The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Mark Of Darkness

Project: Mark Of Darkness
Project Started: 16th January, 2009 Last Update: 28th March, 2009
Project Owner: dex Project Members: dex
Project Type: Rpg + hack and slash + fighting Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 5

Project Overview  

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This game aims at a good storyboarding, at a good graphical looking and at a good gameplay.
This game's purpose is to live a particoular story full of sensational development (i hope .
Tha aim is to take the player in the game, and make him feel as near as possible to this world, as it would be a game component.
A theme that this game won't present is the classic and sthereotipycal superhero without any scares, the superhero who is always on the side of the goods.
The manin character will be much more similar to an human (and that involves human's weaks, demerits, etc) than a superhero who will defeat alone the bad people that want to take the control of all the world.
He will have his psicology and relative hidden sides.
Don't think wrong, i am not saying that the main character will have human physical limits, but just that he will much more similar to a human for his psycology.
Another aim of this game is to challegenge all the best players (i will try to do my best in AI programming)
I am using mmf2 to program this game.

- Initial situation, XI hera.
Dex, the main character, sees, during a morining, his best friend Zhad, running away really scared, and all the city's people following him.
He sees even that the city had been covered with wanted bills, where there was written "1000000 golden money to the first who will kill Zhad".
Unluckly, Zhad's forces begin to get down, and so he risks to get caught.
Dex tryes invain to make a way into the people crowd,and he sees that a lot of that people are fighting, fighting to be the first to kill Zhad and to get the big reward.
The tragical epilogue happens when Zhad falls down for the effort, exhausted for the long run.
The people crowd reachs him, and it jumps over him.
Suddenly, one of them takes out a big knife, and he attacks the man who was going to kill the child (Zhad).
A single, fatal hit, launched from the back to the backhead of the man, that doesn't neither give to the unlucky man to notice it.
After this killing, a terrible chain reaction unleashes.
Extracted all the big knives, the people begins to hit everyone, in the attempt of killing the child, but in the meanwhile he had to kill who was going to kill him.
A macabre show, and in this crowd Dex sees his parents being killed from the crowd, altough they were disarmed.
Dex got scared from all the greed he had discovered to be in the imperium's inhabitants.
Sadly, however, he was so scared that i wasn't able to move: he was scared of being killed.
After dickers of kills, a man kills Zhad.
But the crowd, hoping secretly that the child wasn't dead yet, begins to hit again and again the Zhad's corpse, making it look like a flesh amorphous mass.
The evening comes, and Dex is still looking what remains of the carnage and of his parents and Zhad's corpses.
That orrible show left Dex in despair: in a single day, he lost his parents and his best friend, that was almost a brother for him.
Additionally, the crowd had been so greedy that it made the Zhad's corpse looking like a flesh amorphous mass, in order to get the reward.
Immediatly after the cerimony, where the reward was given to Joas, the man who killed Zhad, Dex starts to think on the concept of evil and goods.
"If i have always been taught to be one of the goods, if i have always been told that in the world where we live we are the goods and mosters are the evils, why do they all kill so many people, why yesterday a lot of people died just for a couple of money?"
"So the goods should be evil, and the evils should be good?"
After some hours of thinking, Dex decides to leave and to go away from that city, because he didn't have any interest in staying there anymore.
And so he leaves, intent upon coming back a day to kill who long time ago were the goods for him, that now had became the evils at his eyes.

