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Super Browse
Author: Assault Andy Submitted: 10th April, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 337

Another app, made in my app craze at the moment.

This is a web browser. It's abandoneware (uneditable) but i might start again if people like it.

The first time you run this it will come up with an error saying couldn't find URL or watever. This is because the homepage hasn't been set. To set it go 2 options/set homepage.

Feature List:

*Pop Up Free
*Set Hompage
*Clear Favourites

Documentation/Things you should know before using this browser

To add a favourite:
Type into the address bar the URL and just before that type "add" eg. "add"

Setting a hompage:
The first time you run this it will come up with an error saying couldn't find URL or watever. This is because the homepage hasn't been set. To set it go 2 options/set homepage.

Press F3 To open up the favourites

Unfixable bug:
Sometimes Address bar "Jams" just restart the browser to fix the problem.

If the URL doesn't work, save as on:

Review This Download (447kb )
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Posted by funkyseaweed 10th April, 2003

That is actually quite cool. But obviously of limited use because people must have used a browser to get here. By the way, the geocities link worked for me but not the other one. And also, there is no status bar in your web browser which is a bit annoying, but its very impressive for MMF :)
Posted by Chace 11th April, 2003

funkyseaweed, using the Microsoft Browser Object (or whatever its called, comes with MMF 1.5) to make a browser, like andy did, is plain basic. Takes about 10 - 15 mins to make. It's a good browser but people will always still use IE, Netscape, Opera etc etc...^_^
Posted by Chace 11th April, 2003

Hmmm... what you could do is release the .cca file cos the favourites feature and the homepage feature look pretty interesting. They could be easy to make, I just cant remember all the features with the Browser object :).
Posted by funkyseaweed 11th April, 2003

Thanks :)
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 11th April, 2003

I'd review it, but it isn't a game and I'm unable to think of a joke about Super Mario Browse.
Posted by Chace 12th April, 2003

You dont [I]only[/I] have to review games, Wong Chung Bang. Apps deserve reviews too.;)
Posted by Assault Andy 12th April, 2003

Yea this is a hlaf finished piece 0' crap. But i might release the source code. The Favourites took me longer to do than the actual browser.






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