Aye aye aye... Mandolin, Drums, Drawing, and of course... School. It's been really distracting these past few days. Good grief, it feels like a week...
BUUUUUUUT, guess what? Just a few days ago I decided to learn the arcane art of the INI .
It was beautifully easy. Last year I nearly broke down trying to figure it out. lol
Well, with my new found understanding of the INI, (Which SHOULD Have been easy enough to understand long ago) I have successfully accomplished the task of saving and loading. There is still some work to be done on the Level Select screen, but for now, it works and that's all that matters.
Gameplay itself is still under construction- just barely pooping along, in fact. Level 1 is the only one being worked on at the moment, and Level 2 will have to be recoded to match level 1's code once it's finished. Yes, that means that level 3 hasn't even been started yet.
Well, that's all for now! Now pardon me, I must go investigate that light...