- Old Wishes and new ambitions
Before all was devastated, Dex's biggest wish was to become the strongest hero.
And now, altough all was changed, Dex still wanted to become the "goods"' hero, so he tried to contact some of the "bad guys".
Though he didn't have any idea about how to find them, and he didn't know where he was going, neither how he would have found some food or how he was going to survive.
All he wanted was to go as far away as far possible from that damn city.
At that hera, luckly, the outer cities' zone were full of monsters.
But, from the other side, Dex had only some rude basics about the real fighting.
And he neither had a weapon.
So he had to arrange himself with fists and kicks, at least for the moment.
He managed to kill some little monsters (non bgger than a rat)and to find something to nourish himself, altough naturally he didn't like to eat little monsters.
But people do all they can to survive.
While he was eating, he started to think "Why do we really need to survive? Do we really have an aim in the life?"
I want some answers, i am still a child and i don't know them, but i want to know them".
In the following days Dex was still trying to find one of the evil guys, but still with no success.
But, about a month after a pure savage life, he had been stronger, and now he was aiming at bigger and stronger monsters to kill.
He didn't now where he was, he didn't know the date, he only knew that he had to find one of the evil guys to join them.
And so, after some days, he finally found an orc, after a very long walk.
Naturally, when the orc saw the human, he suddenly tried to kill him.
Dex was only a 10 years old child, he surely didn't know how to defend himself from an orc.
So, as soon as he see the orc coming in his direction, Dex bowed down before the orc.
The orc, intrigued, asked "Why don't you run away scared, or why don't you try to kill me?"
Dex was quite astonished from the fact that an orc talked like that.
He had always been told that monsters, particurally orcs, were evil and they weren't able to talk, that they were able only to kill people.
So he answered "I'd like to become one of your apprentice, i'd like to join your civilization and to become one of you"
The orc was astonished from that words.
"And why would you like do it?
"Because the ideals i have always believed in, are now lost, and i feel that only you would be able to give me what i really want"
"And what do you really want?".
"The end of the human race."
The orc couldn't believe in Dex's words.
He hated his own race.
However that words seemed full enough of rage and hate to let him at leat to try to get in their civilization.
" I warn you: we don't have any ideals, we just kill, we think only for ourselves, and we don't have any scrouple to kill one of our mates, if that will save our life.
Addictionally, you'll have to survive by killing and fighting, to steal the fresh meat from the one who is nearest to you.
"And how you won't have any scrouples to kill,
as well the others won't have any to kill you if they regret it's opportune.
" From the other side i was going to kill you, so if you now changed you mind i will have to do it, i suppose".
"No problems for me, i agree the conditions"
"Good, you saved your life, but from now your survival has to be your most important thinking, beacause you will risk every second your life."
"Take me where you live."
Dex started to realize that for him there wasn't any concept of good or evil anymore. but that he just wanted the end of the human race, that caused him a lot of sufference.
A race that thought to be better than monster because it didn't kill, as the monsters were doing.
"Monsters kills to survive and for their instinct, ma humans for what? For a couple of money?"
"Human beings are the real monsters, and they have to be destroyed"
"And i want my revenge for that day, that day in which i have seen dying three pieces of my heart (Zhad, the mother and the father), and i was looking at them, because i weren't able to do anything.
"But when i will return it will be all different, when i'll return i will have my revenge".
And while he was thinking, he and the orc were going to enter in the village.
Huge wooden main doors rudely built, sharpened at the top, that much that was enough to pierce even the strongest of the monsters.
Dex had arrived, had arrived in a new civilization.
A civilization that he hadn't ever seen before, a civilization that he was looking forward to from a long time.
A civilization that would have feed his wishes and his ambitions.
His old wishes and his new ambitions.

" And fast as a eyebeat, he drawn his sword and got ready for the battle "
The gameplay.
The thing which makes a game irresistible, if well done.
Well, altough this is an rpg, this game will try to difference itself with its particoular gameplay, too.
Game visual and graphics
One of the aims of MOD, as i sayed in introduction, is the good looking graphic.
I will try, in fact, to represent cool and spectacular skills, fringed from a enviable, comfortable and enjoyable gameplay.
The game visual will be lateral, such as Castlevania (that is horizontal scrolling)
I am sure you are asking yourself "Why should you use this kind of visual, which doesn't let any kind of freedom be in the game, in an rpg?"
Because it will be the thing that will let the
real gameplay to develop, i will explain myself better, showing you the fighting system.

