The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. [MMF2] Sky Invader

Project: [MMF2] Sky Invader
Project Started: 18th December, 2009 Last Update: 17th June, 2010
Project Owner: clement Project Members:
Project Type: Tactical Shooting game Project Progress:

Project Overview  
Preview Hello everyone!

Alongside Luor, I started a little game called sky invader who plays on shadow. Apart from the player's ship that has a few colors, while the enemies are black, only the scenery changes and what are the effects of explosions are quite detailed and worked. It is also my first in HD 720p (1280 * 720) So necessarily a game more than Luor greedy but frankly makes good


The game is not a conventional shooter. There is a real tactical dimension, where you must use the various "powers" of your ship in order not to remain too long under fire from enemy fire.

History :

An alien race has come close to the earth. Hundreds of vessels were placed in orbit around the earth. One of them has been detached from the rest of the fleet to come to the surface. But they will not stay peaceful for long. Humanity goes quickly realize they are not there in time friend.

Feel the extermination of the human species by alien!

Artwork of Sky Invader

Gameplay :

Here is the menu where you choose the powers

You have a force field, it can regenerate automatically if not attacked.

Your goal is to manage various powers such as:
- An increased defense
- Invisibility
- Teleportation
- Etc..
-> Not to remain too long under fire.

Several weapons are also part of:
- Lasers continuous or instantaneous
- Guns proton
- Flamethrowers
- Etc.

Some powerful weapons you pump the energy you need for your shield. To you use them sparingly)


The laser flash, the most powerful weapon of the alien ship

The laser flash (2), the most powerful weapon of the alien ship

The explosion of vehicle due to continuous laser (smaller) the alien ship


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By: -Dark Martin-
On: 6th Feb 10, 10:25:12
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Posted 17th Jun 10, by clement 4 Comments

Hello everyone!

Well it been a while since I had not given Sky news Invader.

The reason is that I spent a little time to refine the new version of Luor ... It should also arrive shortly (yeah I was already the ... ": D)

But for the click convention in 2010, taking place in England and that I should participate, I finally decided to boost the creation of Sky Invader.

In fact there are a LOT additions since the last time, but they are not graphic, I can not really show you. Just know that now the gameplay will (hopefully) as rich as the graphics

I just show you today especially the new interface In-Game.

You left to right:
- The life bar in the form of a hexagon
- The money collected by killing enemies
- The symbol for the weapon being, selected
- The bars on their levels and rates to improve the power of weapons, their rates of shootings and raised money by killing enemies with this weapon
- The bar level with the blocks which correspond to the next wave

The gameplay resembles increasingly a tower defense system for the whole game tactics.

(Oh, and when a little rain shower that wets extra ^^)
Posted 24th Feb 10, by clement 5 Comments
Hello everyone!

Sky invader is on gamespot!

This is the address:

For the occasion, I told them do some new screenshot !



New Video
Posted 22nd Feb 10, by clement 4 Comments
Hello everyone!

Little surprise today. I give you a 2nd video of Sky Invader!
This time we have a better idea of what will be the gameplay of the game

This is the link:

In HD here :

So what do you think?
New Screenshot
Posted 16th Feb 10, by clement 2 Comments
Hello everyone!

Another new batch image Sky Invader

This time the program you've improved the effects of explosions of rockets and the discovery of power "laser missile"

You also have a first real glimpse of air units that you have to fight


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