The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Survivor The Living Dead

Project: Survivor: The Living Dead
Project Started: 17th August, 2010 Last Update: 26th October, 2010
Project Owner: Pyroklastic Project Members:
Project Type: Platform Defense/Survival Project Progress:

Project Overview  
Preview A post teen girl is trapped in a house out in the middle of nowhere, she must defend the house, and herself from the reanimated corpses desperately trying to get inside.

This is a project I began working on about 4 and a half years ago, but ended up losing interest in after adding the weapons and graphics. I had a lot of big ideas for this game at the time but it felt like completion was always miles and miles out of reach. So eventually I just gave up and left it to rot on my pc. But this game has always stuck in the back of my brain.

About 6 months ago I became really annoyed with myself for starting damn near 7 million (exaggerated obviously) projects with KNP, TGF , MMF and later MMF2 Dev, and never finishing a single one. I decided to force myself to finish something no matter how small or simplistic the project might be. After about a week of entertaining the idea I finally came to a decision.

The Survivor game was surely the closest I've ever come to completion simply because the idea of the game is to defend a house from zombies. It sounds basic enough, but by the end of the first night I had plans for weapon rewards and stat upgrades, as well as an introduction and a conclusion to the story involving the girl trapped in the house. Nonetheless I picked the project up and began working on it again.

So here we are today, the game is finished, aside from some minor tweaks and I can honestly say I've turned all the original ideas into actual content like I had planned, way back then. Maybe even added a few things.

So here's a little preview of what will be coming really soon. Available to download for
free. Survivor The Living Dead.

Please let me know what you think.



There is a second more action oriented gameplay video on my Youtube page, if you'd like to see more.

There are four modes of gameplay, a fifth will be added later on. Story mode is already complete.

15 different weapons, most of which are earned as rewards. Other unlockable content as well.

Though it is pixelated, the game is pretty violent, so be warned.

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By: Pyroklastic
On: 30th Aug 10, 04:00:50
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Endure Mode and Custom controls finally here!
Posted 26th Oct 10, by Pyroklastic 5 Comments
So it's been a while since my last update, but alas, the new patch is finally finished and available for downloading.

Here are some of the key additions and fixes,

- Custom controls are now fully functional, you may bind any keys to any action, so now you can play the game however you want to play it. Just head into the option menu and select the "Customize your controls" option.


- The spawn rate of special zombies has been raised pretty significantly due to popular request, so if you have that option turned on,
watch out!

- The "Escape" key now pauses the game and gives you 3 options, one being to Restart the current level.. ( instead of the old forced suicide method )The second is to Quit and return to the main menu, and the third is to uh.. well Resume the game after you've paused it.

- The final mode of gameplay is now available. This mode is unlocked after earning at least 21 rewards. In this gameplay mode titled "Endure" the player gets to take everything they've earned so far into a 75 minute battle with the living dead. 75 minutes? Your probably saying that's a bit long for one playthrough, and what if I die? I'd have to start all over again... Well in addition to having all your previously earned rewards, the player also has the ability to build kill combos which subtract seconds from the clock.
Throughout the battle time pickups will spawn in different locations of the level, so you may choose to drop your minigun or rocket launcher to pick up a "-3:00" time subtraction which will immediately subtract that time from the clock. This final mode of gameplay varies in many ways from the others and is definitely the most intense of the 5 modes.


- There have also been a lot of bug fixes since the last update, however since I implemented the custom controls a whole new can of worms was opened, so if you see something new that isn't working, or is just plain retarded feel free to complain about it and I'll do my best to check out the problem and fix it when I can.

There are a few slight changes besides all these that I mentioned, but I think that's enough detail for now.

As for why the update took so long, well it turned out to be quite a bit bigger than I had planned, the custom key addition was condition by condition, which made the whole process very tedious and buggy.. And I won't lie I did lose a little steam for a while, I had plans for additional game art and a new score screen that took longer than expected. There may still be some bugs, but I tried to test it as much as I could, the game seems fully functional on my pc and a friends.

Anyway that's about it, hope it's just in time for Halloween, and I hope you guys have some fun with it.

[ Little warning, you may have to re-download if you downloaded the game before Oct/27/10, otherwise the special zombie rewards do not carry into Endure mode. ] bugs

Posted 30th Aug 10, by Pyroklastic 3 Comments
So the game is done, head over to my site or check out the downloads section of TDC and give it whirl. Let me know what you think!

Juuust about there.
Posted 25th Aug 10, by Pyroklastic 2 Comments
Little update. Just fixing small graphics, and making sure the game saves correctly. Game should be ready for downloading sometime this week.

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