The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Miscellaneous ::. Pigzy Catcher

Pigzy Catcher
Author: X-Member24794 Submitted: 4th March, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 138

Edited By Brandon Mortazavi {Mortasoft} on 04/03/2006

Ok, Bud need's some help back at the farm with the Pig's and its up to you
to catch them all! After the first Pig you well have to rapidly grab the
others to be able to catch them, and the more farther you go threw out the game the
more smarter they get!
Now there are 3 dangers you have to keep out for and they are:

Grabs:If you grab to much your hand well be to tired to catch anymore Pigs.

Time:You have a only amount of time until the Pigs Poop all over the place!

Poop: At the very end you well have to grab the Mother Pig which is the boss in this game!
To get her you well have to dodge her poop and grip her a lot to catch her!





And that's about it!

Do you have what it takes to catch the Pigs?
Can you Handle the Challenge?

BetaTester's: Reed,Peblo,David Newton


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Posted by Knudde (Shab) 4th March, 2006

your link is broken dude. Fix it up and we'll add it to the site.
Posted by 4th March, 2006

Posted by 4th March, 2006

Please go easy one me, this is my first custom game. But I have planned a lot in the future for custom.
Posted by Silveraura 4th March, 2006

That there pig is work of art.
Posted by Aptennap 4th March, 2006

is this a serious game?

Posted by Cecilectomy 4th March, 2006

what the hell is that supposed to be. the pigs like spaze out and are nearly impossible to actually catch. i could handle the one or 2 but three was just out of control. fix up the gameplay and the gfx, especially the graphics, and youd have yourself a nice short playable game.
Posted by 4th March, 2006

well do.
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

I though it was..........HARDCORE!
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

and come'on!It's got CUSTOM GRAPHICS!
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

Nice job BM!But levels 3-4 are impossible though.I keep running out of Grabs or geting pooped on by those gits.
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

I like Jake, u should give him a platform game to star in.Bud looks stupid though.
Posted by Del Duio 5th March, 2006

Pig-game programmers of the world UNITE!
Posted by 5th March, 2006

Thank you for your good comments Joey.
Yeah I did go a little to far on the challange but im yet to upgrade this game. Anyway, Bud is supossed to look dumb. But I well be sure to add better level's on the next version and find a better way for the pigs to go out on the screen beside's Wraping.
Posted by Airflow 5th March, 2006

Posted by 5th March, 2006

Joey,How can there be two download's one from Knudde and one from legendkpr? If you havnt downloaded this then please do becuse the one I gave you on MSN wasn't finished. Please download the new version and judge and vote over that, then I well consider your comment's...but thank's "any-way".
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

Level 4 is about as far as I can make it.And,no, I never saw Jake in Billy Balloon.All I saw was a BIG, FAT, SIMILY BALLOON that was ignorant of the fact that it's life would be cut short if it touched a spikey object.
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

Unless Jake is the person controlling(or riding)Billy Balloon.Btw, wht that game really needs(Billy Balloon)is a timer(or a time attack mode) and some point items scattered about the level(s), to lure people into death traps or some kind of power up that adds more seconds to your timer.
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

Why is it that, every time BM releases a game, I come up onto its page and find u(Phizzy)handing out insults to everyone, including BM??
Posted by Joey vvvv 5th March, 2006

Dinovar, u've got to admitt, those custom sprites are kinda nice.=D
Posted by 5th March, 2006

Level 4 is the last level. That is why it's so hard. Then theres a boss then a funny ending and the Graphics that I made where not that great.. But im working on the new version. Thanks about the Yoshi Strike dinovar!
Posted by 5th March, 2006

Joey,why do you post 4 comments at a time every time you come on? Try putting all your word's in one or atleast two comments. Becuse it does get rather annoying.

By the way,On Billy Balloon Jake is the one that owns you in the game. Billy's friend Dave gets kidnapped in the game and it's up to you to go rescue him. Anyway you must of not got the game where I made the clip. Peblo is helping me out a little with the screen size. Me and him are trying to make it where it won't lag.

Posted by Hempuli 5th March, 2006

Posted by 6th March, 2006

Yeah,I thought you would say that but atleast im getting better and better..I still reamber me making Mario's H'u'nted night. lol..Anyway im going to strat doing all custom for now on and try to work harder.
Posted by Joey vvvv 7th March, 2006

Need verison with clip.
Posted by 23rd March, 2006

Posted by Luis Rubio {MegaMetalMix} 6th May, 2006

nce game





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