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Base Converter!
Author: Aali [Crazy_Productions] Submitted: 28th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 627

This handy little program that lets you convert text into binary(base 2) and base 4. Just write in your text,select a base and click "To Base" (takes some time if there's much text) and when you want it back put in the numbers and click "To Text" (make sure you have the right base selected!)

Known bugs:
Too large texts can't be converted due to TGF's string length limit...

Special Chars like هنِ doesn't work...

Have fun with it!

Review This Download (261kb )

Posted by LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios) 29th January, 2003

Is this one of those things that sounds usefull but doesn't have any real use? I'm too dumb to mess around with binnary code, I tried it and it often renders stuff unuseable. Oh well you got my download
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 29th January, 2003

well it's not really useful.. but it's good to code stuff in as most people will think it's a bunch o random numbers (maybe i'll do an INI encrypter of it someday)
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 29th January, 2003

It's good for all those stupid messages people use on the forum and bollocks up the page with long lines of numbers.
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 29th January, 2003

hehe that actually started this project :)
Posted by Bob 29th January, 2003

Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 30th January, 2003

Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 30th January, 2003

Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 31st January, 2003

basebasebasebasebasebaseYou have no chance to survive make your time. With that out of the way, this could be useful. Don't yet know for what purpose, though <¦-)
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 31st January, 2003

This is the coolest :) . hehehe im going to see what stupid stuff i can make with it.
Posted by shadeguitarist 29th March, 2005

The use I found in "base converter" to convert text into alphanumeric and alphanumeric into text is to make a safeguard of a part of your game under a text file since a text file doesn't accept numeric strings, but only text and alphanumeric strings. Ciao! Ben the french camenbert





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