The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Intense

Project: Intense
Project Started: 8th August, 2010 Last Update: 25th September, 2010
Project Owner: HorrendousGames Project Members:
Project Type: Action, INTENSE Action Project Progress:

I'm still working. No seriously.
Posted 19th Aug 10, by HorrendousGames  
Yeah I'm still working on this. I've almost figured out the inventory system, although it's just being a pain in some parts. I've added a few more areas to the game, and hopefully if I keep chugging along I can have a demo ready to go soon. All I really need is a few more areas and a quick story thrown in, more of a watered down version of the actual story so there's more of a mystery for when the entire thing is finished.

But I warn you, there is danger, and there will be damage. DAMAGE.

Posted by HorrendousGames 19th August, 2010



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