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Project: Intense
Project Started: 8th August, 2010 Last Update: 25th September, 2010
Project Owner: HorrendousGames Project Members:
Project Type: Action, INTENSE Action Project Progress:

Project Overview  
Preview Martial Law is in effect, and you are involved in a resistance movement aimed at stopping the evil corperation, InterFear, that has taken over the country.

This is an action adventure game that focuses on combat and steath.

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1 5 Hmmmmm
By: HorrendousGames
On: 21st Aug 10, 01:12:31
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Intense and the Korean War
Posted 25th Sep 10, by HorrendousGames 1 Comment
In case you didn't notice, this game is on a temporary cease fire, as I have plenty of paying jobs I'm working on. With that and narrowly avoiding employment at Insomniac Games , it might be a bit before this gets going again. When I do get back to it, I'll have to gut this project as I've learned quite a bit about MMF2 since I've started, and I might even just skip MMF2 and port it to the Xbox 360.

Speaking of Xbox 360, if any of you happen to own an Xbox 360, be on the look out for "Sniper Defense", which is in review currently but should be out within a week or two. It's a fairly generic sniping defense game that allows up to 4 players, and it's just a dollar. I worked very hard on the art for this game, so give it a look see if you can.

I also might post some project info on the current game I am doing work on called "This Means War", a very awesome action strategy game. Lots of good stuff to look forward to, so keep your eyes peeled and your ears open!
I'm still working. No seriously.
Posted 19th Aug 10, by HorrendousGames 1 Comment
Yeah I'm still working on this. I've almost figured out the inventory system, although it's just being a pain in some parts. I've added a few more areas to the game, and hopefully if I keep chugging along I can have a demo ready to go soon. All I really need is a few more areas and a quick story thrown in, more of a watered down version of the actual story so there's more of a mystery for when the entire thing is finished.

But I warn you, there is danger, and there will be damage. DAMAGE.
Enemies are finished
Posted 13th Aug 10, by HorrendousGames 1 Comment




I've finished drawing and animating every enemy I plan to put into the game, minus the characters that win in the compo.

Be sure to enter if you haven't already, it shouldn't take you more than 10 minutes to put together a character and I'd be really cool to have more community input in this project. Remember, artistic ability isn't a requirement.

On top of that, I've got all the character weapon animations done, there's one per weapon type. I was originally going to make this a rifle based game, but I decided I might as well add in pistols as well.

Also, I've finished the inventory system. The only thing it needs is the ability to add weapons to it. Other than that, it's pretty spectacular. I'm uploading some of the enemies here, so take a gander at them. I'm going to try to get all the enemies into MMF2 tonight or tommorrow, and then I think I can start loading up the levels I've drawn up.
A good start
Posted 8th Aug 10, by HorrendousGames 9 Comments

I've gotten a lot done since I started a few days ago. I've finished all the animations that I'll need for now (minus boss animations), the main character, and at least one of the enemies are done. I've completely finished the level layout and flow for the entire game, and the combat and basic AI are set up (there's still a bit of tweaking I'd like to do). Currently, you have 3 attacks, shooting your gun, smacking them on the head with your gun (which if you hit them when they aren't alert, it's an instant kill), and a crotch shot. I think that should be plenty for now. Also, when you alert an AI character, 3 more enemies will appear randomly through doors in the level. Each enemy can do this only once, and any enemy that appeared through a door will not alert other enemies.

The weapon's system is also set up, your gun is fully customizable. The only thing it needs is a graphical interface.

I'm going to keep hammering out the levels, once that's done the game should be almost finished.

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