The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Review Review: Captain N The Games Master BETA
A Game That Would Bring Shame to the Show Hello, my name is Strider. I've been a Click product user for about 8 years now. Since this is my first review here (But certainly not my first ever, as I run a site based on the review of home brewed games) I'll try to be as lenient as possible. Here goes. Presentation (2/10): I'll give credit to Regiwi for the little fat kid being pulled through the TV when you click the start button. HOWEVER. Everything else seems thrown together and sloppy. I could easily tell from the title screen alone that this game was going to be like hundreds of others I've reviewed in the past. Gameplay (1/10): Just a note: NEVER use the hero's sprite for collision detection. The result is as you see in the game itself. The hero's sprite jerks and wobbles as it tries walking from place to place. (I even got stuck jumping onto Mario early in the game). I'm also not too fond of the use of the clickable buttons in the game. The creator should either include coding for keyboard controlled text boxes and title screen options, or make buttons from scratch and enable the mouse for more than just advancing text or starting the game. Also, the hero's jump height seems to change from frame to frame. As he's only able to make short hops when you start, but able to jump much higher when you're able to jump down the pipes that lead to the actual levels. And why use the hero's score to handle the player's lives? I hope the creator knows that you're more likely to die trying to score than gathering up enough points to survive a few hits. Graphics (1/10): Badly resized, dithered, and poorly editted sprites. (Hero and the dudes in black are clear edits of Mario's sprite from Super Mario Bros. 3). Instead of resizing, the creator should leave the sprites the actual size and lower the screen resolution. The graphics in this game actually make me sad to look at them. Sound and Music (2/10): The only sound effect I heard in the game was when you jump in the Mario stage. Other than that, there weren't any, which can make for a very boring gaming experience. Also, I'm not a big fan of MIDI format music, but since this game was made using The Games Factory, I can see that the creator's choices are limited (Unless someone made a Direct Show object for TGF, in which case there'd be no excuse to use badly sequenced MIDIs). Lastability (1/10): I'm not sure what this is for, but I'll assume it's for how long you're able to stand playing a game. Which sadly, ain't very long for this title. After I died 3 times trying to stomp the same frikken' goomba, I closed the app and removed it from my PC entirely. Overall (1.4/10): I can tell that this game had no advance planning before the creator started slapping sprites into TGF and claiming it as a Captain N game. Honestly, a lot of work needs to be done before it can be called a "Good" game. And I stress "a lot".
![]() ![]() Abysmal ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |