The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Death Trap *Updated*

Death Trap *Updated*
Author: X-Member24794 Submitted: 12th September, 2006 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 118

Edited By Knudde (Shab) on 9/17/2006

Edited By Brandon Mortazavi {Mortasoft®} on 9/16/2006

Edited By Brandon Mortazavi {Mortasoft®} on 9/16/2006

Edited By Brandon Mortazavi {Mortasoft®} on 9/12/2006

Death Trap

Oh no! Looks like your pet frog is in a death trap!
And the only way to get out is to get caught in a spike hazard! Test your dodge skills as you hop around leathal objects and grab power-ups for extra points and protection!
The more objects you dodge, the more points you're going to earn! And each time you die, you get a rank for your score and your skills!
Also, you can choose up to 5 tracks while you're playing the game so you can do it your way with your taste of game music!

Trap objects:

Spikes: Touch one and you'll b- ow!!!! THE PAIN! *game over*

Stickers: Oh, boy.. These things like to bounce around and find away to poke the living death right into you! And if a Sticker hits another one then *CHING!* They pick up speed and who knows when they'll slow down!


Shield: Yes! You grabbed a shield! Try to hit as many spikes as you can for extra bonus points! But be careful! It doesn't last for ever and Stickers can break right threw your shield!

Rive-Beam: Time to shoot some spikes out of your way!
The only problem you have is spikes that come from your left side! But you can always move down and shoot them. Every spike you shoot you get points and there isn't a limit where time runs out!
So, how far can you survive?
Do you have what it takes to be a champion?

-No lag
-Less Ram

Review This Download

 (18.75 mb )

Posted by Reno 12th September, 2006

good game. Its fun, addictive and a cool game to try to beat your own score in.Don't let Brandon's Fangames ruin his rep., download and try this.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 12th September, 2006

Well, it's an all right little timewaster, but there is absolutely no imaginable reason for it to be 19MB.
Posted by 12th September, 2006

Well, I used WAV sounds for the music and that may of used up alot of Ram.
Posted by Peblo 12th September, 2006

Posted by 13th September, 2006

Phizzy, please post decent comments..
Posted by Reno 13th September, 2006

Hey I was just trying to give Brandon some credit for his beginning bad rep with his Mario clonez. I too was thinking phizzy that this was his best game yet. Good job Brandon
Posted by 13th September, 2006

I really like this, easily your best game yet
Its so addictive lol, is there a max score limit? If there is, im gonna reach it
Posted by 13th September, 2006

Nope, but there is a top rank!
Posted by 13th September, 2006

at what score?
Posted by 13th September, 2006


Posted by Reno 13th September, 2006

And Yes Brandon, there IS in fact a sore limit. TGFcounters should stop after "999999999". I found this out when i did a counter test when i started clicking and remembered ever since.
Posted by 13th September, 2006

Sorry, for a 19mb download, it wasn't worth it.
Posted by 13th September, 2006

Please judge the game it self and not the download. ¬_¬

Well, that's impossable for this game..

The top rank would be "Champion" wich is a score of 1000 points.
Posted by 14th September, 2006

Yeah, I know, and the game was hardly spectacular.
I know there was alot of effort put into it, but I'm sorry, I didn't like it.

Posted by 14th September, 2006

Thanks S.U.M.G.O.O!

Phizzy, there was alot of work.. I had to use so many vaules and counters for this game. And the spikes have custom movement.
Posted by Joey vvvv 14th September, 2006

Yeah!It's hard, bites me,chews me up, and punches my bloodly face apart, but all in all, it's FUN!
Posted by 15th September, 2006

Its kinda weird, but the only time I ever see this Joey vvvv guy speak, its on Brandom M's games.
Posted by 15th September, 2006

Wrong. He comments on others too like Prask.
Posted by axel 15th September, 2006

This is first on the weekly top 10. What's this world coming to?
Posted by 15th September, 2006

Why is everyone so negative about Brandons games?
Okay, the Geega game wasnt that great but this one is actually very good
I bet that if anyone else had released this it wouldve gotten more thumbs up and positive comments... sad but true
Posted by Peblo 15th September, 2006

It's not great by any means.
Posted by 15th September, 2006

No, actually, I wouldn't like it either way, Skydragon... And I think in your perspective too!

@ Brandon M: LOL, yeah, and Prask was a spoof of Geega.

Posted by 16th September, 2006

What happened to all the other games on your download list, brandon?
Posted by 16th September, 2006

not complicated, but fun. much better than your last games
Posted by 16th September, 2006

Thank you everyone for your comments and votes!

The game has been updated.
Alot of people got mad at me because of the lag once you get the fire power. NO MORE LAG! YAY!
I also lowerd down the RAM for the music and sounds so it can run smoothly.

If you liked Death Trap then go ahead and download.
Don't be too lazy!
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 17th September, 2006

Just fixed you download size, there's no such thing as a mkb.
Posted by Mruqe 17th September, 2006

Here's some advice concerning using large .wav files in your games:


If you want me to download make a lite version. I'm looking forward to it.
Posted by Moonyjacob 14th October, 2006

Custom movements for spikes stickers or anything is easy!! anyway downloading!!!!!!!!
Posted by Moonyjacob 14th October, 2006

well...can't say could of done better ALTO BETTER!! Intro music was terrible but the rest was fine and i liked the high-scores music!

-Make another of this but really improve the graphics on the frog but it's not the frog i only want to be seen that is in improved loads of other things too

-2 player mode would be gr8!!!! and if you can be bothed evan.......dare i say it!?!? 4player!!
Posted by 20th October, 2006

Lol, Thanks.
I see you attend to use alot of smilies..

I'm already working on Death Trap 2.. but i'll keep all your ideas in mind. Don't worry about being no multiplayer! Because there will!
Posted by Ganymede Graphics 18th November, 2006

I like the gameplay, very addictive indeed. Multiplayer as you said in Death Trap 2 would be a great aspect to add to this game.
Posted by DaVince 10th August, 2013
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I am making a post in a really old download.





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