The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Faerie Solitaire

Faerie Solitaire
Author: Assault Andy Submitted: 31st May, 2009 Favourites:10
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 578
27th Place     (4.64 / 5)

Edited By Assault Andy on 5/31/2009


If you have ever looked at my profile you'd notice that the last thing I submitted to this site was a Harvest Moon engine... over 5 years ago.

My other submissions were of poor quality and riddled with the obvious grammar of a 13 year old.

However I've been coming to TDC every day and over the years and I've accumulated a wealth of knowledge in Multimedia Fusion 2. Faerie Solitaire marks a personal achievement as a game that I actually managed to finish, not to mention a game that I'm actually proud to say I coded myself. Brian Kramer was equally as important in this game's construction as the lead artist and fellow game designer. We also employed the talent of Jessica Lindsay ( ) for the cutscenes and the Musical expertise of Jeff Tolbert ( ).

From the website:
"...aimed at being entertaining for the whole family, no matter what age you are. With 8 worlds, 40 levels, over 400 hands to play through, loads of upgrades to buy, and one exciting adventure, Faerie Solitaire will have you hooked for months, giving you the very best value for money over any game available for download today. "

40 Levels consisting of over 400 different card layouts
40 Different hand painted backgrounds
Compelling gameplay and storyline with voiceovers
Faerie Land - a place where you can play with the Faeries you have freed
Pets - Collect all 32 pets and evolve them to learn their secrets!

Faerie Solitaire is a casual game. It's aimed to be easy to pick up and play with little time commitment required.

So download the demo and try the game for yourself. Tell me what you think. All comments welcome. Thank you for playing.

* The download link will take you to where the demo can be found.

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 (60.9 mb )

This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (60)
Posted by W3R3W00F 1st June, 2009
Rated :

Ordered today!

How do you spell Faerie Solitare?

Posted by Pkeod 1st June, 2009

BrandonC, you're not the target audience so the game wasn't made for you to like anyway. Though considering the games you make I'm not surprised that you can't see why this game is good. If you think the art, music, sound, and game is bad then I eagerly await your next title.

Thanks for the support people! It means a lot to us!
Posted by alastair john jack 1st June, 2009

I agree with Brian:

"Imagine if there were people who actually were offended that you thought to charge for your hard work? These people exist, and they just plain suck."

Posted by maVado 1st June, 2009
Rated :

This is by to date the most polished click game produced. Everyone will probably agree. The coding is solid and no compromises done. The graphics are good and the sound and music fitting. All together excellent.

From the gameplay I did not like it that much but I'am no big Solitaire Fan either. However it has all what the casual market demands: There is a Storyline to follow. It has progressive difficulty and adds new gameplay elements into the game (I played 2 stages so far with 27 minutes left on the DRM) in additiona it has a sub gameplay element with those eggs and experience gain. Plus those pets look cute and the target audiance will like them anyway (woman, 29+) In addition to that you can purchase upgrades and therefore enhance gameplay.

All this together makes it a very good casual game. It will probably score good ratings on bigfish,reflexive and co and may sell well.

However two things I do not like that much are:

a.) The music is a bit to silence, too powerless and kicks in too late and could need more presence throughout the game.

b.) the GFX while detailed on characters, cutscene backgrounds and cards could need more details and variations on the update screen and on the gameplay screen itself. Also the game could use a bit more animations, especially on the gameplay. Overall a bit too static.

Besides that I wish you two, Andy and Pkeod all the best in selling this baby and maybe this will enable you can produce another good game together!
Posted by Pkeod 1st June, 2009

Just to note we do not use DRM in the same sense as SecurROM or any of those other invasive obtrusive types. It's just a content/time locked demo, and the full version has no restrictions whatsoever .
Posted by Assault Andy 1st June, 2009

Thank you to everyone for the feedback and thanks for taking the time to play. I know it's not everybody's type of game however maVado hit the nail right on the head for the target audience!
Posted by Muz 1st June, 2009
Rated :

There went 60 minutes of my life. I hate you for charging me for it

Even as solitaire, it's really an excellent game. Much more exciting than normal solitare, and the unlockables make it as addictive as Dungeon Siege.
Posted by Toasty 2nd June, 2009
Rated :

Great great game! Best i've seen in ages.
Posted by Muz 2nd June, 2009
Rated :

BrandonC, have you played the game yet? It is fun. Far more fun than regular solitaire.
Posted by W3R3W00F 2nd June, 2009
Rated :

"It is fun. Far more fun than regular solitaire."