The Fighting system
The fighting system, which will be fringed by a lot of combos and skills, acquirable in a higher number, increasing the level.
The higher the level is, the higher are the skills and combo that you will have.
And, to let any combo be there, the fighting system has to be in real time.
And so it will be.
So, why should i use a lateral visual?
Because, as early sayed, MOD aims at the spectacularity.
And what's better than using cool combo and skills, visible perfectly and in all their spectacularity?
During the combat, we will be able to use, addictionally, strategics: we will be able to
hit the main enemy's body parts.
Head, chest, right arm, left arm, right leg, left leg, eye (and some others, perhaps)
-Hitting the head, if we will damage it enough to "crash" it, the enemy will die suddenly in a river of blood.
-Hitting one of the arms or both, the enemy won't be able to attack with the weapon impugned in one of the cutted off hands.
In the case of a two handed weapon, the enemy will suffer a malus that will halve the weapon's damage and the enemy's attack speed.
-Hitting the legs, the enemy will be decelarated.
If a leg will be hit, the enemy will be decelerated and he will move at half of his normal speed.
If both the legs will be hit, the enemy won't be able to move.
There will be, additionally, as early sayed, a big number of combos and skills, acquired by levelling up.
And if the enemy will wear any armor, we will be able to break them ( in this case, to damage the enemy, we will have to break the armor first or the armor that covers the body zone we want to damage)
I postpone you to a higher status of the project for more info about the Fighiting system.

My soundtracks are being composed by Andrč La Croix, so we are working on them, too^^
Concept arts
Look my gallery in the graphic section of this forum

Other graphics relative to the game
Look my gallery in the graphic section of this forum

First beta game screen:

First beta video (it's older than the screen shown up):

Team members :

Various credits :
Always me, currently
Markal il Necromante (alias: Cthulhu) for the help with the wound system.
Andrč la Croix for the soundtracks he is composing for the game (so, as you see, nothing in this game, nothing, has been taken from other games^^)

Sayed this, now if you want you can comment, i will refresh every time i'll have some news to show^^

Ok, currently that's all, some things haven't been translated yet (this is costing me all this morning, so i will just stop translating for now, i will go on this evening, i think).
Just take into account that i am italian, so my english isn't so good, but i am trying to do the best i can to let you understand me

A lot of other things aren't shown in this post, because i have still to translate them.
For example, the Main Character development, the other two chapters of the Background, in which Dex meets the orcs and becomes a bad guy, etc...
I promise i will add them when i'll translate^^

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New mod's screen^^
Posted 28th Mar 09, by dex 3 Comments
Here another mod's screen, now i can go on with the programming, and i tell you i'm at a good point with the physics engine, for example now if we will throw an object on another object, depending from the speed and where it will hit the other object, it will rotate in a realistic way.
Addictionally, i have finished the gravity system, and now every ojbect is under gravity's force.
I will tell you more about the current programming point in the next news^^

Dex's character has been restyled, and i am going on restyling alll the other graphics, too^^
Posted 4th Mar 09, by dex 10 Comments
Heya guys, long time i don't post here, isn't it?
Well, in all this time i have been focusing on the main character, because i wasn't so satisfied yet of his appearance.
I'm talking of the concept of the character, his dresses, accessories, etc.
And i have been practising coloring and drawing as well^^
Now i think i'm ok and i think that i can go on with the project.
Look at the last works: Before of all, i have restyled dex's face, i have totally redrawn and recolored it.
Now it is this:

Much better and much cooler than the other, don't you think too?
And now the character.
That's how it was:

And that's how it is now:

More info about the game
Posted 20th Jan 09, by dex Post A Comment
I have fixed the codes in the first post, and i have updated it with the following things that i am going to post below.
Here is the last part of the chapter one i didn't finish to translate last time:

Immediatly after the cerimony, where the reward was given to Joas, the man who killed Zhad, Dex starts to think on the concept of evil and goods.
"If i have always been taught to be one of the goods, if i have always been told that in the world where we live we are the goods and mosters are the evils, why do they all kill so many people, why yesterday a lot of people died just for a couple of money?"
"So the goods should be evil, and the evils should be good?"
After some hours of thinking, Dex decides to leave and to go away from that city, because he didn't have any interest in staying there anymore.
And so he leaves, intent upon coming back a day to kill who long time ago were the goods for him, that now had became the evils at his eyes.

