The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Spaced Out engine test (open source)

Spaced Out engine test (open source)
Author: Aali [Crazy_Productions] Submitted: 19th November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 424

Edited By Aali on 11/20/2002

Edited By Aali on 11/19/2002

THIS GAME NEEDS MMF 1.5 (get the demo from clickteams website(all extensions are included))

this is a space shooter/sim. i need you to test it to see if theres any bugs in it.
i've decided to release this as open-source as i wont make any money on this anyway and this is a community where you should share stuff.
please tell me if you plan to use this code in your own project,game.

the controls are:
arrow keys:move ship
space:fire primary weapon
control:fire secondary weapon
shift:fire tertiary weapon
L:land on planet

please comment this! thanx!

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Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 19th November, 2002

screenshots can be found at
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 19th November, 2002

hmm... 31 downloads and no comments... this is bad ):
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 19th November, 2002

the DC smileys is screwed too... the world is against me...
Posted by -Deleted Member- 20th November, 2002

No, the world's not against you.. it's just that I don't have MMF 1.5.
Posted by DanielRehn 20th November, 2002

Are you from Sweden?
Posted by podius (Alan C) 20th November, 2002

the smiley's aren't against u, u typed it the australian way (ur unhappy face is backwards, it should be :, then (. get it? :))
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 20th November, 2002

i wrote that stuff this morning and i was a "bit" tired. and yes daniel im from sweden
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 20th November, 2002

Sam get the mmf 1.5 demo then (if you have a modem connection get ADSL first)
Posted by DanielRehn 20th November, 2002

Posted by ElectricPro 6th December, 2002

Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 29th December, 2002

it is a cca file
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 31st December, 2002

that's what i meant with open source





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