The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Review Review: Unknown Game 1296
Hmm another Soccer game hits the Klik World - After downloading and checking out the preview of a 100 soccer games, you think I'd give this game a terrible review. Nope you're wrong. PRESENTATION The graphics for this game is decent. They give a wierd half cartoony half pixellated feeling which most games dont do. The grass and the soccer ball are also drawn with this same new feeling. When you play the game, basically, you're in this whole new world, their really isnt an imbalance between characters or the field. WHICH IS NICE. I dont wanna play a game where u have these characters that are perfectly shaded and what not, then have them against a cartoony background. Blah. Note this, their is also a crowd! All though the crowd is not interactive, their dull stares at the game are priceless. It's as if its like the 90th minute of the Championship World Cup, for the whole two minutes you're playing. The only thing that kinda bothers me with presentation is the title screen and the goal screen. The title screen shows a guy with stinky feet. UGH! I say, okay so the game has a high humor level, but seriously ~ that has nothing to do with the game at all! N besides it's gross ![]() The second thing is the goal screen. Basically when you score a goal, this is all that happens. 1-0! Pops up on a blue screen, then after staring at it for a lousy 2 seconds, it goes back to the game. What! No GOAL!!!! No female soccer players ripping of their shirts?! Maybe if the players ran around in circles and did a dance, i might be interested. But otherwise the presentation gets a 7/10 for decent graphics, good overall theme, terrible title screen. GAMEPLAY The gameplay of this game is good. The AI, to be well put, is this {groovy} .You're players run around and attempt to score, and so do their players. The goalies' AI are okay, but I noticed a little bug (actually Chicken thanx) you can walk with the ball right into the net, plus the goalie's just slowly follow the ball. I betcha if they weren't blocked by the Goalie's square, they'd chase after it, but that's nothing. The ball programming is a lil bit weak. I mean kicking it and everything, and the goalie's kicks are good. But the ball doesnt travel in the AIR, it just travels up and down. . .which is okay, but the creator made a shadow which basically is underneath the ball until you kick it high in the sky. However, out of the bad lil kinks. The AI IS GREAT - whoops said that already. And their's different levels of AI, 1,2,and the ever so hard 3. Plus, you have speed ups but you tend to lose the ball very fast. Overall the gameplay is kinda fun so it beats the little kinks... So the Gameplay gets an 8/10 for Being EXTREMELY FUN, Great AI, and well yea loads of fun. . . LASTABILITY Now I know I said their was only three levels of AI, and unless your a complete idiot x) - its easy to realize that their are only three levels of play. However, with Version 1.5 ~ once you beat the *story* mode, which is more like just beat the three teams mode then get something cool, you get to have custom mode, WHICH IS GREAT. Custom mode allows you to customize the games. And it also breaks the limit of just level 3. Basically you can change the speed, level 3 was like 20 speed or something - change the kick strength - and have up to 20 teammates, which is great action right their. And the Speed and Kick Strength are customized levels from 1-99! Plus you don't have to have Red - Level 3 - you can change those pansies into Level 1 - and beat the shit out of them. Just imagine me - YES! BWAHAH I'VE BEAT YOU 1,000,000 - 0; thats FOR BEATING ME 301 times BWAHAHA! Then not to mention, there is 2 PLAYER MODE. Which, since i am a popular kid (not x) ), is great for me and my friends. Not to mention their is a custom 2 PLAYER MODE! Yeah, now we are talking. So basically that's just about it on the lastability. It gets a good 9/10. Lastability gets a 9/10 For Long Lasting Custom Mode, Custom Mode is VERY VERY LONG LASTING, and thats it. OVERALL Overall if you put the numbers all together you get the average of an 8. Which i would say is an above decent game. This game has long-lasting quality, decent graphics and theme, and cool gameplay with some basically awesome AI. Congratulations to Rapidslap creations for making an AWESOME GAME! DUDE LIKE TOTALLY RADICAL Yeah! {groovy} Thats it Sniper out~
![]() ![]() Great ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |