The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. TDC presents The APP

Project: TDC presents: The APP
Project Started: 7th August, 2010 Last Update: 10th June, 2011
Project Owner: Jon Lambert Project Members: Sgamer8t88 HorrendousGames Rob Westbrook Resident-Pyromaniac Assault Andy Matthew Wiese OMC Smirnoff
Project Type: Action Adventure Platformer Project Progress:

Project Overview  
Preview The TDC Community Project is being reborn as the APP, or TDC's Amazing Public Project (tentative title). This project is an organized effort by the members of The Daily Click to simply make a fun and engaging game. This particular game will be an action adventure platformer starring a samurai.

You are a samurai of the Eastern Kingdom. Long ago, the last of the demons was banished to another dimension, an underworld, in an effort to protect the land from their evil activities. However, over time the demons' powers grew, and they soon became strong enough to open a portal into the kingdom, allowing them to wreak havoc once again. If the portal remains open for too long, the worlds will begin to merge, and soon enough, the kingdom will be lost to the demons. Your goal now is to defeat the demons that are attacking and close the portal.

Discussion is currently taking place in this forum thread:

To engage in live discussion, you must give your Skype name to either myself (Jon Lambert) or OldManClayton, or enter in this thread:

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Public forum for open project discussion
3 28 Is this dead now??
By: LordHannu
On: 13th Sep 13, 13/09/2013 18:49:47
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3 6 No Access

It's been a few years (I think)
Posted 10th Jun 11, by HorrendousGames 15 Comments
It seems like yesterday we were all excited and groveling over the majesty that was the APP. It was an event to be remembered. There was danger, there was hope, there were tears and drama, violence and anger.

Sgamer8t88 went off to join the military, where he killed several people, which was the intended function of being in the military, except he will be in jail forever after killing all those people in that donut shop.

Rob Westbrook put his coding skills on hold to work at the local zoo, where he befriended a monkey and an elephant.

Resident-Pyromaniac was sued by Ben Foster's character from Hostage, and from then on has been living in a garbage can with his pal "smoochy the backhoe"

Assault Andy died during the production of the APP due to the game being so intense, he just couldn't handle it.

Matthew Wiese joined the church of Scientology, and was never heard from again.

Smirnoff popped a blood vessel due to an unfortunate jungle gym accident, and is slowly recovering.

OMC is very jolly

Jon Lambert quit everything and became a monk devoted to the ongoing pursuit of the search for big time savings.

And as for me, well, I still hang around every once and a while, remembering all that was and all that is.

The end?
Enemy Concepts
Posted 16th Oct 10, by OMC 1 Comment
Just dropping by to show off some more concept art by Blendroid.

And by the way, the art in the last update was not a mockup. It's in-game. Some people have had suggestions for improving it, and you know what I say to that? Join the team and fix it!

I feel like a zombie. JOOOIIIIN USSSSSS!


Some More Art to Get You Stubborn Non-Participators Interested
Posted 8th Oct 10, by OMC 9 Comments
Now please excuse me while I go to sleep. The energy has been sucked out of me from this.
Perhaps this will pique your interest.
Posted 15th Aug 10, by OMC 7 Comments
Here's some concept art. We still need artists for in-game sprites though!

We'd love it if you would pitch in!

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