The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. The Mummy gun Fortified terror.(ARCADE

Project: The Mummy gun Fortified terror.(ARCADE
Project Started: 28th October, 2008 Last Update: 30th October, 2008
Project Owner: X-Member30396 Project Members:
Project Type: scary game thing MMf2 Project Progress:

Project Overview  
Preview A 7 sequel to the purposely crappy game(But damn addicting) Mummuy game. "THe traper" Is back with a annoyingly powerful chain saw this time
level1- Kill the bunnies
level-2-kill the forest elves
level-3Go to town and find 3 bombs.
level4- Place the three bombe in target city while avoiding the Cia.
level5-get to the core to set off the bombs wirelessly.
level-6- Run from FBI!While killing a bunch of gangsters who where these Earings that say "Exterminate"
level-7- Fight your way past the border patrol so you can get to the area near the wall that lets to mexico.
level-8-Fly on a dragon over the boarder.
Level-9-Get the magical Bourito!
level-10-Fight a bunch of snakes and Mexican police officers with Ak-47's would not recommned taking them on since YOU only have a chainsay a knife and a pistol.
level-11-fight to rocket plane
level-12- fight on rocket plane before it crashes.
level-14 land in canada fight canadians with machetes and M-16's
level-16 defeat somemore bleeding zombies that throw up on you when attacked and explode when killed.on the jet
level-17 you are now on the wings of the Jet defeat the national gurad.
Level-18 land on chinese lawn fight lawn nijas which have shotguns.
level 19- Fight President bush on a submarine.

Level -20 find where dick cheney is hiding and slash him open and let he liquid oosze come out and kill him it hurts real bad then see his head go numb

.use of guns
.killing republicans
.killing hiding republicas
.way to much blood and the cameraman lens get splashe with blood sometimes
.Mortal Kombat whi involes hacking someone head off.
.actaulal screaming
.use of drugs
.use of tobacco
.tobacoo used as a bomb
. things will be quiet then pop out of nowhere and stab you to death.
.Weapons used on people beggin for there lives than they try to stab you.

And since this game in in the new project this will be a not as violent arcade game.

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By: X-Member30396
On: 30th Oct 08, 11:36:24
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