WAY more.

This is still the greatest card game and so far most professional click game I've played. I can't imagine NOT selling this! :|
Posted by UrbanMonk 3rd June, 2009
Rated :

I played this game for a while. I love the graphics, and the sound. It's a really great game.
I only wish there were more card games in the package. Otherwise I might have even bought it.

EDIT: Nvr mind I see why there is only one card game now. New rules are added every so often. Pretty neat!
Comment edited by UrbanMonk on 6/3/2009
Posted by Johnny Look 3rd June, 2009

i think people take life too seriously.

oh and faerie solitaire is awesome
Comment edited by Johnny Look on 6/4/2009
Posted by Rikus 4th June, 2009

Cleared up the download page a bit. Removed unnecessary comments. This is a place for constructive comments not personal attacks to eachother, keep it clean. Thanks!
Posted by Pariah Leviticus 9th June, 2009
Rated :

Absolutely loved the demo so I bought it. Very fun game the wife and I played it for hours last night. Good stuff. I do agree with someone above that it would have been nice to see different creatures or at least varient creatures on each suit. Not an issue however as the game rocks.
Posted by Assault Andy 10th June, 2009

Hey Pariah! Thank you so much for buying the game

We did consider having different graphics for each suites and even different decks entirely, but at the same time we thought that it might be hard for players to get used to all the graphics. We will be sure to remember your feedback if we ever make a Faerie Solitaire 2.

Thank you again for purchasing FS and supporting us!
Posted by OMC 10th June, 2009
Rated :

Flat out quality.
Posted by Pariah Leviticus 11th June, 2009
Rated :

Thank you, Assault Andy and crew for making the game! My wife and I are totally addicted.
Posted by 3kliksphilip 11th June, 2009
Rated :

Hmm, would it be possible to make a version that doesn't have to be installed? I've never seen the need when there's a perfectly good 'click and play' method. Hohoho.
Posted by W3R3W00F 11th June, 2009
Rated :

Isn't it good enough already?
Posted by Assault Andy 12th June, 2009

3kliksphilip - I completely understand your hatred towards installers. I myself don't normally like them for Click Games, however this is a commercial game and so it is the industry standard to use an installer.

There is no zip version available, sorry!
Posted by 3kliksphilip 13th June, 2009
Rated :

I played the game and had the same problem with the shortcuts with the normal Solitaire for Windows XP. This is good, since it shows that it's very similar to the XP version. I just wish you had made another game using this time. I mean, Solitaire? Why?! With your talent you could have made something far more original and interesting.
Posted by Muz 13th June, 2009
Rated :

Originality is expensive
Posted by alastair john jack 13th June, 2009

3kliksphilip, people make games for their own reasons. I make games that I want to make, and so do a lot of other people.
Posted by Asholay 17th June, 2009
Rated :

I finally got to play this last night (thanks Brian) and was not disappointed whatsoever.

I started to write a comment, but it got a touch long - so I wrote a review instead.....
Posted by Codemonkey 18th June, 2009
Rated :

Why solitaire 3kliksphilip? You know why I bet they made a epic solitaire game instead of taking the time to make something original? Because most people don't look at a game and say "whoa originality FTW", they say "hey awesome I love solitaire". You can't blame them for wanting to appeal to the masses.
Posted by Noby 19th June, 2009

Doesn't deserve the 1st spot. Giving 1 star to compensate.
Posted by maVado 19th June, 2009
Rated :

[Internet Facepalm - Place your head here]
Comment edited by maVado on 6/19/2009
Posted by W3R3W00F 19th June, 2009
Rated :


Kid, if I was an admin, you'd be toast.
Posted by Noby 19th June, 2009

lol you are younger than me and you're kalling me kid
why would I be toast?
Posted by Jon Lambert 19th June, 2009

Do you believe the game deserves 1 star on its own merits, completely disregarding all the other ratings? In other words, if you were the first person to rate it, what would you give it?
Posted by Noby 19th June, 2009

Well the probably if I had been the first, the probably 2 or 3 stars due to it's nothing special nor original. But seeing how people seem to think this is the best klik production ever, that just makes me hate it. One of my friends almost too rated it 1 star but didn't want to take the shitstorm.
Posted by OMC 19th June, 2009
Rated :

Ratings reflect the quality of the game and not your opinions of other people's ratings. Down voting solely to change the rank is rude.

