edit this layer within the application.
Now next devlog is coming when I get toolbox ready, but it can take some time, because I have now some other stuff which has more priority. Also I'm going in army in 45 days, and I'm not sure how my company likes laptop's, so it could take 3-13 months until next devlog.