The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Demonic Hunter

Project: Demonic Hunter
Project Started: 16th October, 2009 Last Update: 2nd March, 2014
Project Owner: Kamukoira Project Members: Kamukoira Gokotti
Project Type: Actionpacked Castlevania stylish platformer Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 22

Project Overview  
Preview Demonic Hunter is an action-packed high quality adventure video game aimed to be released on many different platforms ranging from PCs to mobile platforms(such as tablets).


Demonic Hunter takes place in late 19th century in a world where supernatural creatures are nothing but real. Take part in an epic adventure and save the world from demons, vampires, werewolves, witches and other supernatural beings. You walk in shoes of John Hunter, a skilled hunter whose family has been on the business for generations. But when you face evil and death every day, how long it will take before you find some of it in yourself? Something terrifying happens to Hunter where Hunter has to live in between two worlds, between good and evil — which one will he choose?

Choose your arsenal: the game won’t be lacking on firearms or other weapons. With five different firearms, five edged weapons and newly wakened demonic powers you will have the means to defeat any obstacle that lies in your way. All of your weapons can be upgraded with money collected from levels and enemies. Upgrades are special attacks added to your current gun: i.e spear’s special upgrade is your ability to throw them!


For the fist time in history, a hunter and god are equal in strength. Destroy and vanish everything that lies in your way through graveyards filled with zombies, castles invaded by demons or mansions held by nothing more darker than vampires. Do you have the guts to do what it takes?


Project Status:

Engine status: finished – with only minor tweaks, bug fixes(if they appear, none so far)
Level status: unfinished – 3/6 levels finished, many levels requiring minor tweaks.
Storyline: finished — a written manuscript is done, still requires in game implementation and much more
Publicity: In progress — Website is live, project logs on communities
Funding: In progress.
Estimated progress: 70 %+,
Estimated time till completion: 1-2 years

More info:
The Vampire Diaries:

First level gameplay:

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3 18 Feedback, ideas, ...
By: LordHannu
On: 6th Apr 14, 06/04/2014 01:04:00
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Project is BACK and ALIVE!
Posted 2nd Mar 14, by Kamukoira Post A Comment


Woah, it has been a long time since this project started -- but I am enthusiastic to say that I have started working on this project once again! Since the last Fall I opened up the project again, the game has progressed in a very fast rate.

Years ago when I had to freeze the project due to military service, I had mostly just the engine half-ready: now the game is half done!

A lot has happened since: I am now 22 years old student soon getting my bachelor's degree. I have decided to take more serious approach to the whole game design thing and I am looking to create a high quality product which I can be proud of and people find real joy in playing

Check out my website for more info. My twitter: .Especially check the website's The Vampire Diaries-section. I will be uploading more chapters during the next few weeks!

It is awesome to be back. Hello to all clickers who are still clicking in here
A relatively long break to the project development
Posted 11th Jul 10, by Kamukoira 3 Comments
Hey there, I am joining the army the next monday(Tomorrow!) and it will take up to one year of life when I will of course be unable to work on my project.

I want to thank you for all the good and inspriational feedback. The project has progressed in the ways I can hardly believe myself. I really hope after the military service is over I have interest to finish this fine product and give it a shot

Working on the first level
Posted 9th Apr 10, by Kamukoira 4 Comments

I've been lately working on the first level of the game, which is going to take place in a cemetery(with zombies!), and currently doing the graphics and trying to make environment more alive. The first part of the level(entrance) looks like this as you can see in the screenshot and what I am wondering about is that what should be added in the graphics? More objects? Bigger backgrounds? For me it looks annoyingly empty . Thanks for the upcoming and previous comments, I really appreciate all of them.

And oh, there will be graves, tombstones and all the cemetery stuff but just later on the level.
A few enemies done
Posted 4th Apr 10, by Kamukoira 3 Comments
The project is progressing and thriving. I have done a several different types of enemies(mostly their AIs) already and there are only couple types of enemies left to be done before I'll start work on the first level and the rest. Storyline is a bit undone yet but I am also working on it as well

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