It is special in that it is very high quality, don't pretend that it's not. You are allowed to dislike it but you must rate with reason and not out of spite. You are allowed to vote whatever you wish, but when there is a blaring inconsistency you must have a good reason. Disliking everyone's overenthusiastic appreciation of a game is not a reason.
Comment edited by OldManClayton on 6/19/2009
Posted by Noby 19th June, 2009

The stars I gave don't really reflect my opinion on this, I merely gave this one star because I didn't want this to be the top rated game at TDC. Also I think downvoting because of something in someones mind overrated is more than acceptable.
Posted by Noby 20th June, 2009

Posted by OMC 20th June, 2009
Rated :

Your opinion that the game is overrated has been made clear. Ratings are for game quality. Every single highly-rated game gets downvoted like this, and the end result is that whatever semi-high rated random game was last forgotten is the highest on the TDC list. You want another game specifically to be the best? You'll need everyone else to agree.
Posted by W3R3W00F 20th June, 2009
Rated :

Well put, OMC. Clear as day.

Posted by Noby 20th June, 2009

I see I'm not allowed to give my opinion here, and therefore stop trying to since I don't want to look like I'd be trolling. But seriously, this doesn't deserve near the high rating as it has.
Posted by OMC 20th June, 2009
Rated :

The rating will naturally go down as people rate it reasonably. At that point, a 1-star rating would bring it below its deserved level. Better to keep things even all the way through.
Posted by steve 20th June, 2009

Noby - it says you didn't give a star rating.. was it removed?
Posted by Noby 20th June, 2009

Posted by maVado 20th June, 2009
Rated :

Thank god, imagine you make a very decent game in quality and I just rant it down to 1 star.
Posted by Muz 21st June, 2009
Rated :

Well, if you really think that it's not deserving of its popularity, why not rate it as 3 stars, something closer to what you personally believe it's worth? How would you rate it if it had 0 stars average, instead of 5?
Posted by s-m-r 22nd June, 2009

Having a short stint in a game studio does lend me at least a bit of an informed

I could easily see this game on the shelves next to other casual games at your typical 'big box' department stores. It has all the elements required to be a casual game success, and it's familiar enough to the original concept of Solitaire that it will be recommended to others on its novel approach to the card game genre.

If I was still a producer, I would have gladly snatched this up and put it on the shelves at Target or Wal-Mart.

Hats off to this development crew...your work is well worth the price tag you've placed on it! I wish you nothing but success.

I'd love to see other folks in the Clik community heading straight for commercial markets...just imagine the creativity and talent that would be explored and collaborated. Faerie Solitaire is a fine example of this concept in action.
Posted by Ski 23rd June, 2009
Rated :

Nice game Very proffesional, nice original twist, but at the end of the day it's a solitaire game, and that doesn't quite excite me enough. I've never been a huge fan of card games, though.

The graphics are really nice. Perhaps one day you could re use them with some additional graphics, for an rpg or something
Posted by Ski 23rd June, 2009
Rated :

Oh, and

"This is by to date the most polished click game produced. Everyone will probably agree."

For a click card game, yes. I'd say Noitu Love 2 is probably the most proffesional feeling I've ever played.
Posted by W3R3W00F 27th June, 2009
Rated :

3 stars. Psh. I guess only Friends get 5 star ratings regardless of quality. ¬_¬
Posted by maVado 29th June, 2009
Rated :

Thats Adam, you already lost a star if no fish is involved
Posted by erghhhhx 4th July, 2009
Rated :

I must say I'm very impressed with this game, it has a unique atmosphere and the graphics...

...And I'd like to add something regarding the ratings...

PLEASE stop complaining about how other people vote, it's up to them if they want to rate a game 0 (or 5) stars. (Yes, EVEN if they're doin' it just to get down/up the average)

I'm quite shocked that the administrators actually REMOVED someones rating... =/

...Anyway... Good game!
Posted by UrbanMonk 8th July, 2009
Rated :

I can't believe I forgot to vote on this.
Posted by alastair john jack 16th December, 2009

I forgot to as well!






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