Now the second chapter of the antilogue translated:

Old Wishes and new ambitions
Before all was devastated, Dex's biggest wish was to become the strongest hero.
And now, altough all was changed, Dex still wanted to become the "goods"' hero, so he tried to contact some of the "bad guys".
Though he didn't have any idea about how to find them, and he didn't know where he was going, neither how he would have found some food or how he was going to survive.
All he wanted was to go as far away as far possible from that damn city.
At that hera, luckly, the outer cities' zone were full of monsters.
But, from the other side, Dex had only some rude basics about the real fighting.
And he neither had a weapon.
So he had to arrange himself with fists and kicks, at least for the moment.
He managed to kill some little monsters (non bgger than a rat)and to find something to nourish himself, altough naturally he didn't like to eat little monsters.
But people do all they can to survive.
While he was eating, he started to think "Why do we really need to survive? Do we really have an aim in the life?"
I want some answers, i am still a child and i don't know them, but i want to know them".
In the following days Dex was still trying to find one of the evil guys, but still with no success.
But, about a month after a pure savage life, he had been stronger, and now he was aiming at bigger and stronger monsters to kill.
He didn't now where he was, he didn't know the date, he only knew that he had to find one of the evil guys to join them.
And so, after some days, he finally found an orc, after a very long walk.
Naturally, when the orc saw the human, he suddenly tried to kill him.
Dex was only a 10 years old child, he surely didn't know how to defend himself from an orc.
So, as soon as he see the orc coming in his direction, Dex bowed down before the orc.
The orc, intrigued, asked "Why don't you run away scared, or why don't you try to kill me?"
Dex was quite astonished from the fact that an orc talked like that.
He had always been told that monsters, particurally orcs, were evil and they weren't able to talk, that they were able only to kill people.
So he answered "I'd like to become one of your apprentice, i'd like to join your civilization and to become one of you"
The orc was astonished from that words.
"And why would you like do it?
"Because the ideals i have always believed in, are now lost, and i feel that only you would be able to give me what i really want"
"And what do you really want?".
"The end of the human race."
The orc couldn't believe in Dex's words.
He hated his own race.
However that words seemed full enough of rage and hate to let him at leat to try to get in their civilization.
" I warn you: we don't have any ideals, we just kill, we think only for ourselves, and we don't have any scrouple to kill one of our mates, if that will save our life.
Addictionally, you'll have to survive by killing and fighting, to steal the fresh meat from the one who is nearest to you.
"And how you won't have any scrouples to kill,
as well the others won't have any to kill you if they regret it's opportune.
" From the other side i was going to kill you, so if you now changed you mind i will have to do it, i suppose".
"No problems for me, i agree the conditions"
"Good, you saved your life, but from now your survival has to be your most important thinking, beacause you will risk every second your life."
"Take me where you live."
Dex started to realize that for him there wasn't any concept of good or evil anymore. but that he just wanted the end of the human race, that caused him a lot of sufference.
A race that thought to be better than monster because it didn't kill, as the monsters were doing.
"Monsters kills to survive and for their instinct, ma humans for what? For a couple of money?"
"Human beings are the real monsters, and they have to be destroyed"
"And i want my revenge for that day, that day in which i have seen dying three pieces of my heart (Zhad, the mother and the father), and i was looking at them, because i weren't able to do anything.
"But when i will return it will be all different, when i'll return i will have my revenge".
And while he was thinking, he and the orc were going to enter in the village.
Huge wooden main doors rudely built, sharpened at the top, that much that was enough to pierce even the strongest of the monsters.
Dex had arrived, had arrived in a new civilization.
A civilization that he hadn't ever seen before, a civilization that he was looking forward to from a long time.
A civilization that would have feed his wishes and his ambitions.
His old wishes and his new ambitions.

I will add some other gameplay infos next time and i will add the last chapter of this antilogue, chapter three.

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