Radix's first comment says pretty much everything I would have.
I have the occasional hit from a bong, but I stay away from cigarettes. The only time I touch them is if I get particularly drunk and feel like "being sociable", as it's known, because pretty much all of my mates are heavy smokers and that's just how they chill when we're at the pub.
I don't smoke, although I did pull 7 cones on Friday night.
That just makes me a stoner...and with the addition of 7 beers with those bongs...that'd make me an alcoholic stoner.
Come and annoy me more at
www.muggus69.tk STOUT ANGER!!!
you probably think im being harsh on smokers but a mate of mine died because he had asthma and pricks at school used to 'be cool' by smoking near him. so forgive me.
and yes JP, second hand smoke is bad.
if smokers killed themselves in thier own houses then woo! happy days. but when they do it outside, on buses, outside shops, in cafes then it becomes my fuckin problem.
I tried smoking only once (one of my friends said I should do it, which usually causes other people to get addicted to smoking as well) but somehow I screwed up (inhaled a bit too much ). But because of that I didn't do that ever again
So my advice thing is: if someone wants you to try smoking as well, just screw up and you won't get addicted to it
Pete Nattress Cheesy Bits img src/uploads/sccheesegif
Registered 23/09/2002
Points 4811
7th November, 2004 at 13:55:59 -
"2nd hand smoke is so minimal that there will be no noticable effect on your health."
bullshit. tell that to roy castle. oh wait, you can't, because he died from lung cancer - caused by passive smoking.
I don't smoke AND I don't drink ANY ALCOHOLIC DRINKS! I'm an absolutist!
...And PROUD OF IT!!
Beware, be alert, prepare to defend yourself, or just run for your lives(!), because
JarmoNator has entered the building... (see avatar)
that dark human beast is almost unstoppable, invincible and totally gone CRAZY!
I smell bad? aww man.
I never smoke but people I know smoke and they love it. I don't understand that one. Most people that smoke want to quit, but not my friends.